

the reason why I posted this one chapter fanfic as the name suggest is for trial reads, where you guys tell me whether you want or not, then I will rank all the liked fanfic in order of which they are coming up next,( after u am done with the one I am currently doing). all of mu fanfics are not going to exceed 100 chapters by much since I have a pretty good reason for it. anyway the way the voting will work is I will post one chapter from each fanfic and you guys will be given two choices, one is that YES we want this or NOT YET I would like x fanfic to come first, see how I didn't include a NO option, well that is because I am writing these fanfics whether you like it or not. the edits of each chapter might not be good since due to my experience and the lack of an editor but it will improve as I gain experience. they might be something you might notice with each character, if you know, you know

Rala_Beast · 映画
5 Chs


Chapter 1 [ EP 1 ]

[ NAME: Mark

LEVEL: 1 ( 0% )

MANA: 100/100


Binding: the user can keep objects or beings from moving. [ tier 1 ] ( active)

Homing: the user can make any object automatically follow. [ tier 1 ] (active) ]

I, too, am perplexed. I've played some games, so I'm familiar with the game interface, but that's the problem: why would there be a game interface?

Ok, let's break this down one by one, first, my name is Mark, which is correct but also the first problem, I've never used my real in a game, secondly, skills, I know I'm skipping levels and mana but who doesn't know levels and mana and has played RPG games, anyways, the skills, I would ignore if it wasn't for the keys that are currently following me, it's probably because I'm currently thinking of last skills, the homing skill.

If this isn't just me hallucinating, it means I have superpowers. If you're wondering why I'm so excited, it's because there have been sightings of people with superpowers or are at least suspected of having superpowers, so there was a possibility of having superpowers, which got my gears turning about what I would do if I had superpowers.

Anyways, I have to go, I don't want to be late for school on my first day, so I grabbed my keys that were in mid-air, the keys that I am talking about belong to one of the farthest homes away from the city's center, Kansas, the city of meteor showers as it is known, due the meteor shower in 1986. I was already out of the house and mounted my bike before heading off for school.

scene change-

I was already in school after twenty minutes of riding, and I parked my bike, which is not a bicycle but a motorbike, but when I got off the bike, a lot of eyes were staring at me, and I don't know if it was my silver hair, which is natural, or my beautiful bike, which I bought with my savings over the years, which was 15 years.

[image here ]

[image here ]

Anyway, ignoring the stairs and murmuring that the people were giving it to me, I made my way straight for the school hallway; the class began after ten minutes, and I was instructed to introduce myself.

"My name is Mark," I was about to say when one of the students interrupted me. "Wait, just mark," I replied, "yeah, just mark, I am an orphan," I added, and some of them looked sympathetically at me.

"I recently moved from Omaha for personal reasons," after finishing the introduction, I was told to take a seat near the front, which I gladly accepted, as teachers usually prefer students who hide in the back.

The rest of the school wasn't too bad, aside from a bunch of cheerleaders coming at me all flirtatious and stuff, which I politely rejected because I had bigger things on my mind.

[ NAME: Mark

LEVEL: 1 ( 2% )

MANA: 96/100


Binding: the user can keep objects or beings from moving. [ tier 1 ] ( active)(4%)

Homing: the user can make any object automatically follow. [ tier 1 ] (active)(01%) ]

That man has been at 96 for the entire day, without a hint of recovery, and I'm probably screwed if I don't figure out how to get it back. If you're wondering why I'm worried about mana, it's the fuel of powers, which I've come to accept aren't a figment of my imagination but actual superpowers, anyways back to mana, it's the fuel that is used to activate my power as I discovered by using

I was about to go home for a ride after school, but I pumped into this girl named Lana. she is pretty nice, she is the cheerleader of the football team.

" Wow, my head," she said as she held her head, " sorry about that," I tried to apologize, " no, it's fine, god it felt like I pumped my head into a steel wall," I am mean I can't blame her after all I am well built, I just hide under baggy clothes, " sorry about that," I told as I helped her, " wow, were those muscles or are you wearing a steel plate for

"Do you play football?" she inquired, "no, not really, I just work out and read books," she expressed surprise, not at the fact that I work out but at the part about reading books. I can't blame her because I don't look like someone who reads books. "What types of books do you read?" she asked, and I responded by showing her a book that she recognized.

A lot of people didn't like that interaction, especially two guys, one wearing a crows jacket and another holding books, but I didn't mind because it was jealousy, plus Lana isn't my type anyways, so after saying goodbye, I went straight to my house, which for some reason I own, yeah a 15-year-old living alone on the outskirts of the city is normal.