
Get My Brain Checked

Wang Yong fell into deep thoughts, ' Could she actually be so incredible that she can learn how to successfully manage a company and learn how to code so professionally? Isn't this too supernatural? '

He dazedly looked at Zhi Ruo's concentrated face as endless strings of code poured into the computer screen.

Leon turned around and also curiously looked at Zhi Ruo, " Since when did your girlfriend know how to code so well that she thinks she can hack into police security? "

" No offence. " Leon quickly said to Zhi Ruo but she didn't respond and just continued typing, seeming completely immersed in her world.

Wang Yong answered, " I don't know either. "

" Hey, more importantly, do we have a plan B?! " Alessia stressed as her hands became very sweaty from the stress of driving so long at such a high speed. " Even if I can outrun them for a while, we still have to stop to refill the tank. "

" Hum...Jeremy told me that they already have three teams working on erasing evidence too. Seven other teams that are driving a car similar to ours to confuse the police and separate them. Three other teams on monitoring and finally him and Louis are trying to negotiate with the contacts at the police. At worst, we'll just bomb the computers or plant a virus on the computers by force and figure it out after that."

Suddenly, the car felt pushed to the side and the disturbing sound of crashing metal resonated. One police car had caught up and was tempting to push them and regain the upper hand.

Alessia grounded her teeth and her brows furrowed deeply, " How much longer miss girlfriend? "

Zhi Ruo who finally became more aware of her surroundings due to the impact started stressing a lot, " This is not going to work, you are going to have to buy me more time, I can't make it happen in such a short time. Can you try to stop somewhere just long enough so I can get off? "

" But if you fail, we would be in a very bad situation just because we bet our chances on you. " Alessia said with a frustrated expression, it was already hard to drive full speed to run away but now they had to stop?

" From the time that you eventually get caught and go to the procedures, I should be able to completely erase all my traces and handle the independent computers. " Zhi Ruo explained confidently.

Alessia debated inwardly and briefly looked at her brother before deciding to trust her as it's not like they had many options.

" Fine! I can't stop completely but I can slow down near a blind spot, you are going to have to jump off. " Alessia answered as she looked through the side mirror, observing the incoming police cars.

Zhi Ruo bit her lower lip and finally nodded, " Ok, tell me when. "

" In exactly 1 minute. " Alessia veered the car to another street and then turned another corner.

Zhi Ruo immediately started packing the computer in the suitcase and shoved her small purse with it.

It was only after that she realized that Wang Yong had a really dark and complicated expression on his face, " Did you completely forgot about me or what? "

" Is this really the time to argue about this?! " Zhi Ruo was completely at lost with his expression.

Wang Yong looked at her firm eyes that seemed calm and fearless but he knew that she was scared by the way she held her fingers nervously.

' She is probably doing this for me but still...this wouldn't have happened if I didn't get her involved. ' Wang Yong harshly scolded himself in his heart.

" OK in 10 seconds, get ready to jump. "Alessia warned in a loud voice and brusquely slowed down the car at a tricky curve while opening the hood of the car.

" Don't worry, there is grass. " Leon observed anxiously from the side, feeling extremely powerless.

" Are you coming with me? " Zhi Ruo took off her high heels, bravely stood up and climbed on the seat while asking Wang Yong at the last second.

' Hell! How did I up in this situation again?! Doesn't matter! It's for Wang Yong! I can totally do this without dying! I have been blessed god and have already died what should I be scared of?! '

( Author: dying again...)

" Of course I am. " Wang Yong sighed in exasperation as he also prepared.

Zhi Ruo slightly looked back and smiled, ' Sigh... love is so dumb, I really need to get my brain checked after this... '

Even though she thought that hearing his calm and soothing voice made Zhi Ruo feel a bit better.

" NOW! " Alessia yelled while violently steering the wheel to the side, the car brakes making a horrific sound.

Zhi Ruo closed her eyes and resolutely propelled her body out of the car while preparing herself for the harsh impact.

Wang Yong followed suit with a difference as short as two seconds, catching Zhi Ruo in his arms and shoving her head in his chest while hugging protectively the rest of the body.

Wang Yong tightly held onto Zhi Ruo in his arms as they tumbled down on the grass that barely reduced the rigid impact of the hard ground.

Zhi Ruo who was prepared for a certain degree of pain only felt the harsh bumps and slight pain in her legs. When the rolling finally stopped, Zhi Ruo took a while to readjust her heart and her emotions but quickly struggled out of Wang Yong's embrace to check if he was okay.

" Wang Yong? Are you okay? " Zhi Ruo said in a panicked voice as she gently stroked his cheek.

Wang Yong didn't move and groaned. " I don't feel good... "

Meow, I feel like wasting money on a 29$ book that talks more in-depth about my personality...I really want it... will I regret it? Do you guys know what kind of personalities you guys are? Any debaters/innovators? We are like 3% of the society apparently... Good personality tests are so accurate they are scary...

White_Rose_Queencreators' thoughts