
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 56 - S

"You and I aren't so different. "

The branch he steps on cracks at the misbalance on his chakra but Sasuke is already jumping onto another sturdier one before it gives in under him. He stops, takes a map from his bag, and opens it. It's filled with red dots and blue lines. Parts he's already searched and others with too many biters. He's been searching the surroundings from where the portal opened but so far there's been nothing coming up.

Though the last place he went had a town with a library that wasn't surrounded by those beings and he's discovered democracy by rummaging through the aisles.

It sounded like an answer from what little he's been able to understand. There are more ideologies and he really just wishes to sit and read, but it's already Sunday and the sun is starting to hide. He doesn't want to run when it's dark so the book about this world's politics rests heavily inside his bag alongside two other more.

He sighs, curls the toes of his feet that feel constricted inside the boots he now wears, and readies for another jump.

"Come on, bambi, look up," he hears someone mutter, stopping him dead in his tracks. The sounds come from far away and it's only thanks to his sharp senses that he manages to even pick it up. Then there's the sound of a projectile being thrown before it smacks flesh. Sasuke jumps somewhere near when the unmistakable sound of an animal dying reaches him.

He hides behind leaves and sees a man holding a weapon walking towards the bleeding doe. He's gruff-looking as the few people not from Woodbury that he's seen are. There's another smaller man with a cap following with similar slanted eyes as his own. He's smiling as he looks at the wounded animal, two dead squirrels on his hold.

"We're lucky, this will lasts us for two days at least."

The gruff man grunts as he starts lifting the doe and with practiced ease he bleeds him out, opens the soft belly, and takes the insides to then put them inside a bucket the smaller man carries, ignoring the look of utter disgust the other gives him.

"… I seriously don't think Beth gave me the bucket for that."

"We're close. Carol can make some soup with them. Let's go."

The smaller man nods absently, resignation written all over his face. "Probably for the better. Hershel says Lori's date is close. The baby could pop out any moment now. Better to save the meat for when that happens."

"You talk too much."

Sasuke ignores any more of their conversation and glances at the path that would take him to Woodbury before looking towards both men leaving. He probably shouldn't bother following but they're not that far from Woodbury, a couple of hours at best, and they seem to be from a settled group.

His fingers trace lightly the fabric of the bag by his side before he lets out a soft exhale. Sasuke then follows the two figures from above.

Being silent comes easily and even if the trees aren't as strong as they were in his world and he has to stay on top of some as he waits for them to advance, he still manages to not break any more branches.

It's an hour after, that Sasuke hears commotion ahead. The others below him don't notice but they still seem to know that danger is close. It makes him know that the place where their group must be staying in one surrounded by biters.

With a slight bend of his knees, Sasuke jumps to another tree, this time aiming for a higher place. He follows the noise until the forest recedes and then the building that the trees hide is revealed.

"It's a more secure place than Woodbury," Sasuke mutters as soon as he sees it. The fences are flimsy protection but the walls of the buildings inside are sturdy and the place seems easy to protect.

A quick recollection of the books he's read to understand better this world makes him know that what he's seeing is a prison as it doesn't seem like a place run entirely by the military.

The beings that surround the place seem to have noticed the two men he left behind as they start moving towards them. The people he's noticed are behind the fences but outside the buildings notice as well; they ready their weapons.

Sasuke has an idea of what's going to happen so he doesn't linger, choosing instead to inspect better the place; look for other entrances and weak points.

It's not until he's almost on the posterior part that he finds a liability. Part of one of the biggest buildings is partly destroyed, along with the fence. There are a great amount of biters wandering, but most seem to be inside. Only a couple are close to the bundlers.

He could use the hole to go inside without the people inside knowing. It would be easy to stick to the ceiling and go to the building they're using as living quarters. Killing them would offer him a secure place, but... He can make seals like I'm Woodbury to protect it from biters and even humans. He can construct traps to hunt and make the entrance harder. He can turn the place into a fortress.

However, make the electricity work, turn the ground into fertile soil, clean and organize everything in place: make the place habitable? That wouldn't be easy. He remembers his genin days doing C-ranks and while not difficult, they were strenuous jobs. Though what he learned while doing them will now be helpful in restoring the place. However, while Sasuke knows he can do it even if he recognizes it would be an arduous job to do, it would still be a waste of time when there are people here that could aid him.

Why to do it, when there are volunteers already working on them?

Sasuke smirks.

It's always good to have a backup plan. And a safe house is even better.

Looking up at the sky, he sees it's already late. It's not really cold, however, and there's a nice roof above the building hidden from prying eyes that he could use to sleep. So, nodding to himself, he jumps while he takes some paper and ink from his bag, a simple seal already in his mind. This place is not that far from Woodbury but it would still do good to have it tagged, that way he would be able to always find it.



Reviews fill my soul with motivation :D

Also if you wanna read chapters ahead, go to my p-a-treon/JorieDS

The next chapter is called 'Chapter 57 - K'