
Transmigration: in another world with my harem - (Moved to a New Link)

Note: this will not update anymore you can read the continuation exact copy posted on this site of my original. Nash's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when, in the midst of completing an English assignment, his classroom chair begins to glow. Suddenly, his voice becomes inaudible to his classmates and teacher, as if he has ceased to exist. Before he can process what is happening, he is transported along with the chair to another realm. There, he meets Sophie, the mysterious girl who summoned him. She reveals his mission: to purge the land of an evil summoner's dark magic. To do so, Nash must harness his unique ability — the power of the harem. By engaging in intimate encounters, from touching and kissing to full intercourse, Nash can activate his powers. However, there’s a catch: without a mystical amulet bestowed upon him by the king, his powers cannot be amplified. The amulet becomes a critical element in Nash's journey, serving as a conduit to enhance his harem powers. As he forms deeper connections and engages in intimate moments, the amulet glows, magnifying his abilities and making him an unstoppable force against the forces of darkness. As Nash navigates this perilous new world, he must balance his burgeoning powers with the challenges of forming and maintaining relationships, all while battling the forces of darkness. His journey is fraught with danger, desire, and discovery, as he strives to become the hero this realm desperately needs. The stakes are higher than ever, with the amulet serving as both his greatest asset and his greatest vulnerability. Will Nash be able to master his powers, protect the amulet, and fulfill his destiny? In this thrilling and sensual adventure, every encounter brings him closer to his goal — and to the heart of the mystery that binds them all.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Ch 36: Nash and his harem friends Vs Dark Summoner

As the dark summoner glided through the air, his sinister laughter echoed ominously across the snowy landscape. With a flick of his hand, he summoned forth a horde of one hundred shadowy wolves, their eyes gleaming with malice as they snarled and snapped at the heroes.

Nash and his companions wasted no time in springing into action. With practiced precision, they assumed their fighting stances, their weapons poised and ready for battle. Nash tightened his grip on his amulet necklace, channeling its power to materialize his sword, while Sylvia notched an explosive arrow onto her bow, her aim steady and true.

With a roar of defiance, the pack of shadowy wolves lunged forward, their dark forms darting through the swirling snow with supernatural speed. Nash and his companions met their charge head-on, their movements fluid and coordinated as they engaged the enemy in a fierce battle.

Sylvia unleashed a volley of explosive arrows, each one detonating upon impact with a shadowy wolf, sending dark shards of energy scattering in all directions. Her aim was impeccable, her arrows finding their mark with deadly accuracy as she rained down destruction upon their foes.

Meanwhile, Nash wielded his sword with expert precision, his movements a blur of steel as he slashed and parried against the relentless onslaught of shadowy wolves. With each strike, he carved through their ranks, his determination unwavering as he fought to protect his companions and the innocent villagers.

Niya, ever the agile warrior, darted and weaved through the chaos, her blades flashing in the pale light of the moon. With grace and finesse, she dispatched shadowy wolves left and right, her movements a deadly dance of death as she cut down their foes with swift, decisive strikes.

But the battle was far from over. The shadowy wolves continued to press forward, their numbers seemingly endless as they swarmed around Nash and his companions, their dark forms blending seamlessly into the swirling snow.

With each passing moment, the heroes grew more exhausted, their breath coming in ragged gasps as they fought against the tide of darkness. But they refused to yield, drawing upon their inner strength and determination to press onward, no matter the cost.

As the battle raged on, Nash and his companions fought with a fierce intensity, their resolve unbroken despite the overwhelming odds stacked against them. With every strike of their weapons, they pushed back against the darkness, determined to emerge victorious against the dark summoner's minions.

And then, finally, after what felt like an eternity of combat, the last of the shadowy wolves fell, their dark forms dissipating into nothingness as they were vanquished by the heroes' relentless assault.

With a triumphant shout, Nash and his companions stood victorious amidst the swirling snow, their weapons raised high in triumph. The battle against the dark summoner's minions had been fierce and grueling, but they had emerged victorious, their courage and determination shining brightly in the face of adversity.

As they caught their breath and surveyed the aftermath of the battle, Nash and his companions knew that their fight was far from over. The dark summoner still lurked in the shadows, his malevolent presence a constant threat to the peace and safety of the Outcast city.

But with their indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve, Nash and his companions were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Together, they would confront the dark summoner and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

As the dark summoner emerged from the shadows, his malevolent presence casting a sinister pall over the battlefield, Nash knew that the final showdown had begun. With a surge of dark energy, the dark summoner unleashed a devastating blast, aimed directly at Nash and his companions.

Reacting swiftly, Nash tapped into the power granted by his harem, summoning a protective forcefield that enveloped him and his allies in a shimmering barrier of energy. The forcefield crackled with power as it absorbed the full force of the dark summoner's attack, shielding them from harm.

But the dark summoner was not deterred. With a malevolent sneer, he taunted Nash and his companions, his voice echoing like a whisper on the wind. "Blast it! Curse it!" he spat, his words dripping with contempt. "Give up, hero, while you still can."

Despite the dark summoner's taunts, Nash remained resolute. With a determined glare, he met the dark summoner's gaze, his jaw set in defiance. He would not back down, not when the fate of the Outcast city hung in the balance.

With a wave of his hand, Nash summoned forth his own magical energy, channeling it into a powerful counterattack. Bolts of light crackled around him as he unleashed a barrage of magical projectiles, each one aimed directly at the dark summoner.

The dark summoner snarled in rage as the projectiles struck true, their light piercing through the darkness that shrouded him. But even as he staggered under the onslaught, he refused to yield, his dark energy crackling around him like a shield.

As the battle raged on, Nash and the dark summoner clashed with all the fury and determination of two opposing forces. Each blow was met with a counterattack, each strike parried with precision and skill.

But as the minutes turned to hours, it became clear that neither side would emerge unscathed. The dark summoner's power seemed limitless, his dark energy swirling around him like a tempest, while Nash and his companions fought on with unwavering resolve.

With every passing moment, the battlefield became a maelstrom of light and darkness, each side locked in a struggle for supremacy. But in the end, it would be the strength of Nash's spirit and the bond he shared with his companions that would ultimately determine the outcome of the battle.

And as the clash of magic and steel echoed across the snowy landscape, Nash knew that he would not rest until the dark summoner was defeated, and the people of the Outcast city were safe once more.

With a determined look in his eyes, Nash surveyed the battlefield, his mind racing as he formulated a plan to defeat the dark summoner once and for all. As his companions stood ready beside him, their weapons at the ready, Nash began to outline his strategy.

"I have a plan," Nash began, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around them. "Sophie, I need you to distract the enemy with your water magic. Turn it into ice and aim it directly at him."

Sophie nodded, her eyes gleaming with determination as she focused her magic, summoning forth a torrent of water from the nearby river. With a flick of her wrist, she directed the water towards the dark summoner, her magic weaving through the air with precision and grace. As the water began to freeze into a solid sheet of ice, she unleashed it towards their foe, the icy shards hurtling through the air with deadly accuracy.

"Sylvia," Nash continued, turning to his bow-wielding companion. "I need you to focus your power on your bow. I'll boost your abilities with my own, increasing the force behind each arrow you fire."

Sylvia nodded, her grip tightening on her bow as she concentrated, channeling her energy into the weapon. With Nash's help, she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins, empowering her shots with an otherworldly strength. As she drew back the string and loosed an arrow towards the dark summoner, she felt the familiar thrill of battle coursing through her, her aim true and her shots finding their mark with deadly accuracy.

"And Niya," Nash continued, turning to his swift-footed companion. "I need you to be the bait. Draw the dark summoner's attention away from us, but don't worry—I'll enhance your speed and create a barrier to protect you from harm."

Niya nodded, a determined glint in her eyes as she prepared to execute her part of the plan. With Nash's power coursing through her, she felt a surge of energy propelling her forward, her movements swift and agile as she darted across the battlefield. As she drew the dark summoner's attention towards her, she felt a barrier forming around her, protecting her from the dark energy that lashed out from their foe.

"Once I've focused my power," Nash concluded, his voice steady as he prepared to unleash his final attack. "I'll strike at the heart of the dark summoner. Is that clear?"

His companions nodded, their determination unwavering as they prepared to execute their roles in Nash's plan. With a final nod of assurance, Nash focused his energy, channeling it into a powerful attack that crackled with raw power. As the dark summoner continued to taunt them, firing off blasts of dark energy with abandon, Nash knew that their moment of reckoning had come.

"Are you finished hiding?" the dark summoner jeered, his voice dripping with malice as he unleashed another barrage of dark energy towards them.

But Nash was ready. With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed his final attack, his power blazing forth with blinding intensity. As his companions followed suit, unleashing their own barrage of attacks upon the dark summoner, the battlefield erupted into chaos.

The dark summoner snarled in rage as the combined force of their assault bore down upon him, his dark energy wavering under the onslaught. With each strike, his defenses weakened, until finally, with a mighty roar, Nash delivered the finishing blow, striking at the heart of the dark summoner with all the strength he could muster.

And with a deafening roar, the dark summoner fell, his form dissipating into nothingness as his dark energy dispersed into the air. The battlefield fell silent, save for the heavy panting of Nash and his companions as they surveyed the aftermath of their victory.

With the dark summoner defeated and the curse lifted from the Outcast city, Nash and his companions stood victorious, their bonds stronger than ever before. As they looked out upon the city they had fought so hard to protect, they knew that their journey was far from over—but with courage in their hearts and each other by their side, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

And so, as the sun rose high in the sky and the first light of dawn chased away the darkness, Nash and his companions stood as heroes, their names etched into the annals of history as saviors of the Outcast city. And though their journey had been long and fraught with danger, they knew that together, they could overcome any obstacle and emerge victorious, united in their quest for justice and peace.

As Nash's final blow struck the dark summoner, a wave of exhaustion washed over him, his body feeling as if it were made of lead. With a strangled cry, he collapsed to the ground, his strength drained and his vision swimming. The world around him blurred as darkness threatened to consume him, and for a moment, he feared that this was the end.

When Nash finally regained consciousness, he found himself lying in a small, dimly lit room, his head throbbing and his body aching with every movement. As he struggled to sit up, he was greeted by the sight of his three companions—Sophie, Niya, and Sylvia—huddled around him, their faces etched with worry and fear.

"Where am I?" Nash croaked, his voice barely above a whisper as he surveyed his surroundings.

"You're back in the village of Outcast," Sophie replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "We brought you here after you collapsed. We thought we had lost you."

Nash's heart clenched at the anguish in Sophie's voice, his own eyes welling with tears as he realized the gravity of the situation. He had pushed himself beyond his limits to defeat the dark summoner, and now he lay battered and broken, his strength depleted and his body on the brink of collapse.

"I'm so sorry," Nash murmured, his voice choked with emotion. "I didn't mean to worry you all. I just... I had to do whatever it took to protect the village."

His words were met with a chorus of reassurances from his companions, their voices soft and comforting as they surrounded him with their love and support. Niya reached out to grasp his hand, her touch warm and reassuring, while Sylvia pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"We know, Nash," Sophie whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "We know you would do anything to keep us safe. But please... please don't ever scare us like that again."

Nash nodded, his heart heavy with guilt as he realized the pain he had caused his companions. He had always been the one they looked to for guidance and protection, and now he had put himself in harm's way without a second thought, risking everything for the sake of others.

As he lay there, surrounded by the people he loved most in the world, Nash knew that he would do whatever it took to make things right. He would recover from his injuries, stronger and more determined than ever before, and together with his companions, he would continue to fight for justice and peace in the world.

But for now, as the tears streamed down his cheeks and his companions held him close, all Nash could do was hold onto the love and warmth that surrounded him, grateful for the unwavering support of his harem and the knowledge that no matter what trials lay ahead, they would face them together, as one.