
first and last

"Happy Birthday, Zachary."

"Happy Birthday, Jade."

Two lovers, come from complete different parents yet birthday twins.

They were home alone for their 18th birthday, new age into adulthood.

Zach lights the candles on both cakes, one on one side of the table, one on the other.

"Aw, thanks smoochy kins." Jade says as he goes from her candle to his "Building this table and lighting my cake, you know how to make a girl happy... And oh so horny.." she bends just a little so Zach had a perfect view of her C cup cleavage.

He chuckles "what is this, some bad porno?"

She lets out her constant accidental Channel West Coast laugh impression as he wonders if her hot body was really worth life with, but he remembers how she's the only hot girl ever interested in him, so he pushes the thought out of his mind.

They count down to three together and bend over, but just before they blow out their candles, the table starts to break in half.

The sounds makes them both straighten back up, then suddenly their sides of table disconnect.

The cakes sliding off, still burning candles hit both the bottom of Jade's period blood red poka dot dress and Zach's shit brown pants.

The fire alarm sounds as both Zach and Jade scream while running around trying to use some wind resistance to put out the fire or something, no one knows what they were thinking, for they were the stupidest couple in town.

Just before they got any series burns, the fire department arrives, bursting in the door and immediately putting out both doomed adults.

"Thank you, sirs. Ow, my-" Jade begins to say.

"Yeah, it doesn't look too serious but I suggest you still get it checked out, or on ice at least." One of the firemen say.

"Also may I ask," the other firemen jumps in "How did this happen? And also have you guys never heard of 'stop, drop, and roll'?"

"Only pussies do that, a little pain never hurt nobody." Zach explains

Jade throws a hand on Zach's shoulder, a little excited "babe, I think my clit got burned a little."

"Oh really? Well I think I know how to fix that."

Suddenly, their tongues are connected, making out ferociously before Jade pulls Zach with her as they fall to the floor.

She unzips his pants as he starts pulling down her underwear. Not a few seconds later both pairs of underwear and his pants are on the floor and he's inside her. Jade goes back and forth from "Ow, Ow" to loud squeaky moans.

After a little bit of watching the firemen look at each other. They study each other's faces and, with a shrug, they're Frenching it as they lean against a wall.

Suddenly, the one against the wall is flipped around and both of the firemen's pants drop.

The mailman comes to drop off birthday cards as he hears the loud moans from what seems to be three men and one woman moaning loudly.

"One girl gets three dick... What is this, some bad porno?" He chuckles to himself before putting the cards in the mailbox and leaving.