In the restaurant. Max Lee meet his old friends and investors. Almost the prominent businessman is there including Don Alfredo.
"I thought you are not coming and I guess you are here. Nice to meet you Mr. Max Lee". Don Alfredo greet him.
"I guess you are a Chairman of Ponder Company. I see you in first time but you are familiar I don't when or where".
"I'm saw in the television I guess you saw me in some advertisements. My company is one of the bigtime brand in the Asia".
"But my brand is a king of brand in the Asia and some part of America". One of they friend sudden tell them.
"Your brands is a best in Asian and no comparison gentlemen". Mr. Centino sudden said them too.
"What ever it takes you also support me in the senate". Max Lee surprise his said.
"What? Are you run in senate? What party?". Don Alfredo asked him.
"Same with Armando's party. We are together run".
"So why you run as senator?". Max Lee asked him too.