
Two Faces : Second Chance

After Bakugo told him to take a swan dive of the roof, he didn't feel sad or useless or anything, he just feels... Stupid. He feels very stupid. Why didn't he think of that earlier? *** Izuku woke up in a strange place. He wants to get up, but he can't move a finger. In front of him, a man is sighing repeatedly. The man look at him with a tired face. "Just why did you do that?" Deku wondered what this strange man was talking about. What did he do? As he wondered that, the strange man began acting strange. He repeatedly banged his head on the wall. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUMP OFF?!?!?" Ah, that? Cause his childhood friend told him too???

SAS3SSS · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Do You Trust Me?

-2 weeks later-

In a bar, a green haired boy with a rabbit hoodie is talking with someone in the TV screen.

"I met All Might 2 weeks ago." Deku said nonchalantly. The person in the screen is silent, appeared to be listening to him.

Deku who's used to the silence, continued,

"He's as unlikeable as you said. He's so full of himself just like Endeavour. If not because I don't want UA to be destroyed, I'd kill him right then and there." Deku rambled on this and that, then got impatient when the person on the other side is ignoring him. Yes, that guy's always quiet, but not this quiet.

"You still alive All for One?" Deku said sarcastically. Only then is there a reaction from him.

"Deku, do you trust me?"

"Thought you're dead for a second there Boss. Of course I trust you." Deku replied at the sudden and unexpected question. How could he not trust him?

All for One is the one who helped him control his powers when he first found out about it. If not for All for One, he might be one of those corpses littering the floor with no one to bury him properly.

Yes, he wanted to die before, but not after finding out he has a quirk. Dying by his own quirk is not the kind of death he has on his list.

"Then I need you to listen to me. Go to the coordinate that I send you."

"What do I do there?"

"Find that out yourself." He said his last words before the screen turned black.


Deku arrived in front of a big mansion that could pass an audition as a haunted house. He scratched his head while checking the coordinate All for One send him.

"It's the right one..." Deku mumbled before entering the mansion. Right when he arrived in the middle of the corridor, a kind of gas leaked from somewhere and immediately covering the whole space Deku was in. Caught of guard, Deku took a sniff before fainting right after.


"Ugh..." Deku opened his eyes abruptly before getting assaulted by the light. He blinked a few more times before adjusting. In front of him, is a screen that he guessed is as thick as 20 inches. On the other side of the glass he saw All Might with a mouse he believe his name is Nezu. They seemed to have already realize he woke up.

Deku got up from the bed and cracked his head. His guard is completely down since he know he can take care of them easily. That is until he realized he can't use his quirk.

He inspected his body. Even without the use of quirk, he was already trained by All for One to enhance his five senses. Now he can even see inside his body without a problem. When he peeked his insides, he saw a strange but familiar seal engraved on his heart.

'So that's why. Man, this suck.' he thought before looking around him. Inside the room he's in, there's nothing but white walls and a bed.

"Bed, pillow, and even a blanket? How nice of you to a villain." Deku smiled while Nezu follow suit.

"Well, it's nothing. Anyway Midoriya-kun-"


Silence followed next. On Deku's side, his fist is already planted on the 20 inches screen. There's a little crack on the screen. Deku opened his mouth while staring at Nezu with menacing eyes.

"Deku. It's Deku. Call me Deku if you don't want to use my Villain name but never... call me that."

After threatening Nezu, he too k a deep breath before going back to his harmless self, smiling. All Might swallowed his saliva while Nezu smiled wryly before continuing,

"Well, Deku-kun, do you know why we brought you here?" Nezu asked when his eyes glanced at the cracked screen.

'It's a 20 inches bulletproof screen... This monster.' Nezu felt like crying. Even after getting sealed, his physical is still crazy strong.

Deku looked at him like he just heard the dumbest question in the world.

"Is me being a villain not enough of an answer? Never mind that, where did you get the smoke and this seal?" Deku asked.

He wanted to know. He desperately need to know since he recognized the two items. Because...

It's the items All for One used to stop his quirk from rampaging.

Did Boss betray him? Why? No, he won't sound so serious if he did. Then, he must have his reason.

"I will tell you if you accept my proposal."

"I accept."

Deku accepted with no hesitation making Nezu have a dumbfounded expression on his face. He quickly composed himself before coughing.

" Ehem, I want to admit you as a student in UA."