



One more day.

One more day before I turn 16.

One more day before I shift into my wolf.

One more day before I can search for my mate. The person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I have always wanted one, having heard such amazing stories from other mated couples, I just couldn't wait. I hoped that he would be an amazing guy with the kindest heart.

Mom and Dad decided to have my party the night before, so when midnight strikes I would be able to see if my mate was in our pack. I really hope he was, or she, in some cases. Though I just get the feeling that it will be a guy.

Though, if I'm being honest, I just kept hoping that Adrian's my mate. Ever since I saw him, I just always had these butterflies around him. He made me feel special, he didn't even have to try. I know that it's a long shot that he would be my mate, but I still have hope.

Everything lately has been amazing. Theo found someone to love, Mom and Dad have never been better and I'll finally be a full grown werewolf. I always hated having to run in human form with the pack.

/"You keep smiling like that, and your mouth will stay that way./" I hear Mom say from behind me. I turn away from the mirror to face her, still smiling.

/"Sorry, I'm just so excited. I'll finally have someone who will love me unconditionally. I want what you and Dad have. Someone I can rely on./" I say to her honestly before turning back to the mirror and fixing my hair. I smooth out my dress before facing her again.

/"How do I look?/" I ask her nervously, I don't want to look bad for my mate. I admit it, I'm one of those girls who thinks that I need a man in my life, and I own it. I'm not embarrassed to say it, not one bit.

/"You look beautiful Callie, but remember you might not even find him tonight. Okay?/" I nod my head. I understand that some people don't find their mates instantly, I'm willing to wait. I want all of my firsts with my mate. I've never kissed someone before, and never had a boyfriend. I mean sure, I've a had a few crushes but I never acted upon them. I respect my mate not to do that.

/"You ready? 'Cause everyone's here./"

/"I think so./" I say nervously as I look at my mother. Dad got so lucky when he found out that she was his mate. They always told me that they had problems in the beginning but never explained it further.

She smiles at me before heading downstairs and out to the party. I head over to the window and look down at everyone in the yard. I smile happily as I see Theo and Izzy talking happily, everyone seems so happy. My eyes snap over to the forrest when I see some movement. I take a closer look but don't see anything. I shrug my shoulders before heading out the door. I quickly make my way down the stair case before standing by the closed door. I take a deep breathe in and release it slowly.

The doors slowly open and I see everyone smiling over at me. I smile back at them happily, making my way outside. I notice a couple guys looking at me, but I try not to notice. I go and greet everyone before I drag Izzy to the dance floor. We dance for a while before she suddenly stops.

/"What's wrong?/" I ask her as she looks behind me. I turn around and see Theo seeking into the woods. I raise my brow in question and turn back to Izzy.

/"I'm gonna go check on him./" She says before walking after him. I look around and see that it will be my birthday soon, a few more minutes. I bite my lip in anticipation as some of my friends surround me.

/"Alright everyone, its almost time! Fifteen more seconds. Lets count down!/" Mom says over the speakers before everyone begins to count down.






/"Mate./" I whisper as I breath in the most delectable scent that I have ever smelt. Everything around me seems to disappear as I begin to approach my mate. I eventually make it to the kitchen and see one person there.

His back is facing me but I already know who it is. He's wearing a tight black shirt with dark blue jeans and sneakers.

/"Adrian?/" I call out as I try to keep my wolf at bay and not let her take control. He turns around quickly and I gasp at the site of his eyes. Adrian’s wolf is in control.

/"Mate./" He growls out possessively, which in turn only makes my wolf purr in delight. He approaches us slowly before pushing us against a table. Before I get a chance to speak he captures our lips in a searing kiss. I moan softly as I run my fingers through his hair. I feel his arms wrapping around my waist before moving down and grabbing my ass.

/"Adrian.../" I whisper softly and out of breath. He growls, looking up at me.


And my wolf takes over.


I hear shuffling around me with someone cursing softly. My eyes flutter open and I look over at the noise and see Adrian rushing around the room. I sit up and asses the situation. I mated with Adrian last night. My mate. I blush softly and smile up at him before frowning in confusion when he throws his clothes on quickly.

/"Adrian? What are you doing?/" I ask him nervously. He stops moving and sighs, turning to face me.

/"Look Callie, last night was a mistake. None of this was supposed to happen, okay. We may be mates, but I don't accept this-/"

/"Adrian, don't do this. Please-/"

/"I Adrian Cavil, reject you Callie Black as my mate./"

Then he was gone.

I cried, and cried. The pain was too much, I thought I was going to die. It felt like someone was stabbing me over and over again in the heart. Even then, I'd rather have that than be rejected.

What did I do to deserve this?

My eyes flutter open slowly as I hear my alarm going off. I groan softly before shutting the damn thing off. I sigh, standing up. Releasing a yawn I walk to my bathroom. Once finished I walk out and look at my alarm again.


I rush out the room before running to the next room.

/"Trevor! Payton! Come on, we're going to be late.../" I trail off as I see that both of them aren't there. I raise my brow in confusion before heading to the kitchen.

I sigh in relief when I see the both of them, dressed and sitting by the table. They both look over at me and smile.

/"Morning Mommy!/" They chirp happily before continuing to play with their cars. I smile softly as I walk over to them and kiss both they're heads.

/"Cereal or toast today?/" I ask them and get two different answers. They both look over at each other and glare.

Here we go.

/"We had toast yesterday!/"

/"So? You always get what you want!/"

/"'Cause I'm older!/"

/"That doesn't matter!/"

/"Uh huh!/"

/"Nah uh!/"

/"Okay! Let's compromise and make both breakfasts. Sound good?/" I interrupt them, knowing that the both of them can go at it for hours. They smile happily at me before nodding their head excitedly. I chuckle shaking my head at them before starting on the breakfast.

Once I'm done with both dishes I place them in front of them and they immediately dig in. I walk back to my room and take a quick shower. Once done I put on some clothes and finish getting ready. I walk back to the kitchen when I'm done and see that both of them are watching TV now. I put the dirty dishes in the basin before calling out to the boys.

/"Time to go!/" I say to them, handing them their bags. We walk out and I lock the door before heading down the stairs and out to the parking lot. We climb into the car and make our way to the school.

We soon pull into the parking area and all climb out. They both take each of my hands and we make our way through the entrance. I greet they're teacher, Mrs Hopewell before crouching down in front of them.

/"I'll see you two after work okay. Then we can maybe go for some ice cream later. Sound good?/"

/"Yes Mommy./" Trevor says while Payton just nods. I kiss both of their cheeks before standing up and walking out. I climb back into my car and make the trip to work. After high school I went to university and got my degree in business and marketing. I'm proud of what I've accomplished, even after being a teen mom.

The day I found out I was pregnant was both the best and scariest day of my life. I just couldn't believe it. I had been throwing up every morning and had such weird food cravings. My friend told me to get a pregnancy test, so I did. When I saw that it read positive I was shocked but part of me knew that this would happen.

'Cause of him.

I told my family and they were thrilled. They begged me to come home but I declined. I wasn't ready to face him again. It was my decision not to tell him about the twins, I know that he's the father but he didn't want me, why would he want them. Plus I'm sure he's happy with his new family. I'm happy for him as well.

I always told my boys the truth, so they know what happened, well, the appropriate things that happened. If they ever wanted to meet him, I wouldn't say no. He's they're father and if they want to meet him, I'll support them in doing so. So far, they haven't asked.

I curse as I look at the time and see that I'm ten minutes late. I rush through the entrance and take the elevator to my floor. I make my way through the office, greeting people along the way.

/"You're late./" I hear someone say when I enter my office. I roll my eyes and the person turns to face me.


He's my boss but also a close friend. We met in high school and instantly clicked. He did try to ask me out a few times but I always turned him down. I just never had feelings for him like that, though that never stopped him.

/"Sorry, overslept./" I say before shooing him off of my chair. He stands up and fixes his suit before smirking down at me. He sits on the desk and puts his hands on his lap.

/"So, should I try asking again? Or am I getting the same answer as always?/"

/"Rob, you know that I'm not gonna agree to a date. I still don't know why you don't ask Cathy out, I mean the girl has liked you since she started working here./" He shrugs but doesn't reply. His phone starts to ring and he excuses himself. I shake my head at him before getting started on work.

Around noon, I groan and stand up. I need food, I think to myself before walking out the office and going across the street to a cafè. I always come here for my lunch break. I order my usual before I look out the window. Maybe I can take the boys to the park today? Suddenly my phone starts to ring.


/"Hey Callie./"

/"Hey Izzy, what’s up?/"

/"Well I was wondering if you thought about my proposal yet?/" I scratch the back of my neck nervously while biting my lip.

/"I don't know Izzy. Are you sure you'd want me as your Maid of Honour?/"

/"Of course I do! Please please please Callie!/" I sigh and finally agree to it. She squeals happily into the phone before explaining that she'll send the details to me later. I hang up and continue to eat my food.

Izzy and Theo finally decided to get married after almost seven years together. I'm really happy for the both of them, and honoured that they chose me to be the Maid of Honour, it's just that I don't want to return. But I guess I don't have a choice.

The day goes by quickly and soon the boys and I are in the park, eating our ice creams. I have to tell them sooner or later. Izzy explained that we'll need to be there in two days so we can plan everything.

/"Boys, I have something I need to tell you./" They both look over at me curiously, still eating the sweet treat. I smile, wiping both of their chocolate covered mouths.

/"So remember I told you that Uncle Theo and Aunty Izzy are getting married?/" They nod their heads and I continue.

/"Well, we're attending the wedding and Mommy's going to be the Maid of Honour. We'll have to leave in two days, since they want us to be there early. While we're there, you might see your dad./" I say and they both frown instantly.

/"We're not going./" Payton huffs with scowl. I roll my eyes at his pout then turn to Trevor.

/"What if he hurts you again Mommy?/"

/"I'm not scared of that. I have you two to protect me./" I say while wrapping my arms around the both of them.

/"Yes, we'll protect you from him Mommy!/"

I hope so.
