
Night Raid

"Crap, I need to get out of here," Cale thought as he sensed the enchantment on the door. He reached out mentally to his companion Angel, Ophari, but got no response. While he was trying to figure out what to do, Amber hugged him tightly from behind, sending a nervous shiver down his spine. The heavy metal door creaked open, jolting him back to reality.

"Oh, I was just about to wake the two of you because the boss wants to see the high-quality goods, but you two look pretty energetic," said a large woman who had the size and demeanor of an orc. Two others, equally formidable, followed her in.

"The boss will be pleased to see this boy. He's really high-quality goods," said another woman, licking her lips.

"Yeah, maybe the boss will lose interest in selling him and just keep him as her toy. Hehehe," chimed in the third, her tone menacing.

"Stop talking; you're scaring the boy. If he pees himself, the boss won't be happy. Just grab them both and let's take them to the boss. She'll decide what to do with these two," the first woman ordered. The other women approached, laughing.

"Justin, stay behind me. I'll protect you, don't worry," Amber said, trying to sound brave while she stood in front of him, her back shielding him from the large women approaching.

"Don't come any closer! If you hurt Justin, I'll never forgive you!" Amber shouted, putting on a brave act, even though her eyes held a hint of fear.

"Kekeke, do you think we care about that? After the boss is done with him, we'll eat him or drain his simen suck him dry!" one of the women sneered, laughing as she charged forward.

Amber struggled as the larger woman grabbed her, hitting her on the back of her head, knocking her out. As Amber slumped to the floor, the women turned their attention to Cale. He decided to play it safe, pretending to lose consciousness, hoping they would underestimate him.

The women laughed at his compliance after restraining them they start to , taking his limp form and dragging him out of the room. As they carried him down the corridor, Cale kept his ears open, listening for any useful information that might help him find a way out. He knew that he needed to act quickly.


After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at a large, luxurious room. In the center of the room sat a woman with a mature presence, her attire revealing but not overly suggestive. Her long black hair flowed down her back, and she seemed to command authority.

The two women dropped Justin and Amber in front of her. Justin pretended to wake up, his eyes meeting the leader's.

"Where am I, Justin?" Amber asked, regaining consciousness and looking around. When she saw the woman in front of her, her expression turned anxious.

"Oh my, so you know each other?" the woman said, intrigued.

"We just met," Justin replied, trying to keep his scared and innocent act to himself.

"If you know each other, this could be more fun; I'll rape him in front of you," the woman said, laughing. She then walked towards Justin, taking him by the arm and guiding him to a sofa, where she sat down beside him.

"Leave him alone! "Amber shouted, struggling against her restraints. "Don't you dare touch him!"

The woman ignored Amber's protests, focusing on Justin. However, Justin remained his acting, his mind focused on his objective. He needed to stay calm to find the ascension stone and figure out an escape plan.

The atmosphere grew tense as the woman drew closer to Justin. She started to lick his neck. Justin was acting afraid while tearing up his real tears.

'Oh, her tongue. is too hot and wet, brother, please stay still and ever try to get out; it's not the time to be horny!'

"I'll make you feel good, so ahmmm," the woman said while licking.

'im fuck!'

After licking, she started to reach Justin's lower body, but her advance was suddenly interrupted by a loud crash. A window had shattered, and the room was plunged into darkness.

The only relief in this situation is Justin.

"What's happening?" the woman shouted, alarmed. There was no answer from outside; just silence.

**Outside of Golden Skull Base**

"Is everything ready?" Black Lily asked, using her communication crystal.

"Yes, everything is in place. You can start the raid. We've disabled their magic tools and artifacts," a voice replied through the crystal.

"Good. Everyone, prepare!" Black Lily shouted. A group of women wearing sleek fit black outfits.emerged from the shadows behind her.

"Let's start the raid," Black Lily said as they moved in swiftly and quietly.


**Inside the Golden Skull Base**

After about 20 minutes, Black Lily and her team had taken down nearly all the guards and rescued the enslaved children.

"Is everything secured?" Black Lily asked one of her subordinates.

"Yes, we've secured 52 children. We're still assessing who wants to return to their families," replied a woman in black with respect.

"Good. Now, there's only one room left," Black Lily said, pointing to the door leading to Aubrey's chamber.


Back inside the chamber


a loud bang echoed as the door burst open, revealing a group of women in sleek black outfits. Some of them were so well-toned that the outlines of their breast and muscles were visible beneath their suits.

"Who are you?" Aubrey shouted, clearly alarmed.

"You don't need to know," replied Black Lily, the leader of the group. She had a mature aura and a strong presence as she approached Aubrey. Black Lily noticed Justin frightened and teary-eyed, but her focus was on Aubrey, who had drawn a blade from her thigh.

"Are you the one who did this?" Black Lily asked with anger in her voice.

"So what if I am?" Aubrey replied with feigned confidence. "He's mine, and I can do anything I want with him."

Black Lily's eyes narrowed, and she charged at Aubrey, who managed to parry her attack with her blade. Despite her role as the leader of Golden Skull, Aubrey was a skilled fighter.



The sound of their blades clashing echoed throughout the chamber. Despite her best efforts, Aubrey eventually lost ground. She was left kneeling on the floor, breathing heavily with a small pool of blood around her.

"I have to admit, you're strong, but do you think no one in our organization can defeat you? I'm just a slave merchant, but this isn't over," Aubrey said, smiling through her fatigue. She reached into her pocket and ripped a piece of paper, summoning a small magic circle beneath her. "I'll be back to claim what's mine. Just you wait," Aubrey said as she vanished in a flash of light.


The sudden disappearance left Justin and Amber bewildered, but the threat was over for now. Black Lily turned her attention to the two of them.

"Are you two alright?" Black Lily asked them.

"Yes, thank you. But who are you?" Amber asked.

"You don't need to know." Black Lily replied, approaching Justin.

"What did she do to you?" Black Lily asked, seeing Justin's scared, teary-eyed expression.

"I'm fine; she just licked me," Justin replied.

"What a pervert bastard!" Black Lily exclaimed, looking at Justin pitifully.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" Black Lily asked.

"Yeah, I want to go home," Justin said, still acting scared.

"Don't worry, we'll help you get home," Black Lily said with a smile.

Because of her beautiful face and mature, sexy body, Justin couldn't help but blush.

"T-thank you," he replied, but Amber interrupted them.

"Who said he's going with you? He's coming with me! I promised him that I'd help him!" Amber protested.

'We never made that kind of promise,' Justin thought.

"Then how are you going to do that? You're just like him—just a kidnapped victim," Black Lily replied.

"I'm the heir of Duke Oriane, so my knights will be here soon. After that, I'll be the one to help him go home," Amber said with a proud face, even though she was still restraints.


Morning had passed, after the Deos left Amber and Justin were still inside the Golden Skull Base. The women in black said they had cleared the whole place, so it was safe now. The reason they were still there was because the women in black have a report of the knights of Duke Oriane were on their way. After hearing that, Amber said they should just wait, and so they did.

Afternoon had passed, but still no sign of the knights.

"I'm hungry!" Amber complained. Justin ignored her while he looked at a ring with a red gem in his hand—the Ascension Stone, which i found while I'm looking for my inventory ring in Aubrey's jewelry collection.

"What's that?" Amber asked, looking at the ring in Justin's hand.

"Oh, it's just a ring," Justin replied.

"If you like rings, I have a whole box of them at my mansion," Amber replied, her tone full of playful bragging. "You can have as many as you want. They're just sitting around gathering dust."

Justin had forgotten that Amber was the heir of a duke. At first, he thought she was just a normal noble, but now he realized she was from one of the most influential families. And she said she was from Oriane, but in the game, there was no mention of Amber or any heir. Did she die in the game? He couldn't remember, but her name did sound familiar. He decided to focus on the present rather than puzzle over the past.

The sun was setting, and finally, a group of knights approached the base. Justin thought to himself, 'Why did it take them so long?' I'm so hungry and thirsty.'

[AN:I apologize if there's any mistake. I only use AI to edit it because I'm still not feeling well, and AI keeps deleting the 18+ parts, so I need to put it back. Sorry for not updating yesterday. Maybe I can only upload 3-4 chapters a week.

Thank you for your support, all of you. I really appreciate it. ✧\(>o<)ノ✧

Shionch4ncreators' thoughts