
Twilight Online!

A man who lost everything and became a Knight for Love only to fall into despair. He lost everything to the emptiness of the void and the gods that laughed at his struggle Only to be reborn in the modern world where technology and peace are. Looking to find a new hope in his new life he finds a brand new world... Twilight Online! Where he can be not a warrior or a mage but a Summoner! Calling out the beasts of old to his side to conquer this new world! Before the darkness of the void finds him again.....

ZeroMorningstar · ファンタジー
23 Chs

POV- Rose Starlight.

POV- Rose Starlight

Rose saw Nyx lying on a bed in the inn. Golden light started to surround him. An orb of golden light that was hovering above him vanished before her eyes. She thought it was the animation of logging out. The orb was them or their soul, according to the game's lore. It was being transferred from this world to ours. She looked at his cute face sleeping in the game. Then he saw Snow still chewing on the chicken bone sitting next to him on the bed protecting her partner.

She liked Snow. She was so cute. She will be very popular with the stream chat. So much happened today with her awakening and her finally dating Nyx. She needed to leave the game to think about this. She brought up her stats and looked at the doorway icon. "Bye Bye, little Snow. Be good and keep us safe, okay," she said. Snow yipped and she chuckled as she logged out.

In a Snap she was back in her room that had a lot of purple and red. Her room was not like people at school saw her. She had a lot of anime figures ,video game consoles and a PC. She had some romance and fantasy books that she loved reading. Very old-time movies like Harry Potter that her mom still had from back before World War 3. She loved classics back then, it was a time of peace and so many ideas back then.

She looked at her phone and changed Nyx's contact name to Bf with a heart next to it. She was feeling giddy inside at the thought of finally being able to date her first crush. Ever since she met Nyx when she was four she would always feel so drawn and wanted to connect with him. Everyone else in her life wanted to be her friend because of her last name. Starlight owns Starlight Industries after all. After the war, the company founded. It helped shape the future as we know it. They made the first car that could hover and a new power source rather than oil for cars.

Starlight company has made mankind more advanced. They have sped us toward a new age of technology. Even being about to transport the human mind into a digital world. The reason why that was so needed was because say for example in the future earth is not liveable anymore. Then we can transport our mind into a digital world and be safe there and humanity could live on. Anyway, she forgot about the thought of the company that has caused her social life to be a mess. 

Nyx was pretty much perfect to her. His Mother's company was much richer than her Aunt's Company as well. Morningstar Industries was a miracle company. It popped out of nowhere. They were able to cure diseases and long-term illnesses that before could not be cured at all. They even found a cure for the dreaded cancer. They streamlined it before the government could cover it up. At least that was a theory on what people online thought which they would not be that far off. 

Rose continued to look at her phone looking at all the messages from her fake friends. She blocked the ones that talked bad about Nyx a long time ago. She sighed. Now, she had to deal with people who want to know about Nyx. They saw her on his stream. "Fake people always want to know a person when they start getting known and famous. Oh, it seems Nyx reached 10k subscribers on Youtube and Twitch. Then he also has gotten 20k followers on his Starlight account. I can't wait to see how much he gets when we go back to school."

She kept scrolling on her phone. She was looking at comments about the stream and how people liked it. Until she heard a soft cute meow coming from her doorway. She got up from sitting in the pod,ran towards the doorway and opened the door. Greeting her was a black cat with yellow eyes."Bee were you waiting for me for all these hours? Let's get you some food you cutie." She picked up her cat who looked at her with her cute eyes and meowed at her again at the mention of food.

Rose loved her cute bee to death. She remembered that she got her from Nyx for her birthday when she was 16. It was one of the best birthdays she ever had. Even though Nyx did not show emotion she could tell he cared about her a lot. The First time she was sad about something the next day he baked her cookies and had his hands covered in bandaids. Auntie Anna snitched on her son and told her that he stayed up all night to make cookies for her. Everyone else saw him as a weirdo without emotion, but she could see that he had more emotion than anyone else.

She walked downstairs and saw her mom still up. Her mom was making a plate of food. She had made fried chicken cutlets with rice and a salad. A simple but nice meal for the night and she preferred that since she needs a balanced diet. Her mom noticed as she turned around and finished making her meal. "Oh hey honey, how was the game with Nyx? Or should I say our future son-in-law. After all, we all saw that kiss today and that cute romantic moment."

Rose blushed at the thought of her parents watching their romantic moment. She was so gonna get revenge on them for teasing us. "Well, we had a good time. On Monday, we are planning to go on a date. Also please don't call him son-in-law, it is not like we are getting married tomorrow." She gave her mom a glare who chuckled at her response. 

"Well, I don't know about that. When you were little you always yelled you wanted to marry Nyx when you were older. When we mentioned another boy, you would say My Nyxie is better than him." Her mom laughed. She saw Rose's face turn bright red when remembering that. Her stupid younger self announced her feelings without any second thought. She wishes she could go back in time and make her past self shut her mouth.

Well, I'm glad you and Nyx are together now, not someone else. Nyx is like his father. He's very respectable and sticks to good morals. Yet, he is not good at showing emotion, like him, which is cute." Rose nodded at her mom's words. Nyx looked a lot like Uncle Zero with his black hair and face. But, his eyes were bright blue like his mom's. She has only a few pictures of Uncle Zero and he was very scary. Nyx's father fought in World War 3 with her father. The only reason he is alive today is because Uncle Zero took a bullet for him. 

Uncle Zero was a hero to her. She wanted to be strong like he looked in the pictures. That's why she chose a warrior to become strong and protect Nyx when he needed it. Also, she loved kendo. It was her favourite sport, other than martial arts. "Well, I like Nyx for many reasons, Mom. But, the main reason is because he has a big heart that needs support. I want to be that support.""

Her mom looked at her with a shocked expression for a moment and smiled. "That's what your Aunt Anna said about Zero back then. She wanted to be the support he could always return to. I am proud of you, my little flower, for being kind of Nyx. Now let's eat. I am tired of all the news about future grandbabies."

Rose rolled her eyes and smiled, then made a plate of food. She sat next to her mom. She remembered the time she first met Nyx. Over the years there is one thing she can say about spending time with him. She would never regret any moment she spent with him."MOM STOP STEALING FROM MY PLATE! I AM DOING AN ANIME MONOLOGUE IN MY HEAD!"

Hello, people of the internet are welcome to my book Twilight online. The past two books are in Hiatus due to not planning enough but they will be back and improved and edited and reworked.

Now if you want to be 2 chapters ahead my patreon is patreon.com/ZeroMoringstar.

Also you can be in the stream chat as well with a username

I will also take into account fan requests on characters and types of classes they want to add that fall into the general categories.

Also if you just wish to support me and join the community then the discord is


Anyway leave a comment and enjoy the story I am writing for fun but any support would be helpful so thank you. I am a novice but I am trying my best. I will be trying to get better as I go.

ZeroMorningstarcreators' thoughts