
Transmigration.... At when Japan 1970?!

Sushil, a 26-year-old from East India, undergoes an extraordinary twist of fate. His soul transmigrates into the life of Hiroshi, a 15-year-old billionaire orphan in 1976 Japan. But is this world just your typical Japan, or is there something more beneath the surface? Embark on a riveting journey as Hiroshi and discover the secrets of this intriguing new world. { A/N- Get ready for a story that moves at a steady pace, keeping things interesting without dragging on. I'm not a fan of slow stories either, so don't worry about getting bored. And guess what? Our hero won't bump into famous anime/manga characters until we hit the 10-chapter mark. As for the world-building, I'm playing around with the idea of creating a whole immersive world, but who knows? I might change my mind. It's a bit up in the air, so let's see where the adventure takes us! }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Chapter 2: The Unveiling Memories?!

As Sushil, now Hiroshi, stood amidst the shadows of the room, a deliberate knock reverberated through the silence, and Priya's voice, a soothing melody, followed.

Priya: (softly) "Hiroshi, please open the door. We need to talk. You can't stay locked away like this."

The resonance of her voice hinted at the depth of their connection. Hiroshi approached the door, each step echoing the profound sorrow that had taken residence in his heart.

Hiroshi: (whispering) "Priya..."

Opening the door, Hiroshi revealed Priya's presence, a calming force that seemed to dispel the darkness. Priya's eyes widened at the sight of him, transitioning from concern to genuine joy.

Priya: (joyfully) "Hiroshi! I've been so worried about you. May I come in?"

Hiroshi nodded, granting Priya entry into his secluded world. Her presence was a comforting balm in the midst of his emotional storm.

Priya, at twenty-two years old, was not merely a caretaker but a formidable woman who had become an integral part of the household. Her deep, empathetic eyes held a well of understanding, framed by a cascade of rich, dark hair that fell gracefully around her shoulders. Her features, a delicate blend of strength and grace, spoke of a resilience that life had sculpted.

Priya: "You can't face this pain alone, Hiroshi. We're here for you."

As Priya spoke, her voice carried a soothing cadence, and her demeanor exuded a quiet strength that transcended the formalities of caretaker and employer. She had been a steadfast presence in Hiroshi's life, and her care extended beyond duty.

Priya: "You've been isolating yourself for a week, refusing to let anyone in. That's not healthy, Hiroshi. You're not alone in this."

The room, once shrouded in silence, became a space where shared grief and support intertwined. Priya's genuine concern and care were palpable, creating an atmosphere of trust and understanding.

Priya: "You need to face this pain, Hiroshi. Your parents wouldn't want to see you suffer like this."

Hiroshi, moved by her words, nodded silently. Priya, with a gentle touch, reached out and embraced him, offering solace in a moment of profound grief.

Priya: "Come, let's step out of this room. Breathe in some fresh air. You can't hide from the world forever."

Together, Hiroshi and Priya ventured into the corridors, their footsteps echoing a shared journey through grief and healing. Daiki observed the intricate dance of emotions, understanding that in Priya, Hiroshi had not only a caretaker but a pillar of strength and unwavering support.

After walking through the garden with Priya, the weight of grief slowly lifting, Hiroshi's stomach grumbled, a reminder of the human needs that persisted even in moments of sorrow. Priya, with a warm chuckle, suggested that Hiroshi take a bath while she prepared dinner.

Priya: (smiling) "Hiroshi, it seems your stomach has its own opinions. Go freshen up, and I'll have dinner ready for you when you're done."

Hiroshi managed a small smile, appreciating the gentle humor that Priya brought into the somber atmosphere. As she walked away to the kitchen, Hiroshi made his way to the bathroom, the prospect of a Japanese bath in this unfamiliar world both intriguing and comforting.

Entering the bathroom, Hiroshi took a moment to familiarize himself with the traditional Japanese setup. The wooden structure, the inviting warmth of the water, and the subtle fragrance of bath salts created a serene ambiance.

Hiroshi: (whispering) "A Japanese bath... something new in this world."

As he undressed and immersed himself in the soothing water, Hiroshi felt the tension in his muscles begin to dissipate. The quiet splashes echoed the rhythm of his thoughts, a contemplative symphony amidst the gentle sounds of the household.

The warmth of the bath enveloped him, a physical manifestation of the emotional solace Priya had brought into his life. Hiroshi couldn't help but reflect on the complexities of the world he now inhabited, the fusion of his memories with Hisroshi's and the unwavering support offered by Priya.

As Hiroshi soaked in the tranquil embrace of the Japanese bath, he understood that this was not just a physical cleansing but a symbolic immersion into the currents of change and healing. The journey ahead was uncertain, but for now, in the quietude of the bath, Hiroshi found a moment of respite and a glimmer of hope for the days to come.


After the soothing Japanese bath, Hiroshi made his way to the dining room, where the table was adorned with a culinary symphony – a fusion of Japanese and Indian dishes, a testament to Priya's remarkable culinary skills.

Priya, the epitome of a perfect butler, stood with an air of grace as she arranged the final touches. Her intelligence, akin to the deductive prowess of Sherlock Holmes, extended beyond managing the household to crafting delectable dishes from around the world.

Hiroshi: (impressed) "Priya, this looks incredible. You've outdone yourself."

Priya: (smiling) "I'm glad you like it, Hiroshi. It's a blend of Japanese and Indian flavors, a little piece of both worlds."

As Hiroshi took his seat, the aroma of spices and the savory essence of Japanese cuisine filled the air. The table spoke of Priya's dedication to preserving the cultural heritage Hiroshi carried within him.

Priya: "Your well-being is my priority, Hiroshi. I've made dishes from both countries, hoping to bring you comfort."

Hiroshi couldn't help but appreciate the effort Priya had put into creating this culinary tapestry. Each dish held a story, a connection to his past and a bridge to the present.

As they shared the meal, Hiroshi felt a sense of gratitude for Priya's unwavering support. Her meticulous care, both in the kitchen and in managing the household after his parents' passing, was a beacon of stability in the midst of life's uncertainties.

Hiroshi: "Priya, I don't know how to thank you for everything. You've been the pillar holding this household together."

Priya: "Hiroshi, we're family. I promised your father I would take care of you, and I intend to keep that promise."

The dining room, once a place of solitude, now resonated with the warmth of shared moments and the aroma of cultural diversity. As they continued their meal, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of strength, knowing that even in the face of loss, he had Priya by his side – a confidante, a caretaker, a friend and a big sister.

The lingering aroma of Priya's culinary masterpiece clung to the air as Hiroshi, satiated yet contemplative, returned to the sanctuary of his room. The antique lamps cast a soft glow, conspiring with the moonlit garden beyond the window to create an ambiance of enchantment.

As Hiroshi reclined into the plush depths of his bed, he felt like a protagonist in a novel, the plot unfolding with every heartbeat. The day had been a canvas painted with surprises, from awakening in a new world to the tantalizing fusion of flavors at the dining table.

Closing his eyes, he let the events of the day dance before him.

In the realm of dreams, the moonlight whispered promises, and the mansion, a regal guardian of secrets, cradled him in its luxurious embrace. The night held a symphony of tranquility, inviting Hiroshi to surrender to its magic.

As slumber claimed him, Hiroshi felt like a time traveler, journeying between the echoes of yesterday and the mysteries of tomorrow. The dreamscape awaited him, a canvas where reality and fantasy wove together in a tapestry of wonder, guided by the ethereal glow of moonbeams and the gentle hum of the mansion's stories.


In the quiet hours of the night, the study served as Priya's haven, a room adorned with books and memories. As the moon bathed the mansion in its silvery glow, she allowed her thoughts to wander through the chapters of her life.

Priya, a teenager seeking solace, had found more than a home when Hiroshi's parents welcomed her into their lives.

Hiroshi's Mother: "You're not just our caretaker, Priya. You're family."

Hiroshi's Father: "This mansion has room for your dreams too, Priya.

In the dining room, where the scents of diverse cultures converged, Priya wove memories with each culinary creation.

Hiroshi: "Priya, this is incredible. How do you manage to capture the essence of both Japanese and Indian cuisines so perfectly?"

Priya, with a smile: "It's more than just cooking, Hiroshi. It's about preserving the flavors of your parents' legacy and creating a bridge to your present."

Night in the Study -

Now, surrounded by the soft glow of antique lamps, Priya gazed out of the window, her thoughts drifting to Hiroshi.

Priya, to herself: "You've faced loss, Hiroshi, just like I did. But your journey is still unfolding, and I'm here to guide you through it."

As she prepared to retire for the night, Priya's footsteps echoed through the corridors of the mansion.

**In Front of Hiroshi's Room**

Priya, softly knocking: "Hiroshi, sleep well. Tomorrow holds new possibilities."

Her words lingered in the night, a whispered promise of support and understanding. The mansion, a silent witness to their intertwined stories, cradled Priya's gratitude and the echoes of a family that continued to write its tale in the quiet corners of the night.
