
Twilight: The Heavenly Demon

MC in his original world dies, reincarnated into Murim, becomes The Heavenly Demon. The world, of course, hates him and expels him. Then he arrives in Twilight. !!! DISCLAIMER !!! ALTERNATE UNIVERSE Twilight I've fixed my grammar, spelling mistakes, etc. So feel free to check it out, if you have any suggestions or advice please tell me, and yeah, hope you enjoy my fics. I only own my OC and the cover picture, Twilight is not mine. You can support me here and get chapters in advance; p@treon.com/tikuskecetit

tikuskecetit · 映画
47 Chs


I woke up the next day with me hugging Alice like a pillow. She was grinning happily, so I immediately sat on the bed, feeling a bit embarrassed. Then she kissed me on the cheek.

"Good morning, honey," Alice said teasingly.

"H-honey?" I said with a look of surprise.

"Yeah, I came up with that name for our nickname. You don't like it?" Alice said.

"Of course, I don't mind it, and you can call me whatever you want. Anyway, good morning to you too," I said while holding onto the last word.

"Hm? Come on, say it," Alice said while teasing me.

"Honey," I said. Then suddenly, she kissed me passionately. After about 10 minutes, we parted our lips.

"But why?" I asked her.

"Because we've already slept together," Alice replied with a smirk on her face.


"Alright, but we only use this name when we're alone, okay?" I said while stroking her hair.

"Fine...." Alice said with a pouting face, but she let out a smirk after.

"Oh yeah, one more thing, keep our last night's conversation to ourselves, alright?" I said again to her, and she nodded with a serious face.

'Is she acting like this because of last night?' I thought to myself. Well, I don't mind it. I was just surprised since no one had ever called me like that. Well, there was one, but she's already dead. She was the grandma who taught and took care of Cheon Ma before I took over his body. I didn't remember her because I was reincarnated there when she was already dead.

Anyway, I got out of bed and took a nice cold shower after Alice. She was pouting when I said I'd shower after her. After that, I made a cup of tea for myself and sat in the living room.

"Here, I already packed up your bag and prepared everything," Alice said, handing me the bag.

"Thank you, Alic- honey," I thanked her and almost slipped up my tongue.

"You're welcome, honey," she said while smiling sweetly.

"Anyway, I'll ride my bike today since I feel like it, and I want to enjoy nature too," I said to Alice.

"Alright, then I'll go home first and prepare my things," Alice said and kissed me on the cheek before she went out immediately.


I'll let her do whatever she wants, but she's too reckless because she doesn't realize that her family is not here to pick her up. She also doesn't contact them to arrange a pick-up. Well, I'll just pretend that I didn't see or hear anything if she or the Cullens ask me about it later.

Anyway, I went to the garage and took out my bike, and then I'm off to school. I met the Cullens on the way, and they offered me a ride, but I refused and told them that I wanted to enjoy the scenery. They just shrugged, and I saw Alice waving at me, encouraging me, and telling me that they'd wait for me in the parking lot.


(At School)

-MC Pov-

As soon as I entered the parking lot, the students' gazes were all over me. Curiosity, confusion, and some giggles and laughter. But I was saved by the one and only protagonist, Bella. She's like a magnet. As soon as she pulled up to the parking lot, everyone's attention was on her. I just chuckled at her 'insecure' face and went to the Cullens.

"Hey guys," I greeted them again, and they just nodded, while Alice immediately hugged me, and we smiled at each other.

"Emmett, can I put my bike in your car for safekeeping?" I asked Emmett, and he nodded, giving me a thumbs up.

'Hmm...let's see if he's here,' I thought to myself and began scanning the room in search of Edward, and I found him already sitting in class. I immediately filled my surface thoughts with Alice, so he would see or read me thinking about Alice all day.

The first class went by just like that, with nothing special happening. Some classmates were talking about me and my bike, but I just ignored them as I always did. I went to the second class and saw Edward there.

'Hehe, let's see if he'll talk about me and Alice,' I thought to myself while walking up to Edward and sitting beside him.

"It's been a while. Where've you been, man?" I greeted him, patting his back, and he seemed uncomfortable, hahaha.

"I can see that you're dating my sister Alice," Edward said.

'Hoho...straight to the point, huh,' I thought to myself, but not in my surface thoughts.

"Yes, what about it?" I asked him.

"Nothing," Edward replied with a frown, and sometimes I could see a slight smile on his face. I just shrugged at that.

I imagined that he had already read my surface thoughts. I think the reason why he was frowning was because he was afraid that I would expose their secrets. The reason why he was smiling was because he was happy to see that Alice was happy with me by her side, so Edward didn't have to worry about her anymore.

After that, the class went by as usual, and then it was time for lunch. I met Alice on the way there, and she immediately gripped my hand, and we walked together to the cafeteria.

(At the Cafeteria)

We sat at our usual table, and as always, the Cullens passed their food to me. Alice sat on my lap, earning jealousy and anger from the virgin brats. We just ignored them and chuckled. Alice kept feeding me to make them more jealous.

Edward arrived last and sat at our table. I could see him and Bella staring at each other, unable to separate their gazes. So, I decided to tease him a little bit.

"I think your brother has a crush on her," I said to Alice in a hushed voice so Edward couldn't hear me. Of course, he heard me, as did the others.

"With whom?" Alice giggled, and the others joined in. Edward pretended not to hear me.

"There, with the girl at that table, looking in our direction," I said, pointing with my eyes at Bella's table.

"Is your brother a creep? Why is he staring at her like that?" I continued. Alice giggled, but the others laughed silently, except for Emmett, who laughed out loud, earning surprised looks from the other students. Rosalie immediately slapped him on the back.

The students went back to what they were doing, and Edward stared at me with an annoyed look. I just chuckled and went back to eating my food, with Alice occasionally feeding me. Lunch was over, and we went to our respective classes.

In the last class, I was with Bella. She kept questioning me and Alice, but I just said "Yes" all the time and ignored her. I knew she was trying to get me to talk about Edward, but I dodged that. Time passed, and it was time for the students to go home.

At the parking lot, I could see Edward staring at Bella again beside his silver car. The Cullens were also looking at her. I knew this was the crash scene, so I began to execute my plan.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with us, Kael?" Emmett asked, and I just nodded.

"Okay, Alice, see you soon, and you guys too," I said, putting the seatbelt on Alice while the others got into their cars.

"Let's see where the van is," I began scanning, and I sensed that it was near. "Hehe, it's time to execute the plan," I thought, while waiting for the van.

( A/N - The Plan --> )

When the van was about to enter the parking lot, I immediately rode my bike around the parking lot toward Bella and her truck. And then...


*Tire noises*


The van hit me and my bike but managed to slide towards Bella. Then Edward immediately appeared in front of her, stopped the van, and saved Bella.

"Arrgghh." I cracked some of my bones with my internal energy and pretended to groan in pain while holding my legs and my stomach. Then Alice immediately appeared beside me. I peeked a little and saw that she was looking at me with a horrified face and I could see her worried expression.

"Alice! We have to get out of here!" Edward said to Alice, but she was just standing beside me like a statue, not moving at all.

"N-No..no...no..." Alice muttered in a restless tone. She felt like crying right now, but she couldn't.

"Alice! He'll be fine, so let's go!" Edward approached Alice, but after he saw Alice in her state and not moving at all, Alice was immediately carried by Edward and they were gone.

I went silent for a second and peeked with one of my eyes to look at Bella. She was still confused and surprised, but then the students began swarming her and checking her condition.

But wait...why is no one coming to check on me and ask about my well-being? Didn't they see me lying down here? Somehow, I can feel the world is laughing at me.

'You fucking shit! I knew that you were playing with me right now!' I cursed inwardly, but then I realized that I had made Alice sad. Sigh...I guess my teasing had backfired on me.

"I'm fine, guys, but..." Bella said and looked towards me, and the students began to look at me as well.

"Just leave him be, I already called 911 and the ambulance will arrive soon. Let them take care of him." one of the students said, and the others nodded in agreement. Then they began asking about Bella's well-being again and ignored me.


I couldn't utter any words and just lay on the ground, staring blankly at the sky. I couldn't even pretend to be in pain right now...Sigh, I decided to just close my eyes and wait for the ambulance to take me to the hospital.





Author's note

I know this sounds stupid but I don't care anymore lol


tikuskecetitcreators' thoughts