
Transmigration.... At when Japan 1970?!

Sushil, a 26-year-old from East India, undergoes an extraordinary twist of fate. His soul transmigrates into the life of Hiroshi, a 15-year-old billionaire orphan in 1976 Japan. But is this world just your typical Japan, or is there something more beneath the surface? Embark on a riveting journey as Hiroshi and discover the secrets of this intriguing new world. { A/N- Get ready for a story that moves at a steady pace, keeping things interesting without dragging on. I'm not a fan of slow stories either, so don't worry about getting bored. And guess what? Our hero won't bump into famous anime/manga characters until we hit the 10-chapter mark. As for the world-building, I'm playing around with the idea of creating a whole immersive world, but who knows? I might change my mind. It's a bit up in the air, so let's see where the adventure takes us! }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · アニメ·コミックス
8 Chs

Ch-8 MS. President And Signing Contract!

Soon, they were standing in front of the president's office. Knocking on the door, the staff informed the seated president.

"President, I have brought Mr. Tanaka. May we come in?"

Observing the staff's actions, Hiroshi thought- 'This guy is showing too much respect to the president. It's as if the president is less and the owner of the company is more.'

Just then, a voice from inside said, "Why stand outside? Bring him in."

As Hiroshi and the staff entered, Hiroshi took a quick glance around the office. The familiar pink decoration was there but in a lighter tone, blending seamlessly with other colors. It gave the impression of a scholarly atmosphere. A large bookshelf caught his eye, filled with numerous books. In the center, there was a simple yet elegant sofa set, reminiscent of his garden.

While Hiroshi was absorbing the surroundings, Mizuki observed him keenly, appreciating his curiosity about the office ambiance.

Observing his youthful appearance and robust build, he seemed like a teenager, perhaps around 15 or 16.

'Well, nothing new in that. I've seen 14 years old directors and actors before. What other peculiarities could this world possibly throw at me?'

The calm staff member, growing impatient with the awkward silence, decided to break it.

"Ahem... President... Cough... Cough..."

Upon hearing the cough, both the president and Hiroshi agreed silently to deactivate their observational skills.

"President, I'll take my leave now. I have more manuscripts to check. You two carry on with your discussion." With those words, the staff member swiftly retreated from the room.

Now, only Hiroshi and Mizuki remained in the office. Mizuki, finally breaking her silence, gestured for Hiroshi to take a seat.

"Ah, Mr. Tanaka, welcome!" greeted Mizuki, rising from her chair. She extended her hand for a handshake.

"I am Mizuki Hoshizora, president of this company. You can call me Mizuki," she introduced herself.

Hiroshi, shaking hands, replied, "Thank you, President Mizuki. It's an honor to meet you."

"I am Hiroshi Tanaka. You can also call me Hiroshi."

Mizuki gestured towards the comfortable sofa set, "Please have a seat. I've heard great things about your novel. Our staff is quite impressed."

When Mizuki saw that Hiroshi had taken a seat, she opened her mouth again, saying, "Hiroshi, your novel 'Garden of Words' is indeed quite good. Although I haven't read the entire novel, just glancing at the story, I understood that it's a bestseller."

Hearing his praise, Hiroshi smiled and thanked her. Continuing the conversation, Mizuki said, "Well, not wasting any time, let's get straight to the point. I'm grateful that you chose Dreamland Publications to publish your novel. We won't disappoint you."

"So, let's talk about the contract."

Mizuki, with a folder in her hand, opened it and began explaining the contract terms to Hiroshi. She detailed the royalty percentages, publication timelines, and the rights that Hiroshi would retain.

After going through the details, Mizuki asked, "Hiroshi, do you have any questions or concerns regarding the contract? We're here to ensure transparency and address any queries you may have."

Hiroshi, feeling confident in the success of his novel, attentively reviewed the contract terms. Mizuki, on the other hand, was keenly aware that offering favorable terms was crucial. She didn't want to risk losing such a promising author to another publishing house.

As Hiroshi went through the royalty percentages and other details, he couldn't help but appreciate the generosity of the terms. Mizuki, strategically aligning the benefits with those of bestseller novels, aimed to secure Hiroshi's commitment.

Sensing Hiroshi's satisfaction, Mizuki said, "Hiroshi, i believe in the potential of 'Garden of Words,' and i want to ensure you receive the recognition and rewards it deserves."

Hiroshi, pleased with the terms, replied, "I appreciate your trust, Mizuki."

Once the ink was dry on the contract, Mizuki beamed with enthusiasm. "Congratulations, Hiroshi! We're thrilled to officially welcome 'Garden of Words' to the Dreamland Publications family."

She continued, "Our publishing schedule is set, and your novel is scheduled for release on Monday, just four days from now. We'll ensure it gets the attention it deserves."

Hiroshi, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation, expressed his gratitude. "Thank you, Mizuki. I'm eager to see how readers will connect with the story. Let's make Monday the start of something wonderful."

Having wrapped up the meeting with President Mizuki, Hiroshi thanked her and left the publishing house. Excitement and anticipation buzzed in his mind as he made his way to the bus stop. Waiting for the bus, he thought about the novel's upcoming release and the twists his life had taken since entering this new world.

When the bus arrived, Hiroshi hopped on, contemplating the promising days that lay ahead. The bus journey became a backdrop to his reflections on the unexpected turns life had taken in this unfamiliar realm.
