
Traveler's Will: Chronicles of the Lost Worlds

This is the tale of the Traveler, a man driven by a quest for meaning and a thirst to define his own worth. Follow him, as he journeys through a world shrouded in darkness. As his story is told, he shall confront his deepest fears in a relentless battle for survival. His path is fraught with cruel sorrow, wandering, and the relentless pursuit of freedom from a cruel fate. Bear witness to a journey fueled by unmatched will, where one man’s struggle shall be the catalyst to ignite a legend! ~ Synopsis, courtesy from BrokenAmbition --- Q/A: Is this your first attempt at writing a novel? Yes, this is my first attempt at writing a novel. English isn't my first language, so I would appreciate any help pointing out grammar mistakes and other errors. I'm excited to share the world I've been building since my teenage years. What can readers expect in terms of progression? The first arc, consisting of roughly 50 chapters, will introduce the main characters, the power system, and some world-building concepts. Following this, the story will be packed with action, adventure, numerous battles, mysteries, and clever plots. How will the writing develop? The writing will continue to improve in the later chapters. There may be some inconsistencies between the early chapters (1-23) and the later ones (after chapter 23). I plan to rewrite the earlier chapters in the future, but please bear with me as I manage a heavy work schedule. What should I expect from the story's pacing and focus? The novel has a slow-to-medium burn pace. It is character-focused, with a rich blend of world-building. Some details will be revealed through dialogues, while others will emerge from the background composition. Think of it like an orchestra: the characters are the main instruments, with the world-building, power systems, and society forming a slow-burning backdrop. What makes this novel unique? The power system is based on psychological aspects such as personality, traits, and flaws. It incorporates duality, meaning nothing is static or set in stone. A weaker character can defeat a stronger one by exploiting the opponent's flaws and traits, emphasizing strategic thinking. What are the tones of the story? The story has its dark elements, exploring societal struggles and madness. However, I also love the sense of adventure and fun, so readers can expect some lighter, humorous moments. How long are the chapters? Each chapter is approximately 2000 words. What is the chapter release schedule? I aim to release at least five chapters a week.

vorlefan · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Battling the Subterranean Wormreapers

The beast lumbered out of the forest, its colossal form a living nightmare under the dim moonlight. The silvery light reflected off its mottled hide, casting eerie shadows that danced on the snowy ground.

Sharp teeth bristled in its mouth, and two massive fangs extended from its upper jaw, their shadows stretching long over the snow, signaling its lethal intent. Each breath it took came out in a visible plume, mixing with the cold night air.

A thick blanket of snow clung to its immense frame, creating a deceptive purity that contrasted with its harsh, rocky texture. The beast's colors shifted between earthy browns and reddish hues, blending seamlessly with the forest floor it had emerged from.

Each stride resonated through the snow, hissing like daggers slicing through its softness. The crunch of the snow and the beast's growls filled the air.

"There's a lesson in every shadow," Raffin whispered against the night's stillness. "Let's see what this one teaches."

He called out to Asdras and Brian, his measured tone piercing the tense silence. "Boys, time to earn your keep. A nice test awaits you, my friends."

Pointing to the dwindling bonfire, he added, "You have half the time it took for our rabbit meal to finish. Make it count, boys."

"Will they be okay, my good sir?"

"They'll be fine, it's a rankless beast. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a front-row seat."

He led his horse to a corner between two towering trees, positioning himself to observe the fight, the moonlight filtering through the branches and casting a dappled glow on the snowy ground.

"Use the brain more than the fists, boys. Find the creature's weakness." Raffin's advice echoed in their minds.

As Asdras and Brian approached the formidable creature, the crisp night air thickened with the tension of their first battle without Joe. Asdras's sharp eyes analyzed the beast's every twitch, predicting its next move. His breath came in measured puffs, each one crystallizing in the frosty air.

In contrast, Brian stood ready with his compact spear, aggressive and eager. He was poised to prove his mettle, his gaze locked on the creature, searching for any gap in its defenses.


Brian shifted his gaze to Asdras. "What?"

"I have a plan," Asdras said, smiling. "Wanna try?"

"Pray tell!"

"Keep your spear retracted," Asdras said, nodding. "Approach with speed, strike swiftly, then retreat."


The beast, towering and abhorrent with its centipede-like form, had an uncanny sense of smell. It detected Brian's advance, turning its colossal body with a rustle of snow-covered segments, and issued a guttural growl that vibrated through the air, resonating in their chests.

Asdras darted alongside Brian, scooping up a rock and hurling it at the creature's head to steal its attention and expose its vulnerabilities. The rock struck with a dull thud, causing the beast to snarl and snap its head towards Asdras.

Brian, following Asdras's command, charged with the spear compact. Nearing the beast, he hit the button, and the spear extended with a click. He lunged at the creature's underbelly, but it countered, narrowly missing him with its venomous tusks. The spear glanced off its tough hide, sending vibrations up Brian's arms.

Simultaneously, Asdras attacked, his sword gleaming under the moonlight. He struck the creature's armored dorsum twice, the chill metal parting its skin and eliciting a howl. Asdras then retreated with a nimble backward roll, feeling the cold snow crunch beneath him.

In its fury, the beast convulsed, its segmented body twisting in chaos. It drew a deep breath, homing in on its foes' scent, and fixed its vengeful gaze on Asdras, maddened by the pain.

"Oh shit!"

The creature shot forward with speed that belied its size. Asdras saw it barreling towards him and leaped left, dodging the beast's fangs snapping shut where he had stood. The rush of air from its passing left him momentarily breathless.

Brian, seeing his spear thrust had only angered the beast, shouted, "Its eyes, Asdras! Aim for its eyes!"

From a distance, Raffin couldn't suppress a grim smile at the suggestion, while Javier watched with unwavering focus.

"They'll have a good chance at the nearby Eruption," Javier said, smiling as he watched.

"Oh, definitely!"

Asdras, catching Brian's intent, shouted, "Get to higher ground, then strike its eyes!"

As the creature's attack sliced through the air, Asdras sidestepped gracefully. He positioned himself to the beast's right, setting the stage for their next assault. His heart pounded in his chest, but his mind remained sharp and focused.

Brian, with a burst of energy, sprang onto a nearby ledge, gaining higher ground. He swooped down on the creature, driving his spear into its skull. With a flick, he retracted his weapon, ready to disengage. The spear penetrated just above the beast's eye, causing it to screech in pain.

Amid the confusion, Asdras used the monster's bulk as a platform. He vaulted up its back, propelling himself into the air with his sword aimed at the creature's exposed eye. The moonlight caught on his blade, turning it into a silver streak.

"Take that, dammit!"

Gravity intensified Asdras's strike, driving his sword deep into the beast's eye. The creature screamed, tearing through the night's silence. Its eye burst with a sickening squelch, dark ichor splattering across the snow.

The beast's convulsions hurled Asdras into the air. He landed heavily, rolling through the snow until he lay still, his breath misting in the cold air. The impact left him momentarily dazed, but he quickly regained his senses.

The creature's movements grew wild and desperate as it succumbed to its injuries, thrashing on the snowy ground. Its death throes sent waves of snow flying into the air, creating a blizzard-like effect around it.

"God bless Saint Rose," Brian said, breathing heavily. "This here was dang good!"

Asdras approached the fallen beast, its form less intimidating in death's cold embrace. The moonlight made its hide glisten, highlighting the contrast between its rugged exterior and the peaceful snow.

He grasped his sword firmly, reclaiming it from the creature's eye socket with a sickening squelch. "This —"

A swift shadow flickered past them — Raffin. Moving in a blur, he propelled himself forward with superhuman speed. His eyes locked onto a new threat — a secondary monster slinking through the darkness, nearing the unsuspecting Asdras.

He catapulted towards the beast as it surged upward, fangs poised to strike. Arching back at the height of his jump, he withdrew two gleaming daggers from his sleeves. With practiced grace, he spun, aiming for the creature's eyes.

The daggers plunged deep into the monster's sensitive areas. Raffin moved over its armored skull, using his momentum to rip through the flesh, leaving a trail of dark ichor. The beast's screams echoed through the night, a testament to Raffin's lethal precision.

He flipped off the beast as it fell, its body shuddering in its final spasms. The sound of its death rattle filled the air, mingling with the silence of the night.

Straightening up, he caught his breath and walked back to Asdras and Brian, who watched wide-eyed.

"Boys, remember, knowledge is key. Be proud of taking down a creature like this. But remember, these creatures hunt in pairs. Stay vigilant for the one that lurks in the darkness."

Raffin gestured to the beast's inert form. "Focus on its eyes and ears; those are its weak points. But beware of its armored hide, lethal fangs, and acute sense of smell."

Raffin's nod signaled them to approach the downed creature. He studied it meticulously, his gaze roaming over its form. After a moment, he looked up at Asdras and Brian. "Do you remember the tale I shared at the village pub?"

"'Bout that cow and apples?"

"Tom and Daisy?"

Raffin pointed at the monster's head. "Yes, this hunts the creature that poisoned the cow."

Brian's eyes widened. "That's real?"

"Oh, yes," Raffin said, drawing a long breath. "They're called Apple Worms. They have red apples on their hides and dig deep into the earth, blending in like shadows. If someone eats the apple, a tiny worm inside will take control of them."

"And what about this one?" Asdras pointed at the centipede-like beast.

"This one hunts Apple Worms. It's called a Subterranean Wormreaper. These critters came sniffing around our camp because of the apple feast you had along the trail and shared with the horses."

"Really?" Brian whispered, staring at the beast.

"Now, help me here!"

Raffin knelt on the snowy ground, dagger in hand. He turned to Asdras and Brian with a serious look.

"Remember, lads. Wormreapers have two prized parts: their fangs and chompers. They're useful for brewing potions and crafting potent charms."

He nodded and carefully extracted the fangs from the creature's body. He handed one to each of the boys, who held them cautiously.

"Another important lesson, lads, is to harvest their valuables while watching for hidden risks. These fangs have some venom, not strong enough to kill a man, but it can give you a nasty spell of the runs."

"My advice is to invest in the Monster Encyclopedia of the North, Volume 1, when you reach the city. It might cost a few coins, but knowledge is your strongest weapon and will put the odds in your favor."

After collecting their spoils, they returned to the campfire.

"Should we keep the fangs in a different container because of the venom?"

Raffin gave Brian an approving look and chuckled. "No need for that on this hunt, but smart thinking. Some beasts have parts that need careful storage."

Javier approached them with a wide smile. "Amazing fight, my good saar!"

"Well," Raffin yawned, stretching his arms. "Let's sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day."