

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · ファンタジー
32 Chs

The Unknown Within

- Unknown Location, Inside a Castle -"Young Lord and Mistress, the negotiation went well. It was just like how you two predicted..." A playful smirk appears on the face of the lord and he answers. "Those fools..." The Mistress gets up from her throne and walks up to the servant. Giving the servant a pat on the head, she then starts talking. "Good boy~" gives another pat on the head to the servant then continues speaking. "Our plan will go accordingly without having to worry about any obstacles on our path." She then glances at the lord to get his approval. Not too long after, the lord also gets up from his throne and walks up to them. He starts talking while walking. "You may take your leave, loyal servant." Noticing the demeanor change on the lord's face, servant immediately bows in respect and shortly after leaves the throne room. The lord stands in front of the Mistress then starts speaking. "It was your idea to befriend the puny king. You better have a good reason for that." Mistress gets into a playful mood and speaks softly. "You worry too much, you will get wrinkles at such a young age you know~" The lord snickers and starts walking back to his throne. The mistress follows him to the throne as well while giggling.- Entera Kingdom Castle, Throne Room -Enfoure enters the throne room and shortly after bows in respect to salute the king. 

"Your Majesty, I have brought the creature, as requested." The king looks up and down at Yose. Deciding on how to start his sentence. 

"Are you aware...of what you are?" Yose gets taken aback by this question and responds. "I would say that I am a human but..." The King interrupts him and speaks. "So you are aware that you are different at the very least. I'll tell you this much...You are NOT supposed to exist." Yose immediately responds. "What? W-What do you mean?" With sheer confidence, The King nods at Enfoure. In mere seconds, Enfoure beheads Yose with his sword. Yose's head falls to the ground and the silence afterwards fills the room awkwardly...

Enfoure asks The King. "Your Majesty, was this really necessary?" The King, keeping his cool and being fully confident, responds to Enfoure. "Watch closely and learn Enfoure..."Enfoure stands close to the decapitated head while being alert, and notices that it doesn't move. It's eyes are closed, and the face has remained as stoic as it was when it was alive. After a couple of seconds, the head suddenly twitches and begins to move on the ground on it's own. Emitting a dark purple aura around not only the head but also the body. The right hand man steps back in shock and disbelief, while Yose's body slowly begins to stand up. Terrified by this outcome, Enfoure immediately takes a few steps back in shock and stands there awaiting to see what will happen next. The King raises his eyebrow in interest and also watches to see what will happen.The body of Yose kneels and picks up the severed head just to hold it towards The King. As if asking "Who just woke me up?". Enfoure remains frozen, unable to move due to the shock and disbelief on what is happening. After a few seconds, Yose? begins to speak, its voice raspy and hoarse. It's voice gradually becoming clearer and smoother as it gets used to speaking again after being decapitated. "Do you know who I am? Or rather...what I am?" Yose? asks, its tone calm and even. The King slowly nods his head in approval. "Then you know that killing me won't stop me," Yose? continues, its voice becoming more and more powerful as it speaks. "State your motive, King." He puts the head back in it's place where it belonged and it immediately fits like a glove, healing the scar in mere seconds. Yose? starts to stretch meanwhile, cracking his fingers, arms and neck as if trying to get used to the new circumstances.The King smirks in response and gets off his throne, cracking his knuckles.

"Grimorth, King Grimorth. Remember it well, Undead." Enfoure, finally getting over the shock, immediately gets into a stance expecting a fight. Being in the middle of both of them Yose?, gets into a fighting stance accordingly and utters...

Bring it.

"Yose?" with that question mark means that he is not himself. Yes, they are intentionally written like that.

ryuhidetakacreators' thoughts