

Telling the story of an half dog, half human in a fantasy world. Also on Wattpad with the same novel name. I apologize for the book-cover, I do not have one yet.

ryuhidetaka · ファンタジー
32 Chs


"This is your room, you can use it to your liking." Yagami says and Yose sees how big the room is, "Woah! This room is huge!!! I can do whatever I want with it? So cool." He enters and places the things he brought on the floor. Yagami watches Yose as he takes things out of his bags to place around the room while he leans against the doorway. "Due to your situation, the king ordered both me and Enfoure to look after you. So I thought of "Why not turn this into an opportunity?" I basically asked Ms. Micha to open a new class consisting of you, Enfoure and two girl students that will be also in this class who you didn't meet yet. We will go pick them up tomorrow and go on a mission from there. Today, we are just going to pay a visit to Enfoure. Try not to get too excited~" Enfoure! I hope he is feeling better, I'm the one responsible of hurting him... Yagami continues speaking, "You know, I thought about it for a bit. Why don't you just stay here meanwhile me and others investigate what type of being you are? I brought you here because I work here. I am a teacher after all." Yose turns around to speak, "I have made up my mind. No matter what happens, I will live my life like however I want even if I am helping the king." Don't try to change my mind, damn it!! Yagami suddenly starts smiling cheekily and speaks, "Okay to be honest there was no way of you just staying here while we do all the work you know~" Yose gets irritated and responds, "HEY! Was that to test me? You are getting on my nerves." Yagami continues talking, "Understanding and learning about immortal or undead beings has been far out of reach for humanity. If they were easy to understand, we would've done it ages ago. Long story short, it's a pain in the ass. However..." He walks to Yose and pats his head, "We have you now. In order to understand what is going on with other beings, we have to understand your nature first. You are basically a compass, your existence will lead us to information that we never knew about. You are able to somehow suppress that sinful soul inside you. From what the king told me, you are different than the undead he sealed years ago." I can't even die, but this amount of expectation is going to get me killed. Yose then asks a question, "How did he seal the last one anyway? You said that finding information about undead and immortal beings are so hard for humanity but how are you guys able to seal them?" Yagami then responds plainly, "The sword he wields has the ability to do so. That sword is truly a gift to humanity but no one knows it's source so everyone calls it 'Gift from the Gods'. The sword has thousands of years worth of history and there is only one of them belonging to Entera Kingdom. Interesting part is that not everyone can wield it. You have to be worthy to wield such object." Yagami asks another question, "Does that mean that the king has THAT much power?" Yagami smirks and responds, "He is powerful indeed, a worthy king."

"I see, I understand now." Yagami continues, "I also believe that one way or another we could possibly reach an agreement with the sinful soul inside you but for now...let's get going, you can settle in later nobody will take your belongings." Yose gives a nod and drops his bag. Yagami then starts to leave the room, only to notice Enfoure approaching them through the corridor. 

Yose's face lights up upon seeing this and immediately speaks, "Hey! I-" Enfoure responds before Yose finishes his sentence, "I'm better now, no need to say sorry. You weren't yourself."

Yose responds, "Alright, hope you are as good as you said." Enfoure replies, "Don't worry about me. Focus on yourself." Yose smiles and says, "I will, thank you." Yagami approaches a nearby window and peers outside. "So, you guys hungry?" Enfoure and Yose exchange glances before saying, "We are STARVIN!!!" simultaneously, laughing afterwards.

She says, "It really took a long time, but we are almost there, Zelah." Zelah sighs and replies, "Better be worth it, they always praise the schools of Entera." "I hear we were hand-picked because of our compatibility or something, I can't remember," Cali says, nodding. "Yeah, something like that," Zelah replies. "It seems that Yagami Sato was the one who selected us". 

"Yagami Sato?" THAT Yagami Sato, known throughout the world for his power?" Surprised, Cali asks. "Well, he is also a teacher and we will be his students alongside two other boys." Zelah says something back. "Are the boys also popular or something?" Again, Cali asks. Zelah answers, "One of the two is a half dog, half human."

 "Half what????"

It was funnier in my head.

ryuhidetakacreators' thoughts