
Tragic Love

What will you do if you found out that your girlfriend's father is the murderer of your parents? Would you let love overcome hatred or hatred overcome love? Justin, an only child and the son of a renowned WWE wrestler discovers that he possesses an unusual, uncontrollable superpower at a tender age... power from a mysterious and dark source. Days prior to his fourteenth birthday, he suffers an unfortunate tragedy; the assassination of his parents. After investigating all by himself, he finds out that his crush's father, who was another famous but retired WWE wrestler, had a hand in the death of his parents. He stands strongly against their growing relationship and just won't stop hunting him. Would he decide to spare her father and bury the hatred he has for him all because of the love they share or will he overlook that quench his thirst for vengeance? Would his action bring him newfound happiness or just unbearable tragedy? Find out in this action packed romance novel- TRAGIC LOVE!

abthor7 · 現実
60 Chs

Shadow Fight.

Justin's P.O.V

"As I was saying... I'm Justin Cole... the son of Davis and Michelle Cole" I paused while she stared at me attentively. I didn't know whether to reveal everything to her or just reveal half of it... or not to say anything at all.

But I just couldn't bring myself to killing Lisa at all... even though it was a normal thing for me to kill every single person that saw me use my powers.

I really didn't know if I could trust Lisa enough not to kill her... since she found out about a very delicate secret I kept but I decided to trust her. "What you just saw was me using my powers." I continued. "Yes... I have superpowers... I didn't know about them until one day when I used them to save my mum from falling from a staircase and my dad told me about it."

I told her everything about the freak accident that almost happened to me when I was a baby and how I floated and all. She was so surprised when I told her that her mouth flew open.

I also told her how I lose my mind and how my pupils always turn red when I'm using them.

I just couldn't tell her about my wicked and brutal life... about how I've killed up to twelve people and maybe even more... that's adding those men who were chasing me from the stadium and must have died from that explosion I caused... in less than quarter of a year! It actually wasn't something to be proud of in any way.

"So... our great grandfather was a wicked dictator whose thirst for power made him use magic and now you got superpowers???" She asked in a voice that made me doubt she believed what I just said. I nodded.

She had stopped sweating profusely and panting and all... I was so happy that she looked normal now and not traumatized.

"It all makes sense!" She finally said. "No one ever told me about it." She added.

"Yeah, I didn't get to know about it till that day I discovered it myself. I don't know if they were trying to hide it from me or were waiting for me to get older."

"They were probably waiting for you to get older." She said.

"And that's exactly what I thought... And I don't know why but I lose my mind anytime I use them. I'll always feel the urge to fight. That's pretty much why I almost killed you just now." I think I was talking too much though it felt good when you could share your problems with others.

"Who do you fight?" She questioned. That was one question I was trying to avoid.

"Actually, nobody. I just punch and kick the air in my room... waiting for a worthy fight." I lied... talking like the main character in Shadow Fight 2.

"You know... if I were you. I'll get these powers out of me. You almost killed me." She said seriously and in an angry tone.

"It's not possible to get them out." I lied. "I was born with them and I like them actually." Yeah… I absolutely loved them and couldn't imagine living without them. Like... who wouldn't?

"Okay..." She said in a voice which accepted defeat. "It's your choice, but just don't use it to kill anybody." She advised.

That advice really sunk into my soul. If she knew what I've been doing... how many god damn people I had killed, she wouldn't have been advising me like this. For hell's sake... I've been a bad... bad boy.

Then I remembered vividly; the day that mom and dad first told me about my powers and I remembered dad's warning not to use it to 'constitute a nuisance.'

It pricked me. It pricked me that I didn't follow mom and dad's warning about my powers even now that they're dead. It just dawned on me that I had been doing the exact opposite of what they told me to do.

Because of how heartless I had been behaving lately, I actually thought that my conscience was dead but it was pricking me hard now. I felt really bad about how bad and brutal I have been acting. About how I've been killing assassins so mercilessly and all.

Just when I thought I was going to break down, my heart helped me not to. It made me feel like I did nothing wrong and to sensibly reason it out... I actually did nothing wrong.

It was just me trying to defend myself from murderers and that's all; nothing more.

I would have killed none of them if they hadn't tried killing me first. And I have rights to self-defense... right?

Plus, there was no way I was going to just let them walk away when they knew a secret I was supposed to keep with my life; my superpowers. Besides, isn't what dad and mom told me to do? To keep my superpowers a secret... and that was exactly what I was doing.

But the way I killed them was so unfair. I killed them like... like chickens! Even chickens get killed with more respect that those assassins. I should have killed them with some respect for human dignity at least.

That was my conscience again.

But then again my heart told me that if they hadn't come with a bad intention, I wouldn't have in turn, harmed them that way.

It was like a battle... right inside of me.

Lisa's P.O.V

I dreaded what happened to me some minutes ago. It was very scary; how he made me float and almost killed me with a knife.

His pupils were red and glowing. It was utterly abnormal and I had never seen it happen before. I don't know why it happened though. He was behaving as if he couldn't control himself. And like something was in his head that made him lose control of his actions.

I was even sweating and actually crying. When the knife was centimeters from my throat I didn't know what to do... I thought I was going to die like that; killed by her own cousin; Justin Cole just because he couldn't control his superpowers.

It was such an intense moment. I was praying my 'last' in my heart and hoped that God will accept me into heaven.

I love the way he floats and can move things without having direct contact with them but I don't like the fact that he just can't control himself when he's using them. That's a big minus.

I was still on the spot where I dropped on when the 'devil in him' or whatever to call that thing in him, let me go.

I would have really liked to have superpowers like him but the notion that I wouldn't be able to control them is pretty dreadful. I wouldn't even know what I'm doing... and that's how I'll be killing people unknowingly. It's like being drunk.

He was just staring out the window and thinking about God knows what when I called his name.

"Yeah..." He answered, kind of startled.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked curiously.

"Nothing. Do you want to see me use my powers?" He asked, probably trying to escape the question I asked him and change this topic. I knew he was keeping something from me but what was it?

Well, I certainly wasn't going to ask him what it was... I'm scared of death you know.

"Yeah... of course I do" It was something I never thought was possible.

"Okay then," he said and cracked his knuckles.

He spotted the rose I was drawing earlier on and stretched his right hand towards it. It started floating and soon got into his hand. He held it and gave me.

"For you, my lady." He said playfully and smirked and I think I blushed because I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"Aww! Thanks!" I said and grinned from ear to ear as I took it from him. I couldn't believe I was already smiling... even after that scary episode.

He winked back at me "You're welcome!"

"Can you make me fly around the room?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure I can!" He said proudly.

He closed his eyes like he was trying hard to concentrate on something and before I knew what was going on, I was floating.

I was floating!!! My legs weren't touching the ground or anything. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had always wanted to fly like the birds or just feel it and here I was, floating... courtesy; Justin Cole

Even though I felt kind of nauseous, I was still happy I was floating.

Then he made me float in a lying position. He was still closing his eyes though he was doing all these. I wondered how he did it with his eyes closed.

I started floating round the room slowly and then I put my hand in front of my head... just the way most flying superheroes do. Why do they even do that?

My speed kept increasing until I couldn't see anything except lines of different colors.

"Stop it!!!" I yelled.

My speed started reducing until I was as slow as I was at the beginning. Then he made me stand in the air and then I dropped slowly on the ground with my two feet.

I was very dizzy and found my way to my bathroom. It was difficult because it seemed like the whole world was spinning. I walked with an irregular manner, gripping every object I could lay my hands on till I got to the sink and vomited.

"God damn you!" I snapped when I came out of the bathroom and I was walking normally. But all he did was to just smile mischievously.

Justin's P.O.V

This is so much stress! The 'not able to control myself' and all is so enraging!

Would you believe that when I made Lisa float just now, I was actually losing control of what I was doing. That's why I made her revolve that fast.

It was just like another war inside of me. My heart was like; I should just kill her the way I killed those men. That I should not trust her with my secrets and that she was probably just going to blab them all out later.

But I had to go against my heart... even though it was really difficult. I just couldn't let that happen. I couldn't kill Lisa.

Why does everything that has an advantage have multiple disadvantages?

I decided that I wasn't going to use my powers for anything. No training, no use for fun... no nothing! The only time I could use it is when I want to defend myself. It was the only way I could help myself not to do anything I'll regret later.

"So... about that my spare key, hand it over" She said jokingly.

"Okay!" I said.

"I'm just kidding." She said and laughed heartily. I thought she was serious because the totally had the right to vex and take her spare key back because of the incident that just occurred. "What about the Physics assignment?" She asked me. I wasn't in the mood for any assignments.

"Why don't we just do that later? Now we can maybe... play FIFA" I suggested lazily.

"Okay... But just to let you know... I'm going to whoop your ass." She threatened.

"You wish!"

"Okay! Let's see. Last to the parlor is a piece of rotten cow shit!" She declared and darted down the stairs

"Hey! That's cheating!" I yelled as I slid down the handrails.