
Transmigrated in Danganronpa as the Ultimate Ninja

Transmigrated into the world of Danganronpa with the abilities of ninja from Naruto. Taking on the Identity as the Ultimate Ninja. How will the world change? *NOTICE: I don't own the picture of this fanfic. Leave me alone about it.*

Shinto_no_Kami · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Times of happiness coming to an end

~ Three hours later ~

The search around the building has mostly ended and so, everybody as promised headed to the cafeteria in order to relay our findings to each other.

I reached the cafeteria to see nobody there.

So I just erased my presence and decided to try out my chakra by laying on the ceiling using chakra to stick my backside on it.

This was fun trying to do. I got down and reached the floor silently. The moment I did so, people started entering the cafeteria. These people were Sakura, aoi, byakuya, and mondo.

{A/N: They entered in the order spoken btw. }

They didn't notice me due to my presence being completely concealed. I didn't mind this at all so I stayed in the corner and watched them sit down at the table and wait.

Eventually while waiting more people came in until Makoto lastly came in with Sayaka.

This would've been the signal to start the meeting, yet they don't know im here.

Eventually getting tired of waiting and kinda worried, Kiyotaka spoke up.

Kiyotaka: '' Has anybody seen Senju-san? This is very important and his seriousness shows that he would not miss this meeting. If he's not here either something happened to him or he found something important and is taking longer than he would've if he didn't. ''

Everybody except Sakura and Celeste seemed to be scared and worried by my 'disappearance'.

This was noticed by everyone and so Kiyotaka again spoke up.

Kiyotaka: '' Do both of you know something? If so please speak up. ''

Sakura looked at him before speaking.

Sakura: '' I think you guys are forgetting something very important about Tobirama. ''

They all seemed confused by what she meant all of them were thinking ' what could we possibly forget about a person like him?'

Their lack of intelligence irritated Celeste so she decided to speak up.

Celeste: '' You guys are forgetting that he's the ultimate ninja. He's probably here and we just can't see him. Aren't I right, Senju-san? ''

Knowing the jig was up I reappeared behind Celeste and released my presence.

This startled everybody in the room except Celeste ....well until she saw the surprise on everyone's face and turned around. She then lost composure for just a second before fixing it immediately.

Tobirama: '' I've been here before all of you, Standing in that corner since around thirty minutes before you guys started coming in. ''

They looked even more surprised than before Though they did calm down eventually.

I sat down in an empty seat and from there own Kiyotaka started the meeting.

We then exchange information and such like in cannon. Eventually we finish our info exchange and headed to our rooms while thinking of the words Celeste said to the others.

~Next day~

I was woken up by a knocking on my door. Using chakra sense i found it to just be aoi and opened it.

Aoi: '' Good morning tobi-kun''

I was slightly surprised by how unformal she was.

Tobirama: '' Kun? ''

She seemed to notice my confusion. Then, realizing her mistake she blushed madly.

Aoi: '' Sorry 'bout that, I'm just used to being informal that's all. I'll call you by formalities if you want. ''

Since I didn't want to dwell over the little stuff, I smiled before telling her how I felt about it.

Tobirama: '' I am fine with it I promise. It doesn't bother me coming from you. ''

She blushed harder than before hearing that. Thlugh after a few seconds, she was able to completely calm down.

We then walked together to the cafeteria without getting Sakura since she's already there.

Reaching it, they were welcomed with the questioning yet intrigued stare of Sakura.

Tobirama: '' What? Why are you staring at us? ''

She looked amused and I immediately understood the implications of that smile.

Sakura: '' I and your family has been trying to get you a girl for years and yet the moment we're subjected to seclusion, you find one. To think that you've just been holding back your game. ''

I blushed a red mess along with aoi. I retorted her and rejected her claims ( To aoi's dismay ) then sat down at the table after getting my food.

Though this was a good time, eventually with the release of our motive videos, a lot will change and the killing will finally begin.