
Trapped In My Own Reverse Harem Game

Loop effect. This unique system of mine made my game the most popular, albeit frustrating, dating application in store. I was ecstatic of what it brought me until I learned what it's like to be on the other side of the screen. "Why... have I become Olivia?" (One shot)

MobyBiscuit · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Route: Olivia Jolene

< Black Roses >

It was the name of the dating application that gained instant and long-lasting popularity. Why, you may ask? The answer is simple.

'No one has ever seen the ending.'

There are many heroines to choose from, many male routes, and more importantly...

'Loop effect.'

True to its name, it was a unique system that generated loops within the game. It makes it so that there is only one correct choice to move forward.

'One wrong move and the whole scenario repeats.'

What's worse? The choices never repeats and it differs per heroine.

"Haha! I'm going crazy..."

I brushed my short, indigo-colored hair with my shaking fingers. I was trembling, though I have yet to find out if it was due to anger or frustration.

"How many times is this now?"

I looked up.


< You're a person who inherited the most powerful ability, Passage of Time, sought by every household. >

The transparent screen in front of me blinked in the darkness. I stared at it, no, wished that my stares could burn some holes in it.

"Damn you! Go away!"

I screamed, but all it did was just blink again.

< Heroine name: Olivia Jolene >


< Age: 20 years old >


< Intelligence: 7/10 >


< Beauty: 5/10 >


< Femininity: 1/10 >


< Talent / Skill: Max >


< Stress: Max >


The transparent screen finally disappeared. Slowly, the surroundings which was pitch black started to be dyed in many colors, weaving together to form a huge bedroom.

It was the setting for Olivia's prologue.

'And of all the heroines, it just had to be Olivia Jolene.'

The skillful and one of the most talented but least attractive and tomboy heroine, the only daughter of Count Jolene, Olivia.

'It's been the fourth time now? I can't remember anymore...'

My eyes wandered to the door. Soon, it will open and the maid will enter. She's not a bad person. In fact, she is really sweet.

Here's a thing about Olivia.

'Her temper is worse than an erupting volcano but that is not the biggest problem...'

The door opened and the maid entered with a flushed and sweating face while wobbling on her feet. She was carrying a tray of food, a breakfast prepared for me.

"Young lady, I've brought you breakfast."

Then she smiled, warmer than the sun could ever become, and tripped on her feet. The tray of food flew in the air and...


Became a sticky coat over my pajamas, just like I expected it to happen.

'Sure, I can run but I learned first hand of what would happen if I do that.'

In my first try, I jumped out of the bed to avoid it but the whole world glitched before turning pitch dark.

The loop effect look me back to the very beginning.

"Oh, my goodness!"

The maid covered her mouth in horror. I quivered on the spot and looked up with a glare. Technically, I was glaring at the blinking screen in front of me but the maid couldn't see it so right now, she thinks that I'm glaring at her.

'I am so sorry.'


< Choices >

[ Clean. This. Up. Right. Now. ]

[ You idiot! Get out! ]

[ You're fired! ]

[ Kick her out of the room. ]

All the choices seemingly have no notable difference from any other villainous words to say, despite Olivia being a heroine.

'I got it right this time. This has to be the answer.'

I clicked one of the choices.

[ Kick her out of the room. ]

My body responded on its own, in sync with the decision I made. I stood up from the bed, raised my foot, and started wordlessly kicking the maid out of my room.


Then I closed the door shut.

"My god..."

I looked around the room for a moment, unable to close my eyes.

'No glitching anymore...'

I closed my eyes, tears started to fall down as I plop to the ground. Finally, after how many tries I managed to get it right.

Short-tempered. This was one of Olivia's most obvious characteristic. However, her real essence was...


Olivia Jolene is a big tsundere.

She probably thought, 'Oh hey, this maid is sick but I can't say it like that so I'll just kick her out of the room so she can go rest!'

Who made such a character? Oh right, me.

'Shit. Crap this all.'

One day, I had woken up as Olivia Jolene and for some reason, I'm inside a game I created. The game that no one has ever conquered.


The transparent screen showed itself in front of me, the annoying light it gave off annoyed me to death.

< Prologue completion: 1/5 >

I hope you enjoyed the one shot.

MobyBiscuitcreators' thoughts