
Traversed To Raise A Big Snake Clan

Xinn and the base he lead had just gone through the process of redeveloping the lost civilization of the humanity in a post apocalyptic era . However , when he finally slept peacefully , he was suddenly assassinated . Who would have thought that his space ability would bring him to a vast primitive world . While injured he was brought by a big green snake into its cage. Waking up thinking someone saved him , Xinn waited for his savior but who would have thought a giant snake would appear ,he tried fighting the snake but he couldn't believe what he had just saw . The green snake turned into a handsome man . Starting that day , Xinn became his female and birth tens of snakelets for him . Xinn then became a gentle mother and taught his naughty children and build a big clan with educated children . Warning - this story is not suitable for young audience although the author is also young. Please look at the tag first before reading this story .

Thealovesbishies · ファンタジー
76 Chs

Chapter 34

--- Fourth Month , 25 , 1245 ---

Speaking of months , his relationship with Alonzo wasn't actually that long.  They are around 2 and a half months old couple and unexpectedly , he's already pregnant. 

In modern world , such short amount of time in a relationship couldn't reassure a woman between her and her boyfriend's relationship if she's pregnant.  They would definitely feel anxious if their boyfriend discovers they're pregnant and would decide to abort the child immediately.

However , in this primitive world . Xinn feels pampered and cherished.  Knowing that females are precious , he is reassured that his Beastman would not cheat on him .

Behind him , Alonzo is combing his hair.  Xinn's complexion is not as pale and sickly anymore . Contrarily , he is healthy and is also mentally healthy.  Alonzo showers him with intimacy and would always indulge his every unreasonable commands .

During the past few weeks , because of his libido , they would always make out every night and wake up with happy smiles. 

While the two men we're kissing , they suddenly noticed some people's presence . Alonzo had just entangled his tongue with Xinn's and the rude visitors just fccin destroyed his moment with his lover .

Xinn chuckled at the dark expression on his lover and patted his biceps.  Alonzo sighed then rubbed Xinn's bulging belly before walking out of the cave. 

Alonzo walked to the gate and saw Timothy with his anxious expression . Alonzo's dark expression turned darker and asked.  " What is wrong? " He opened the gate .

Timothy bit his nails in anxiety and said . " Brother Alonzo , a group of Exiled Beastmen that are also immigrants from the south came to the vicinity of the forest and fought with us . The Margay Tribe now is in chaos and the females are about to be captured by them . "

Xinn slowly stepped down from the cave's entrance and walked to the gate while touching his belly.  He heard the world Exiled Beastiahoman from the boy's mouth and guessed the situation almost immediately .

" Does Timothy want help in behalf of the Margay Tribe? " Xinn asked then looked at Timothy. 

" Boy , do you really think that our strength could stop those Exiled Beastmen from taking away the Margay Tribe's female ? "

Alonzo translated it for Xinn .

Hearing that ,Timothy crouched down while making his red hair to mess . " Sky ... My friend, Sky . Was captured by them.  I want to save him . "

Xinn frowned and his expression turned cold.  " That's what happens when the strong preys the weak.  Timothy , Don't rely on our strength , because we're only two people . Once you grow up and got the power to protect your love ones . Don't , ever , rely on someone else's strength to protect someone . "

" What would happen if we want something from you in exchange for our service. "

Alonzo said it to Timothy. 

Timothy cried out in dispair and shouted . " All I want is to save my friend! If you want something from me. , I'll do it for you . Just save Sky please .... They will hurt Sky . "

When Xinn heard Alonzo's translation ,Xinn sighed and patted the little boy's head .

This boy knows how to beg and put down his pride in order to save someone . This is dangerous if the two of them happens to be bad people and exploit the boy's despair and weakness .

Xinn summoned his sword . " Let's go . "

Alonzo frowned . " No , you stay here . I will take care of the matter . "

Xinn coldly glared at Alonzo.  " I can protect my baby , and Don't forget what I'm capable of . Alonzo . "

" You're extremely weak right because of the babies , Xinn . Don't risk your life just to save them.  "

Xinn ignored Alonzo and pulled Timothy towards the South .

" Xinn!!! Don't be stubborn and come back here!!! "

Xinn turned to face Alonzo and shouted irritably . " If you want to ignore a man who's in despair when you are obviously capable of saving him . That means you are selfish and apathetic , Alonzo . "

" I may be pregnant , but don't forget what I am capable of . Even if I'm bearing our children without YOU by my side , I could still survive the dangers of this primitive world . "

" I could kill all the enemies that are obstructing my path to peacefulness and I DON'T WANT PEOPLE TO DIE WITHIN OUR TERRITORY AND LET SOME FCCIN BANDITS TO SHED A FEMALE'S BLOOD IN THE LAND OF THE MOUNTAIN WE LIVE ON.  "

Alonzo froze up witnessing an unfamiliar side of his female . He was aggressive and looked wreckless but he could feel the aura he is exuding. 

An aura that even he couldn't fathom how strong and terrifying it is. 

Xinn turned his back and dragged Timothy as they disappeared into the woods.  Alonzo's face darkened and immediately followed his pregnant female. 

Xinn is too wreckless , even if he's indeed strong and capable of protecting their children while fighting.  That doesn't mean that he would stop worrying for his safety.


Margay Tribe ---

In the territory of the the Margay Tribe.  The whole tribe was surrounded with exiled Beastmen holding weapons as they captured the female to the other side. 

The hunting team on the other hand is still fighting back . Especially the leader of the hunting team , Alex. 

He was badly wounded and his body is full of blood. The females witnessing the fight couldn't help sobbing from nervousness and sadness.

" Alex .... Just surrender , you couldn't win over them . "Milan distressingly pursuaded. 

Alex shook his head in refusal . He doesn't want to give up . If he gave up , everyone will give up . He is the only warrior in the tribe that everyone strongly depends on . If he collapses , their beliefs would also crumble. 

Their tribe has suffered a lot of hardships and despairs . They were negatively impacted by they still hold on , hoping for the new dawn to rise up. 

But still , misfortunate would still find them and harass them again and again.  They had just started living a stable life , yet they met another misfortune again.  Alex couldn't accept it .

He worked hard , he worked hard a lot. 

He hunted food for the tribe , he guided , he protected and supported the tribe .

But why do they keep on falling again and again.  He worked hard lifting the problems and difficulties of the tribe over his shoulder but they would always grow heavier and weighed on his shoulders until he gives up. 

Alex is however unwilling. 

They had just started living peacefully.  Why are they ruining it again and again!!!!

Alex immediately pounced unto the exiled Beastmen but he was instead surrounded. He couldn't fight multiple enemy at once and he was immediately beaten down .

His friends ... Had long since collapsed and he's the only one .

Oh god beast ... If someone ever saved us today from this misfortunate. 

I would kowtow and serve him for all my life and become his slave .

Alex coughed blood and layed his head on the cold ground. 

He stared at the sky with blank expression and sighed.  He was about to give up when a voice suddenly entered his ears .

-- what are you sleeping there , stand up.  ---

Alex immediately flinched and woke up.  He touched his lips and there's blood .


Who talked to him?

- don't give up lad ... I will let you see what a strong person is . ---

Suddenly , his vision changed. 

The whole world changed and turned into black and white. 

Slowly , a female appeared out of nowhere in front of him . Alex looked up and his eyes immediately trembled when he see a familiar face. 

The strong female he saw in the river. 

The female looked down on him quietly.  Then slowly turned his back to him.  Then the whole world returned to normal .

But when the colors returned , everyone beas surprised to see a person suddenly appearing in the middle of nowhere .

The bandit leader is Beastman with an animal species of bald eagle. He is an apex predator and immediately got angry at the sudden mysterious appearance of the female in front of him .

" Who are you? " Asked the Exiled Beastman .

Xinn however couldn't understand him and just turned his head to search for Sky . Then his eyes landed on the only kid among the group of female.  He turned his head around and saw Alex's teammates wounded and unconscious on the ground with bloody body and were also wounded. 

The partriarch , was held in captive with several bruises on his face.  And behind the exiled leader , several plundered foods could be seen piling like a mountain and he also found his sausages there , scattered on the ground.

Xinn's indifferent eyes turned colder. Food is precious , in the apocalypse era , everyone is hungry and died every single time.  Xinn cherished life and wanted every human in the world to be saved by him , but he failed , he couldn't develop the drug to turn back zombie to their previous form and could only hold on and protect the last base in the country for the development of the post apocalyptic era. 

Food ... They wasted food , captured females and abused elders .

Xinn scrunched his face in disgust. 

They are pests in the world , plagues that polluted the world. 

" Hey!! Capture this female for me!!!" The exiled leader maliciously ordered as he stared at the female with greed. 

However , no one actually noticed that there's a bulge in his stomach. 

Xinn created a barrier in his uterus as well as around his belly. After setting barriers and protection , he gripped his sword and slowly bend down his knees. 

The female suddenly disappeared and ran forward like a bolt of lightning towards the exiled leader.  His speed left a trail of distorted space. 

And upon Alex vision ,he suddenly saw the body of the tree just beside the female turned crooked as if a spoon that had been bent. 

And before he could even react , when the space returned to normal . The tree suddenly snapped and fell unto the ground .


The head of the exiled Beastmen separated from his body and dropped down . On the other hand , the towering tree landed on the group exiled members and flattened them all .

Efficient , fast and effortless. 

The female stood straight and wiped the blood from his sword before turning his head to look back at the blonde man. 

- You don't need to overwhelm them with power . You can also use the environment to your use. -

The cold voice rang within Alex's ear.  Alex's eyes trembled in shock .

Timothy , watching at the side looked at the female and his eyes changed.  The way he look at the female changed to that of casual brothers or friends ,to a powerful mysterious female. 

The female nodded to Timothy then suddenly disappeared out of thin air. 

When Alonzo was about to arrive at the Margay Tribe , he was suddenly patted by the shoulder.

Alonzo flinched in surprise and was about to send an attack to his back when his fist was suddenly gripped.  He looked at the man who caught his wrist and suddenly noticed it was his female. 

Xinn brought the fist around his waist and suddenly hugged Alonzo's neck .

The heart on Alonzo's throat finally went back to his chest . He sighed in relief and hugged his female tightly. 

He was not hurt .... Thank god .

" I'm sorry . " Xinn said. 

Alonzo nodded.  " I'm sorry too "