


A small crack sounded throughout the room as a languid figure resting on a plush beige couch opened up a Coke can. The figure took a small gulp of the beverage and then placed it down on a coaster on the long glass coffee table in front of them. Taking a lone book from the coffee table the figure opened the book reading calmly. 

The figure was an incredibly beautiful woman, she possessed a delicate charm that effortlessly drew the gaze of others. Her sage green eyes made onlookers feel as though they were looking into a dense forest, light foliage surrounding them. Her eyes were able to show the complex depths of her emotions, they sparkled when she displayed her keen intelligence and intense curiosity. Long auburn tresses cascaded in soft waves around her face, framing her soft porcelain complexion, perfect like warm jade. Her slender, lithe figure carried an air of grace and nobility, curvaceous in a way that one would find beautiful instead of vulgar. 

The way she was resting on the couch would encourage any who saw her would feel an intense desire to listen to her beck and call. However, it was just her alone in that room. The woman was reading silently lazily taking small sips from the Coke in front of her. She was abruptly interrupted by her phone loudly ringing, she picked up the phone and put it on speaker. 

"Hey Clementine! What are you doing? You should be over here celebrating with us!" A loud cheery voice chirped.

"Stephanie you are way too loud. I wanted to relax before I went to go surprise my boyfriend for our third anniversary. Besides, you know I don't like going to loud parties." Clementine responded lazily as she shifted her position on the couch and closed the book. 

"Boo, your no fun. You should've had a little fun before going to hang out with your dumb boyfriend!" 

"He's not dumb. Besides, I think you have some explaining to do. What's with this book recommendation? I knew I shouldn't have trusted you, you probably only chose this book because I share my name with the silly cannon fodder." 

"That's not...true." 

"I knew it. I bet you didn't read the book otherwise I would have thought you were asking me to die pitifully like the little cannon fodder!"

"No! I'm sorry I just thought it would fit your style, you didn't like it when I recommended that hardcore erotica novel last time." 

"Well, it is better than the last book you recommended. Don't worry I'm not mad." 

A loud alarm interrupted the conversation. Clementine looked down at her phone and read the name of the alarm; 3rd anniversary. 

"Well Stef I'll call you later but I got to go and surprise my boyfriend!" Clementine said lifting herself off her couch and tidying up her clothes. 

Clementine hung up the call after receiving a goodbye from Stephanie. She walked towards the front door grabbing her car keys and a small white gift bag. 


When Clementine was unlocking her boyfriend's apartment she wasn't expecting to have her entire world shatter before her. She heard the sounds before she saw it but she didn't want to believe it. Leading up to her boyfriend's room was a scattered mess of clothing the most damning of it all was a black lacey bra. 

White hot rage bubbled in her stomach as her vision went white. Her body reacted before she realized what was happening, she busted open the door and dragged the naked girl out of the bed to slap her across the face. The scream woke everyone in the room from their trance. 

Her boyfriend glared at Clementine as he rushed forward to wrap the girl in a blanket and protect her modesty. Clementine laughed at this production, how dare he protect his side piece and act like she was in the wrong. 

"Clementine how dare you! What do you think you are doing!" The man roared. 

"What do you think I'm doing I'm punishing a shameless home wrecker for sleeping with my man," Clementine yelled trying to grab the girl and get a better look at her. 

That's when she realized who was in his arms. It was one of her oldest friends from college, it was Liliana Castillo. Clementine could have never believed that someone she trusted so much would betray her like this. 

"So how long has this affair been going? How long have you gone behind my back to sleep with my best friend!" Clementine scowled. 

Liliana cried pitifully into the man's body this only spurred the man to protect the weak delicate figure in his arm. 

"Don't blame Liliana just because you have no charm. You're only jealous because I love her more than I've ever loved you!" He proclaimed very confidently. 

"Ha, that's hilarious. It's over asshole I'm breaking up with you! Have fun with someone able to compromise their morals and become a mistress!" Clementine yelled leaving the apartment quickly. 

Clementine was fighting back tears as she rushed out of the apartment complex and to her car. She opened the door in a fury sitting down before screaming a bit. It was the most terrible day, she regretted not going to that party with Stephanie earlier. After calming down a bit Clementine started to start her car to leave this wretched place when she was suddenly interrupted by a phone call from Stephanie. 

"Clem this bad! Look at the internet now! It's trending on the news!" Stephanie cried anxiously. 

Clementine quickly turned on her phone and accessed the internet. There it was trending on the afternoon news report. 

[Breaking News!]

The patent for EcoHarvest Energy Matrix has been issued. Liliana Castillo one of the proteges of the illustrious Dr. Elara Hawthorne is the proud creator of the invention which the professionals in the field call revolutionary. Liliana Castillo's incredible invention is being unveiled soon at the Tech Vanguard Summit this July...

Clementine thought she was seeing red. That b*tch even stole her invention. She had spent three years working on it, she had worked odd jobs here and there to fund her project. She had shown Liliana some of the specs of her project and Liliana had even encouraged her when Clementine was on the verge of scrapping her project and returning to her old office job. She couldn't believe the depths that this snake was willing to go to destroy her life. 


Clementine didn't remember the drive to the convenience store. She ignored all the calls from concerned friends, she didn't want to hear their pity. All she wanted was to drown her sorrows in cheap beer. She purchased two cases of beer and began drinking like crazy. She had drunk five before before she was kicked out of the convenience due to her loud drunken crying. Even in her drunken stupor, she knew better than to drive in her current state so she decided to walk around a bit while she continued to drink. She knew it was stupid to keep drinking but she was emotionally devastated and she didn't care anymore. 

She walked wobbly across the bridge stopping in the middle to cry a little bit before taking another long swig of her beer. 

After twenty minutes of mopping Clementine sloppily pulled herself up when she was suddenly bumped from behind. Clementine lost her balance as she tipped forward and over the railing of the bridge and she fell into the river below. 

The cold biting water sobered her up immediately, she tried to swim to the surface but she never was the accomplished swimmer. Slowly she grew tired her limbs feeling heavy, she was losing oxygen quickly. Her lungs stung and burned the the loss of oxygen but there was nothing she could do. Eventually, she stopped struggling, her eyes getting heavier and heavier, she was dying. 

I don't want to die! I haven't destroyed that shameless b*tch and scumbag! It's not fair! 

Her mind became foggy and finally she closed her eyes and drifted off. 
