
Two Shinobis, a Fox, and The Multiverse

Naruto and Sasuke thought it would end by sealing Kaguya, but there's nothing to fear more than the anger of someone who's about to lose. With only a few seconds left to spare, new portals appear and, even if it's too late for her to go away, it's not for the ones in charge of the sealing to escape from going through one. Now that they're separated and trapped in a new world, what will they do? Will they survive or thrive? They're tired, injured, weak, and... Is that a human torso crawling towards him? . . The romance will appear when they meet up, after that it will be more than the afterthought it currently is. . . Current World: The Walking Dead

JorieDS · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs

Chapter 45 - K

"I need your help. Sophia knows this, so I'm just informing you: I got separated from my friend when we came here and I'm looking for him. I'm not as strong as I once was so I don't think I can make long trips. I need your help to accomplish that."

"I will help you," says Sophia, standing up from her seat. She then looks at the people around her. "I told you about him before. Nine saved me. He's taught me so much and while he can be somewhat grumpy, he's nice to be around and he's helped us a lot. I—I would like to travel with you and I would like it if you could come with us. But it doesn't matter if you don't want to help him, I will."

Sophia is standing straight, glaring at the grow-ups she once tried to make acknowledge her, daring them to tell them the contrary. It's so familiar that Kurama can't help the snort that escapes him.


Now she's looking at him with confused wide eyes and the snort turns into laughter. Because he pictures Naruto giving him that look after a speech and that's too good to hold.

"I'm serious!" she snaps indignantly.

"Oh kid, believe me, I know," he answers between chuckles, body sprawled on the floor. "Didn't you tell me you weren't going to give a speech? I give it five out of ten. Sorry, but heard too many of those and if it makes you feel better, it improves with time. You can go from changing criminals' hearts to demon beasts the size of buildings."

He snorts again. "Just don't use an orange jumpsuit."

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, what?"

He flips a tail at Sasha, not bothering to sit straight again. He likes the floor. "It's an inside joke. If you help me, you'll probably get to understand when we meet Naruto."

"What kind of guy is he anyway?" asks Adam, not as faced as the others with his change of mood. Kurama sits right once again.

"Let's just say that if a stranger would have asked him for help like I just did, he would instantly agree, not caring if the one asking is an innocent kid, a talking animal, or a criminal determined to destroy the world. Actually, he'd especially help the criminal. Then he'd make them see the error of their ways and they'd end up like best friends or something as crazy. Usually, a fight between ideals would happen before that."

A similar deadpan, disbelieving look is shared by the people around him and Kurama agrees with the feeling. He often feels it when he's with Naruto.

"He sounds like a nice guy," Sophia says, though she even sounds dubious. "You didn't mention him like that the other time."

"It's because he really is an idiotic, stubborn goof that goes face-first into a problem without thinking, too."

If possible, the incredulity on their faces increases.

"See? That's why I can't leave him alone. A personality like that asks for problems. And trouble finds him faster than I'd like, unfortunately."

"Do I want to ask how you became friends?" Sasha asks.

"I wouldn't say that he 'made me see the error of my ways', but I can't think of a better explanation, so let's go with that."

"But you say he's human. And that he gets into a lot of trouble." Tyreese looks around, as if not sure how to continue. "I mean, are you sure he's even alive?"

Kurama snorts. "He's fine. Not even a goddess could kill him. He's the ultimate cockroach."

"I thought you said he was your friend," Adam says, letting the 'goddess' bit slide.

"A nice cockroach then. So, are you going to help me? I can just offer protection and whatever energy I can waste on helping you from time to time. Nothing else."

There's another round of silent talking and Kurama's frankly getting bored of those. He still waits though. He's slightly sure they're going to agree if only because they know what he has to offer is more than that from the way he shrugged it off. Humans are good at taking advantage of dire situations.

"I'll help you with or without their help," Sophia murmurs as she sits next to him, her legs pressed against her chest. "I don't know if you consider me a friend, but I do. I owe you so much, Nine."

"I'm not good with this friendship gig but for what it's worth, thank you, Sophia."

She smiles down at him, blue eyes bright and blonde hair longer than it was before, noticeable even with the ponytail. She seems ready to say something else but Sasha clearing her throat makes them look at the other humans.

"I think we could help each other by staying together. Surviving is what's important these days and it's not as if we have an actual place to go, so... We agree, Nine."

Kurama dips his head in thanks. He doesn't think his ego would take saying 'thank you' out loud. One thing is saying it to Sophia, another is to them. It still doesn't feel enough though.

"Kurama," he offers. At her raised eyebrow, he clarifies, "Kurama is my given name. Not Nine."

Sasha smiles slightly. "Okay then, Kurama."

He makes a face, already regretting telling them his name. It just feels wrong to hear it say it by a human.