
Korra meets Scylla

After Korra comes from the spirit world Scylla was waiting. Do you wish to return the past lives from the Avatars? Who are you? Wait?! What did you just say? My family is linked to the Avatar.

But when the Avatar does something wrong we must talk to them. But in this case with you, I can help. But you must have a child with a past Avatar descent. Well a grandchild at least. What are you talking about?

This shall make root to restore the balance between the past Avatars. Is how to fix what you have done. But now their will be another problem. What is that? Now with you two Avatars will be made.

Both new and old two Avatars must be made. I will use the spirit of time. What do you mean? Avatar Kyoshi grandson. What? His name is Sharon. He is alive when Avatar Aang was still with us.

Sadly Avatar Aang must be young when he was alive. She opened a door. You shall return with a child of pair. Good luck. What about you? You will have a family member of mine who could help you. Good luck Avatar Korra.

Thanks. Five years later. Avatar Korra is back. How are you Avatar Korra? Here they are. Shin and Rin. They are cute. Can I use their blood and souls now? What?! It won't hurt them. How can you be sure. I have done this before.

You what?! I have done something similar for another person. Your blood and soul will return to original spirit for the Avatar. Rin and Shin started to glow. Like they are in the Avatar state. What is going on?

Just another Avatar spirit appeared. It was a new evil spirit but there was also the original spirit. Now this my good bye. What do you mean? After I do this I shall die. So please watch my children. Their are a lot like me.

Both with spirit and in the way they bend. My son is a water bender. But my daughter is an Air. Wait?! Air bender? Yes, she is. But my daughter is a little rogue. Thank you. No problem.