
Tragedy love ;cursed by the unknown

An arranged marriage made with a cold demon If it were to be you cursed by the unknown to never be loved and whoever loves you will face death in one month's time Luciana, rumored to be evil and heartless what will happen when she is married to Lucian who is a cold demon? will she learn to love? will Lucian fall in love with her and even if he does will he die in one month or is there a twist to this story? will their love be a tragedy? ... now I have 3 rules if you can comply we will have no problem. 1:No touching without permission. 2:Dodon't talk too much near me 3:Dodon't look me in the eye I did not want her to see the demon in me. Luciana pov I will agree on one condition I will have 3 things you will give me promise l promise he said. 1. I can touch your face and chest right , agree or not? 2. No touching without permission. 3. Don't fall in love ever with me. the cover is not my kiddos to the original owner.

Aseoluwa_Olurebi · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Get out

Lucian's pov

I already knew it must be Katherine that must have kidnapped her in other to get revenge but it seems I was wrong I searched the whole castle to find my wife but to no avail . After sending my troops to find her they came back with a report that they could not find her, o my god what do I do will they kill her if they do how will I live my life , I remember Luciana saying that if I can't find her she will always be near me but I guess that didn't work for me . Two nights went and one day but I still didn't find her . I wasn't able to sleep . Ahh I should have marked her it will be easier to find her .I closed my eyes and tried to see if my senses could locate her but I failed . Until I heard my wife crying, please leave me I promise to give you anything just let me go .Lucian Lucian she screamed HELP ME .what ! I exclaimed was I able to hear her or was it an illusion it couldn't be but I haven't marked her yet so how ?.I remembered hearing water drop and I knew that our kingdom has many water falls and ocean with fountains but where.so I ordered the troops to find all the oceans and water falls and fountains even though it was an impossible task so I decided to think of the nearest water one can find and my mind drifted to fountain of gold , they called it that name because people who went there always had good luck ,so I went by a carriage ,when we arrived there ,there was no building and I wondered how come because about last week there was a huge mansion there , did they demolish the building I internally thought okay so I decided to go back until I heard a voice saying please don't go I am here it sounded so much like my love 's voice .I was about to go back and check and I thought how did Luciana know I was here.Was there someone mimicking her voice or was it really her .

I went to look at the fountain again looking for where she must have gone until I slipped and fell inside I was about to go back to the surface to swim my way out but before I could go a light was emiting from the water and I knew it was black magic even without going in so I swam deeper and woke up to see my self on a ground ,how but wasn't I in the water .I saw the mansion that was here before and I knew they must have hidden the house I immediately made my self invincible trying to smell her scent but all I could smell was blood mixed with her honey comb like smell .Was she dead I internally thought,please oh lord save her .so the smell led me to the basement of the mansion then my eyes fell on my wife I immediately hid behind the door then made my self visible and came inside only to see my wife eyes glow in surprise Lucian how did you find me.