
reasons to build road in the middle of nowhere

actually there is already a great road in the reach, the king's road, but for Simon it is not of much use for his plan, because the king's road connects the main cities

However, in a feudal society and mainly in the plantations, where is the vast majority of the population? in the fields, isolated fields in the center of the territory of smaller noble houses that only have terrible roads

Building gravel roads in the center of the territory linking small villages and farms is Simon's real plan.

the common people live by barter, they work on the lands of the nobles and pay tax on what they produce and not in coins, they deliver most of the harvest and keep the rest

the little peasant feeds his family and if there is any leftover wheat they exchange it for other things with other peasants

So Simon's plan is to make roads and with the help of merchants create markets in places where farms and villages interconnect, if the peasant enters this market with the variety of products he will undoubtedly want to buy something, but for that he needs of coins and not barter

and in these markets who will buy the wheat, eggs and other extra foods of the common people? the Tyrell family

House Tyrell buys the extra food directly from other local noble houses and then resells it to other regions, but buying from peasants is cheaper than from nobles, this is a way around feudalism

With this, House Tyrell will have absolute dominion in food control, in times of war it will profit a lot.

other advantages are silently diminishing the feudal power that smaller houses have over the common people and strengthening Tyrell's control, in addition to being able to collect sales tax in these markets, decrease barter and increase the flow of coins and improve logistics throughout the region. .

There are only two downsides, the price of building the roads and having to negotiate the authorization of the noble owner of the territory where the road passes.

"brother, about 200 markets and traders already accept to pay some cost in exchanges of places for trade with little tax" Mace

"great brother, I think we should start building soon" Simon

"hahaha no need, already ordered to recruit workers, everything is starting" Mace said proudly

"Uncle, I don't understand why building roads in the middle of nowhere, wouldn't it be better to invest in the army?" loras

"nephew, you have great military talent, but you need to understand that to have a strong army you need a strong economy" Simon

Simon likes Loras, his nephew is talented and with good character, although sometimes he doesn't think before acting.

Simon presented Loras on his last birthday by taking two handsome men to his room, basically he's one of the only ones who accepts gay Loras

Loras also trusts his uncle, after all, the men he got as a gift made him so satisfied that he couldn't even walk straight for days.

The three continued to detail about the roads, Loras was not very interested in that he was eager to leave for the kingdom's capital and meet Renly.

Mace was eager to lead the construction personally and earn the nickname Mace the Builder.

As for Simon, he was thinking how to convince Margaery and give him the virgin pussy

Everyone had goals, and the Tyrell family silently grew stronger and more horny.