
Tragedy love ;cursed by the unknown

An arranged marriage made with a cold demon If it were to be you cursed by the unknown to never be loved and whoever loves you will face death in one month's time Luciana, rumored to be evil and heartless what will happen when she is married to Lucian who is a cold demon? will she learn to love? will Lucian fall in love with her and even if he does will he die in one month or is there a twist to this story? will their love be a tragedy? ... now I have 3 rules if you can comply we will have no problem. 1:No touching without permission. 2:Dodon't talk too much near me 3:Dodon't look me in the eye I did not want her to see the demon in me. Luciana pov I will agree on one condition I will have 3 things you will give me promise l promise he said. 1. I can touch your face and chest right , agree or not? 2. No touching without permission. 3. Don't fall in love ever with me. the cover is not my kiddos to the original owner.

Aseoluwa_Olurebi · ファンタジー
24 Chs


Luciana can I feed you tomorrow and without giving it a thought she said "No"as sharply, as she could and I was feigning anger, just to make her feel guilt, " okay go and sleep I will sleep in my room good night and I went"

I woke up to smell freshly baked bread and tea it must be my cooks preparing it ,I guessed and took my bath with the help of some servants and went downstairs I saw Luciana sitting there like she was expecting me to come.

Good morning I heard her speak but I completely ignored her . She looked at me with the saddest green eyes and I had no choice but to comply ,hi how are you? I said but she just nodded and said how was your night it was awful I taught I haven't ever had a peaceful night from childhood due to night mares that kept hunting me .

It was fine I said how about yours she looked at me and said I am sorry .Why are yoapologizinggggging did you do something wrong I asked but only for her to look away ,I will be going out so take care of your self ,she looked at me and she said something that made me confused , you can't blame me for my actions I have my reasons so please try to understand.

Luciana pov

I was so sad with the way he was giving me a cold shoulder.Can I go with you I said , okay he replied I am going to a party a dress will be sent to your room get ready .

I went to my room and kept on thinking on what to do until I was interrupted by a knock milady the king as sent a dress for you and has asked to get you ready immediately by the way I will be your personal maid ."What is your name?" I asked .

My name is Sarah she replied, very well then lets me prepare your bath I had my bath and stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around my petite body to only see Sarah walking out areyou going to help me dress .

I said only to hear her say" my apologies but the king has requested for me to not help you to dress" and she went out, are you kidding me I internally growled I already said am sorry what else does he wants?

I was pacing up and down in the room okay no problem, I will dress but he is heartless I shouted I went to pick my dress up only to hit a broad shoulder I looked up to meet a pair of purple eyes and teeth grinning at me.