
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · 都市
64 Chs

Selling her body to men?

"Who are you?" Lina asked in an angry tone.

She didn't need the painting, infact she felt it wasn't that beautiful to look at but she had felt insulted when the Woman had said she was ignorant at first, that was why she had made up her mind to fight over it with the woman. How delightful she was with the chanceto humiliate the woman before everyone eyes. She didn't expect anyone would try and step up for the woman.

Gisele had not wanted to meddle in the issue but the arrogant lady was just being too much. She was clearly the unreasonable one but she had succeeded in making everyone push the blame on the other lady. It was too much seeing the woman endure all that insults. The woman might have acted out of anger but she didn't look like the type that would put up an act to impress people.

"Don't you think you're being too much?" She turned and asked the woman displeased. It was just a painting, there was no need to disgrace the lady to that extent.

"Too much? Who do you think you are!" Lina spat out angrily. She was never the kind of woman to be reprimanded. She hated the fact that the girl was such a beauty plus she had spoken to her in such a degrading tone

Who does she think she was?!

Hmph! She was probably just a rich man toy, so what gives her the right to question her actions.

"Oh I know! You are one of her family" she pointed out as if she was very sure.

What a coincidence cause the two were really family members. They themselves were not aware of this fact. The Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law could not recognize themselves as they had not met each other before. It was funny that they would meet at a situation like this.

Gisele didn't accept neither did she refuse the women's words. There was no point answering such a stupid person. She knows these types of ladies, they thought they were rich and because of that they loved to trample on whosoever got in their way. The woman reminded her of Grandma Andres and Roxanne so she was even more disgusted by her.

She turned at gave the bag to Claudia. "Ma'am You seem to have lost your phone and your wallet, do you need my phone to call anyone you know?" She offered politely.

Claudia heaved a sigh of relief, she felt lucky to have met this god sent angel. Now she was sure she could leave with her painting.

"Yes_" she hasn't even finished her words when she cut off.

Lina was angered when the girl ignored her. It was clear the girl was looking down on her and treated her like a peasant. There was no way she would take that lying down.

"Now I know! You had been confident before because you have a family member who could give you the cash. How could you so comfortably spend the money she get from selling her body to men?. It's obvious she keeps a lot of rich lovers".

Simultaneously Gisele and Claudia's brows locked in a deep frown.

Claudia was annoyed by Lina's statement. It was insulting and degrading to the heights. She never the judging type. She didn't know the girl from before so even if she really had such characters, she would overlook it and see the girl as a good person since she had been kind enough to help her in public. Besides the girl was not offering her any cash, she was just offering to help call her family for her.

Gisele too was deeply annoyed. Before so many eyes and ears she had been labeled as a slut, how could she not be angry?.

She was right after all, the woman was really a crazy bitch!

She walked to the woman briskly and her palms flew across her cheeks. "I don't usually disrespect elders but I won't sit still when I am insulted." She warned coldly.

Everyone were stumped but not by her actions. With the rays of the sun dancing on her figure and the gentle breeze blowing through her hair, the girl looked breathtaking especially when she slapped the woman.

Whoa what a beautiful sight!.

"You!" Lina held her cheek in disbelief and yelled.

She had not expected the girl would directly slap her in front of so many people. The girl had that innocent and righteous aura who knew she could act so fiercely.

"You're an elder, it's disgraceful to see you speak like this in public. It speak volumes of your lack of manners" Gisele continued reprimanding. The woman had no respect so it was useless speaking to her respectfully too.

"b*tch don't act righteously in front of me. It's not like I was wrong. Who doesn't know what girls with your kind of face do? Going around snatching women husbands and sleeping with men twice your age" Her cheeks stung painfully from the slap still not as painful as her heart. She was so angry that she began saying everything inside her mind.


Another slap rang out again. This time it wasn't Gisele doing the slapping.

Claudia couldn't stand it anymore, she walked forward and slapped the woman. She normally wouldn't act like this in public but the woman's character had gotten on her nerves "I have never seen a woman as vile as you are. You should be ashamed of yourself. You are absolutely not fit to be an elder"

"You wench!" Lina charged at her angrily but before she could even touch her, she was dragged away by the security that had come. The gallery attendant had seen the issue was turning out to be a chaos so she called the security. Unfortunately for Lina she ended up being the one the security dragged out.

Her screaming voices filled the places and she was being led out of the gallery. She would have been escorted out in a Dignified manner but her struggling and foaming made her being carried out like a criminal.

Since she was gone. The drama ended and the crowd that had gathered dispersed. Gisele was left with the gallery attendant and the woman she had helped.

"Ma'am please pay for your painting" The attendant requested politely.

Claudia frowned. Because of the annoying woman she had not even gotten the chance to call her people to bring her purse and phone. Even if she called them now, it might take a while before they brought her things over.

"How much is she supposed to pay for the painting?" A gentle voice rang out from beside her. She turned and saw the girl that had helped her. She was holding up her phone and looking at the attendant.

Was she going to pay for her?

"500000" The attendant answered and mentioned that because of the earlier inconveniences that they were giving her a discount.

Gisele scanned the QR code and did the transfer. She didn't have much but there was just enough to pay for the ladies debt. It wasn't for free. She would make sure the lady returned it later.

"It's confirmed. Please excuse me while I package your painting" The attendant said and left to go packaged the painting.

"Miss you didn't have to. Lending me your phone would have been enough" Claudia said. She was grateful to the girl for paying her debts.

She shook her head and explained. "It's just to get you out of here. You can return the money to me when you finally get you phone and your purse"

Claudia was relieved the girl said she could return the money. For a second there it had come to her mind that the girl might have recognized her and was using this method to get close to her and get in her good books. She was wrong after all. They girl didn't seem to know who she was.

"That's okay. My car is packed at a mall around her, you should come with me, I'll send the money over to you once I get my phone"

The attendant came back with the packaged painting. Claudia didn't collect it, instead she gave the attendant the Montero Family address and asked her to deliver it there. After that she and Gisele left the gallery's together.

Instead of walking, Gisele offered to drive both of them to where the woman had packed her car.

Looking at the expensive car the girl was driving. It was obvious she had money or was related to someone who has. They might have introduced themselves to each other but she didn't ask her any personal question. The girl's private life was none of her business. Just like how she had also not discussed her private life with the girl. She didn't even tell her she was from the Montero Family.

They got to where Claudia's car was packed. Gisele was stunned by the line of convoy that had come her. The woman was no ordinary woman, she was really wealthy and also a good woman. How unfortunate that she had to experience such a scene all because she left her purse behind.

They transferred back the money and Claudia also exchanged numbers with the girl. The girl was one of a kind, if she hadn't initiated exchanging numbers then the girl would just had left right after collecting her money back. She was unfazed by the things she saw.

Eventually they patted ways.