
Chapter 1

< ???? POV >

" *yawn*.....??? "

[ what the fvck ] is the first thing that come to my mind after seeing the thing that appeared in front of me, it nothing spacial as it is just bunch of trees that can be seen everywhere but how in holy hell i'm in the middle of the freaking trees, when i just woke up. I remember very well that i slept on my bed yesterday and i don't have any spacial condition like somnambulism (Sleepwalking) or any friends who close enough to pull a prank on me.

The only possible conclusion about my current situation i can come up with is, i'm being kidnapped but possibility of being kidnapped is very low cause i 'carefully' closed my room door and windows yesterday i said careful because i always check it whatever i lock it not at least 3 to 4 times. I'm also not tied up by anything.

[ Is some mad psycop kidnapped and put me in the forest so he can test how normal human can survive this environment without external help ] and possibility of this being dream nah i know that i'm dumb but i'm not dumb enough to not know difference between dream and reality. As i deeply thinking about why and how i'm in the middle of the forest and how escape from here something unexpected happens.


{System booting up please wait....}

{System activated successfully}

{Welcome to system, sir}

[What.... what the hell is that? wait a minute am i being experimented on with some chip to turn me into slave or.....]

{ Sir you can rest assured i not some chip that will turn you into slave or anything, i'm your personal assistant assigned to you to assist you in everything within my capability }

[ So you are saying that you are system like in the novels whose sole role is 'assist' the MC ? ]

{ There are lot of difference in my functions but yes sir, my sole role is to assist you sir }

[ Help me with everything you say mm... then where i am? ]

Even though i'm suspicious of this thing that claiming to assist me but i have no other choice but to ask it .it may make my escape from this forest easier . even though this place look beautiful and i like nature very much, forest is dangerous place without knowing which forest it is and predators that roaming around in the forest.

{In the forest sir}


[wow... i don't know that]

{I apologize sir as i don't have enough information about this place and only information i have is you are in the planet called the Terra, sir}

[ This planet called Terra not the Earth? you..... you trying to brainwash me, don't you. you first force me to believe this is different planet, then change the name of the countries and finally make me spy that is your plan right? ]

{sir pleas.... DUCK DOWN SIR}

Before even realise i ducked and successfully dodge the arrow that missed me in hairs breath. looking at the direction i saw a creature which can described as a Goblin? i don't know [What is that?]

{Alert Creature of this planet appeared sir it advised to get away from it as soon as possible }

"Fvck" i cussed under my breath and started to run toward to opposite direction of the goblin? with all my strength while taking cover in trees to dodge arrows. as i run at my full speed i finally lost that goblin?


Inside what look like abandoned cave i gasped for a while and slowly stabilizing my breath " What the Fvck is that thing " I asked 'calmly'.

{ After the analysis it found that creature from the species named Goblin. Even though though it's size is same as that of 10-13 years human child, it have same strength as human adult which is same as you sir and that creature have bow as weapon also know how to use it which increase it danger level even higher that's why i advised you to get away from it sir }

[ Why on the earth freaking goblin here, i noticed two moon in the sky is it really another world or a isolated island which used by the mad scientist for his experiment ]

{ You fvcking..... how many time i have to say that you are in different world than you used to be .ooooh god why are you assign me to this fvcking idiot why not some guy with atleast more than two braincells who can accept the reality as it is }

[Did you just cuss me]

{Did you even have to ask to me you b@sted , i'm already doing heavy work by managing your power from getting out of control and now you doubting me multiple time, if you put your faith on me your assistant little bit will your D size decrease? }

[What the Fvck why are even cussing me for this isn't it normal for suspicious of stalker like you in the unknown place you piece of sh!t and don't you act like innocent sh!t while ago now you showing your true colour]

{I created based on your personality what you expect from piece of trash like you}

[If you are based on my personality, why are sound more retard then me]

{So you acknowledge that you are retard}

[Not as much as you]



Fighting someone based on my personality is really hard anyway i need to know how to get out of this god forsaken land first.

[Hey retard do you know how to get out this place i don't like being around here like how i don't like you being around me]

{I don't know, you trash. even if i know i won't tell you and it funny you don't like to be around yourself that's why you never had girlfriend you virgin loser}

[ooohh you don't even know, this proves how much retard you are, god must made lot of mistakes when he creating you. noo making you also one of these mistakes and i saving my virginity for my future wife]

its not like i don't have chances to lose my virginity back then it just that i don't wanna lose it cause virginity is powerful. it is the actual reason there is no other reason at all yeah that must be it .believe me i had lot of chances to lose it.

{Are you sure about that}


[Why not we take about how to get out of this forest]

{I don't have any data about this world other than it different your previous one and its name and i have another information this world have energy called mana }

[I'm surprised this world have mana] i said sarcastically in my mind.

[Then what function you have don't tell me you are useless trash]

{don't i say before i here to assist you with control and manage your power and i not as useless as you. i can even detect anything in 100 meters including it's molecule structure, traveling speed,etc. if its living thing i can even get it's DNA }

[well let's settle for now i don't want to argue with you anymore just tell me what is the power i posses that you spoke of ]

{well i also agree as we have pretty much have same personality it will get nowhere. As for your power rather than explain it to you if you close your eyes }

[Hey we are like in the middle of the forest you know i don't know this cave is safe of not]

{Don't worry as i said before i can detect anything within 100 meter and according to my analysis this cave was at least Abandoned for 8 month and nothing seemed to crossed the please near it for 2 month time }

I decided his? word and closed my eyes as i siting on the floar and what i saw is noting i saw nothing at all, is this guy messing with me but suddenly i saw reflection of mine, is it my mind or something what they call it in cultivation world mind palace?

{Can i assume that you can see me now and its not your mind}

[What ..... is that you? why are you look exactly like me, don't you say that you are only 'based' on me not entirely me?]

{well let's say i'm you with less emotion, no body, High calculation speed and some extra functions to assist you }

[Okey what about power where is it and if it's my power why can't i feel it]

{Can you please shut up and do what i say}


{ Imagine sun how it looks and will it to emerge in front of you and leave the rest to me i will handle it}

[okey] As i started to do what he? instructed me to do and i can see small sun started to emerge from nothing.

[Is it my power? create anything from nothing]

{In this place yes}

[can i bring it outside?]

{Yeah you can but we don't have energy to do that now}

[So this power can't help with circumstances we are currently in ]


[Why don't you tell me before]

{you never asked me}

[Don't i say escaping this forest is top priority i thought this power can help me do that well we are on our own i guess]

{Don't open your eyes we need complete this sun if you leave energy will be wasted and we only have limited amount of energy to create a sun and a planet}

and so we started to create sun with our full concentration.

<2 Hours later>


[We finally finished it]

{you become tired when i'm the one who done most calculations and implementing Data to construct the sun, lazy bum }

[can you please let me in peace for a while]
