
Transmigration: in another world with my harem - (Moved to a New Link)

Note: this will not update anymore you can read the continuation exact copy posted on this site of my original. Nash's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when, in the midst of completing an English assignment, his classroom chair begins to glow. Suddenly, his voice becomes inaudible to his classmates and teacher, as if he has ceased to exist. Before he can process what is happening, he is transported along with the chair to another realm. There, he meets Sophie, the mysterious girl who summoned him. She reveals his mission: to purge the land of an evil summoner's dark magic. To do so, Nash must harness his unique ability — the power of the harem. By engaging in intimate encounters, from touching and kissing to full intercourse, Nash can activate his powers. However, there’s a catch: without a mystical amulet bestowed upon him by the king, his powers cannot be amplified. The amulet becomes a critical element in Nash's journey, serving as a conduit to enhance his harem powers. As he forms deeper connections and engages in intimate moments, the amulet glows, magnifying his abilities and making him an unstoppable force against the forces of darkness. As Nash navigates this perilous new world, he must balance his burgeoning powers with the challenges of forming and maintaining relationships, all while battling the forces of darkness. His journey is fraught with danger, desire, and discovery, as he strives to become the hero this realm desperately needs. The stakes are higher than ever, with the amulet serving as both his greatest asset and his greatest vulnerability. Will Nash be able to master his powers, protect the amulet, and fulfill his destiny? In this thrilling and sensual adventure, every encounter brings him closer to his goal — and to the heart of the mystery that binds them all.

Gamer_Fantasy · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Ch 31 : Winter~~Fall!!

As Nash and his companions prepared their belongings, a sudden chill swept through the inn. The once warm and cozy atmosphere began to change as the unmistakable signs of winter set in. Nash paused, feeling the crisp air bite at his skin, and turned towards the window.

Outside, delicate snowflakes began to drift down from the sky, covering the village of Outcasts in a pristine layer of white. Sophie, who was standing by the window, gasped in delight. "Oh wow, winter is coming!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with childlike wonder.

Niya and Sylvia, who were packing their bags nearby, looked up in surprise. "This is a rare occasion, Nash," Niya said, her eyes wide with amazement. Sylvia nodded in agreement, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watched the snowflakes dance in the air.

Nash couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth spread through him despite the cold. He looked at his companions, their faces lit up with joy and excitement. The sight of them so happy filled him with a deep sense of contentment.

Sophie turned away from the window, her cheeks flushed with excitement. "This is so beautiful! We should go outside and enjoy it," she suggested, her eyes sparkling.

Nash nodded, his heart swelling with affection for his companions. "Alright, let's make sure we're bundled up first," he said, glancing at their attire to ensure everyone was warm enough for the sudden change in weather.

Niya, always practical, quickly found her cloak and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Good idea. We don't want to catch a cold," she said, pulling the hood up over her blue hair.

Sylvia followed suit, her green hair contrasting sharply against the white fur lining of her cloak. "I'm ready," she said, her voice filled with a quiet excitement.

Once they were all prepared, they stepped outside into the snowy landscape. The village looked like a scene from a fairytale, the buildings and trees covered in a sparkling blanket of snow. The air was crisp and fresh, the cold invigorating as they took in the beauty of the transformed village.

Sophie couldn't contain her excitement and twirled around, her white dress and red skirt fluttering around her. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed, her laughter ringing through the quiet streets.

Nash watched her, his smile growing wider. He turned to Niya and Sylvia, who were also taking in the sights with awe. "It's incredible how quickly things can change," he said, his voice filled with wonder.

Niya nodded, her eyes reflecting the snow-covered surroundings. "It's like a new world," she said softly.

Sylvia, her cheeks rosy from the cold, looked up at Nash with a grateful smile. "Thank you for bringing us here, Nash," she said. "This is a memory we'll cherish forever."

Nash felt a surge of emotion, realizing how much these moments meant to his companions. "I'm glad we can share this together," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

They continued to walk through the village, enjoying the peaceful silence that the snow brought. The villagers, too, seemed to be taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the snowfall, their faces reflecting the same awe and wonder that Nash and his companions felt.

As they wandered through the village, they came across a small park, where children were already building snowmen and playing in the snow. Sophie clapped her hands in delight, urging Nash and the others to join in the fun. They spent the morning laughing, playing, and marveling at the beauty of the winter wonderland around them.

For Nash, seeing his companions so happy was worth more than any treasure or victory. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, their bond stronger than ever.

As the sun began to rise higher in the sky, casting a golden glow over the snowy landscape, Nash felt a deep sense of peace and contentment. With his companions by his side, he knew that they could overcome anything.

With hearts full of joy and memories to last a lifetime, they continued their journey, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them next.

Nash and his companions continued to enjoy the serene winter morning, their laughter echoing through the quiet village streets. The fresh snowfall invited a playful mood, and Sophie, ever the instigator of fun, had an idea.

"How about a snowball fight?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Come on, it'll be fun!"

Niya grinned, her competitive spirit ignited. "You're on, Sophie," she said, already crouching to gather a handful of snow. Sylvia giggled, quickly joining in, while Nash watched with a fond smile.

Nash took a step back, observing his companions as they prepared for the impromptu battle. Sophie, with her natural exuberance, packed snowballs quickly, her movements fluid and graceful. She stood ready, her water and earth magic giving her an edge in crafting perfectly rounded snowballs at a rapid pace.

Niya, the blader princess, approached the game with the same precision and focus she brought to her swordsmanship. She formed her snowballs with practiced efficiency, her blue hair contrasting sharply against the white snow. Her stance was low and agile, ready to dodge and weave.

Sylvia, the bow master, took a different approach. Her green hair framed her face as she carefully crafted her ammunition, her movements deliberate and focused. She held her snowballs like she would her arrows, her eyes sharp and calculating, searching for the perfect moment to strike.

Nash decided to join the fray, his own snowballs ready in hand. His energetic nature meant he could keep up with the pace, and his height gave him an advantage in both offense and defense.

Sophie launched the first attack, her snowball flying through the air with surprising speed and accuracy. Nash barely dodged it, feeling the cold brush against his cheek. "Nice try, Sophie," he called out, laughing.

Niya took advantage of the distraction, her own snowball aimed precisely at Nash's midsection. He twisted just in time, the snowball grazing his side instead. Niya's eyes sparkled with delight at her near hit.

Sylvia, waiting for her moment, let fly a perfectly aimed snowball at Sophie. It hit its mark, splattering against her shoulder and sending a flurry of snow cascading down. Sophie yelped in surprise, her expression turning determined.

Nash, not to be outdone, hurled his snowball at Niya, who deftly dodged and returned fire with swift precision. The snowballs flew back and forth in a flurry of white, each companion's unique fighting style adding to the dynamic energy of the game.

Sophie used her agility to weave through the battlefield, her laughter infectious as she dodged and countered with her own snowballs. Her movements were fluid, almost like a dance, and her water magic occasionally enhanced her throws, making them faster and more accurate.

Niya's approach was more strategic. She used her speed and reflexes to outmaneuver her opponents, each throw calculated and precise. She rarely missed her mark, and her competitive nature drove her to push herself harder, her eyes always on the lookout for the next target.

Sylvia's archery skills translated well into the snowball fight. She took her time, lining up each shot as if it were an arrow, her throws accurate and powerful. Her patience and precision paid off, and she often hit her targets with impressive accuracy.

Nash, meanwhile, relied on his energy and strength. He moved quickly, his tall frame making it easier to dodge incoming snowballs and launch his own with force. His laughter rang out as he enjoyed the playful competition, his heart light with joy.

The snowball fight continued for what felt like hours, the companions lost in the sheer fun of it. The villagers watched with amused smiles, their own spirits lifted by the sight of the heroes playing in the snow.

Eventually, the game wound down, and the four of them collapsed into the snow, breathless and laughing. Their faces were flushed with exertion, their bodies warm despite the cold.

"That was amazing," Sophie said, her voice breathless but full of happiness. "I haven't had this much fun in ages."

Niya nodded, her eyes bright with excitement. "Agreed. We should do this more often."

Sylvia, her cheeks rosy, smiled softly. "It was perfect. Thank you, everyone."

Nash looked at his companions, his heart swelling with affection. "I'm glad we could share this together," he said, his voice warm. "Let's remember this moment and carry it with us."

They lay there for a while longer, enjoying the peaceful aftermath of their snowball fight. The bond between them felt stronger than ever, forged not just in battle but in moments of pure, unfiltered joy.

As the morning turned into afternoon, they finally got up, brushing the snow off their clothes. The village around them sparkled in the sunlight, the snow reflecting the bright light and creating a magical scene.

With hearts full of joy and laughter, they continued their exploration of the village, ready for whatever adventures the day would bring. The memory of their snowball fight would stay with them, a testament to the strength of their friendship and the happiness they found in each other's company.

As the day turned into evening, the village of Outcasts transformed into a winter wonderland. Snow continued to fall gently, blanketing the rooftops and streets in a thick, soft layer of white. The glow of lanterns and candles cast a warm, golden light over the village, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere.

Nash and his companions strolled through the snowy streets, their breaths visible in the crisp night air. The snow crunched under their boots as they made their way through the village, marveling at the serene beauty of the night.

Sophie wrapped her arm around Nash's, her cheeks flushed from the cold. "This is so beautiful," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "I didn't think the village could look even more magical at night."

Niya, walking beside them, nodded in agreement. "It's like a scene from a dream," she said, her eyes sparkling as she took in the sight. "The snow makes everything look so peaceful."

Sylvia, always perceptive, noticed a gathering of villagers in the distance. "Look, over there," she said, pointing. "It looks like they're having a celebration."

Curious, Nash and his companions made their way towards the gathering. As they got closer, they could see a large group of villagers huddled around a massive bonfire. The flames danced and flickered, casting a warm glow over the faces of those gathered. Laughter and music filled the air, creating a festive and joyous atmosphere.

The villagers had set up makeshift benches and tables, where they shared food and drink, their faces illuminated by the firelight. Children ran around, playing in the snow, while adults sang and told stories. The sense of community and warmth was palpable, and Nash couldn't help but feel a deep sense of appreciation for the simple beauty of the moment.

"Wow," Nash said, his voice filled with awe. "I never knew people could enjoy the snow this much."

Sophie smiled, her eyes reflecting the firelight. "It's amazing how the cold can bring people together," she said. "They've turned a simple winter night into something magical."

Niya, always the practical one, added, "It's a reminder of the strength and resilience of people. Even in the harshest conditions, they find ways to celebrate and enjoy life."

Sylvia, her green eyes wide with wonder, nodded. "It's inspiring," she said softly. "They've made something beautiful out of the snow and cold."

A villager, noticing their presence, approached them with a warm smile. "Welcome, travelers," he said. "Come, join us by the fire. Warm yourselves and share in our celebration."

Nash and his companions exchanged grateful smiles and accepted the invitation. They found seats near the bonfire, feeling the warmth seep into their bones as they settled in. The villagers welcomed them with open arms, offering food and drink, and soon they were part of the festivities.

Sophie struck up a conversation with a group of villagers, her natural charm and energy making her an instant favorite. Niya joined a group of children in building snow forts, her competitive spirit turning the game into a lively contest. Sylvia listened intently to an elder telling tales of the village's history, her eyes wide with fascination.

Nash, feeling a deep sense of contentment, sat back and watched his companions interact with the villagers. The fire crackled and popped, sending sparks into the night sky, and the sound of laughter and music filled the air. It was a perfect moment, one that he knew they would all cherish for a long time.

As the night went on, the villagers began to sing traditional songs, their voices harmonizing beautifully in the cold night air. Sophie, always eager to join in, began to sing along, her voice blending with the others in a joyful melody. Nash, Niya, and Sylvia soon followed suit, their voices joining the chorus.

The firelight danced on their faces, and the warmth of the flames mixed with the warmth of their camaraderie. The night felt timeless, as if they were part of something much larger than themselves. The snowfall continued, adding to the magic of the evening.

Eventually, as the fire began to die down and the villagers started to drift back to their homes, Nash and his companions thanked their hosts and made their way back to the inn. The night was quiet now, the snow-covered village bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight.

Sophie, still smiling from the night's festivities, linked arms with Nash. "That was incredible," she said. "I feel like we've made some wonderful memories tonight."

Niya nodded, her blue hair glistening with snowflakes. "It was a perfect end to a perfect day," she said. "I'm glad we got to experience this together."

Sylvia, her eyes reflecting the moonlight, added, "Tonight was special. It's moments like these that make our journey worthwhile."

Nash, his heart full of warmth and gratitude, smiled at his companions. "I'm grateful for all of you," he said. "Let's keep making memories like these, no matter where our journey takes us."

With hearts full of joy and a renewed sense of purpose, they walked back to the inn, ready to face whatever adventures awaited them next. The bond between them had grown even stronger, forged in the firelight of a snowy winter night.