
Tower of all Wishes

Welcome to the Tower of Wishes where all your wishes can come true! Ron a normal man who longed for a life of fantasy had died and was suddenly transported to this tower. Now with the help of the wish store he could wish for anything! Now he will explore this tower and see if there is an end to it. A/N This is my first fic. English is not my first language but I am pretty fluent in it. This novel will feature populair characters and powers from anime, tv, manga or other fantasy settings.

AnAccountant · アニメ·コミックス
51 Chs

Results of the attack

Goblin Slayer threw his sword at one of the hobgoblins as he ran. He used his shield as a battering ram as he split open the head of another goblin The sword hit the hobgoblin in the head killing it instantly "five" "six" Goblin Slayer counted.

On the other side Ron ran at one of the goblins and swung his spear downwards onto the head of a goblin splitting it wide open. He didn't stab this time as he didn't want another one hanging on his spear.

Goblin Slayer rushed across the field to his sword and quickly pulled it out of the dead hobgoblin, wanting to strike at the still stunned paladin he swung his sword at its neck. However his strike was blocked, clearly the paladin could still fight a little.

"Tch" Goblin Slayer clicked his tongue as he decided to go for the small fry first. Ron saw that Goblin Slayer was focusing on the big ones first, he also rushed towards the other hobgoblin; this one was already injured from a previous fight as it only had one eye.

The hobgoblin was squirming wildly as Ron decided to stab it. Ron stabbed it in the shoulder after aiming for its head. Quickly pulling out the spear Ron evaded a wild swing from the hobgoblin as it tried to retaliate.

Meanwhile Goblin Slayer went on a rampage as his name implied. "Fifteen" He counted taking a quick glance at Ron who was fighting a hobgoblin and seemed to handle it. He continued to kill the small goblins as Ron fought with the hobgoblin.

Ron stabbed once more and quickly pulled the spear out. It was the sixth stab of the spear and Ron was starting to get tired. His arms were heavy and his lungs felt on fire. Finally the hobgoblin had enough and fell to the ground.

*huff* *huff* Ron took a few deep breaths before looking at the battlefield Goblin Slayer was finishing up the small goblins as he announced "Twenty-three". His breathing was a little tired as even he was starting to feel it.

It seemed like a quick fight but from start to finish 15 minutes had gone by.

*grrrr* *graaaagh!* the paladin who now had got rid of most of the effect of the tear gas roared loudly with great anger. First it fought with other strong ones and luckily managed to deal with them by surprise. Now it had lost the rest of its horde to another strong one.

It seemed to decide to focus on Goblin Slayer first as he was clearly the stronger one. It ran at Goblin Slayer and swung its sword at him. Goblin Slayer swung back to deflect the strike.

*Ting* *Ting* *Ting* clashes sounded out as they both went at it. Ron circled behind the paladin and went for the unguarded thighs of the paladin, it had armour everywhere except for the joint areas.

Ron grazed the thigh of the paladin, it did little in damaging it but it's attention was suddenly on Ron. As the paladin looked at Ron he could feel the paladins' rage and knew he was outclassed mentally and physically. The paladin suddenly swung hard and Ron made a hasty block by pushing the wooden shaft between him and the paladin.

*Thud* The wooden shaft blocked the swing but Ron could feel the power through the swing and hit his body hard. *cough* Ron coughed and his knees buckled. *crrk* Suddenly the spear began creaking the paladin who heard it began pushing harder.

*SNAP* With a snap the spear broke and the swing was suddenly uninterrupted, the tip of the blade came down and time seemed to stop in Ron's view. *THUD* The sword hit the ground and Ron looked down at his chest and saw a red line across his chest.

('Am I going to die?') These were Ron's thoughts as he suddenly jumped back and fell on one knee. He touched his chest and felt the cut, but it didn't hurt? No adrenaline was keeping the pain away. He took a good look at his chest but it seemed like the wound wasn't all that deep.

('Just a shallow wound') Ron was relieved. Suddenly he heard laughter as he saw the paladin sauntering towards him, wanting to finish him off surely. Just before the paladin got there a sword came from its neck.

The Paladin tried turning its neck to see who it was when a voice suddenly rang out. "You forgot about me" The man who said that was Goblin Slayer who had plenty of time to aim a stab at its unguarded neck. Twisting the sword and cutting off the head the paladin was dead. "Twenty-four" he said and looking at the battlefield to see if any goblins survived he calmly announced "Twenty-Eight" before looking at Ron.

*DING* Ron got a message while he was breathing hard and before he checked the message he decided first aid was necessary. He quickly opened the store before buying some medicinal powder that cleansed and healed wounds and some bandages for 100 points. Ron took off his training jacket and applied the powder.

*Shhhh* Ron inhaled sharply through his teeth as the powder stung his wounds. Reminding him that he got lucky the strike wasn't deep enough to kill him. Next Ron had to bandage his wounds else it would get dirty and infected again.

"Let me help you with that," Goblin Slayer said as Ron was about to bandage himself.

"Sure thanks" Ron just replied. He was really tired after today even though it's only been like 2 hours since he woke up. Ron heaved a sigh of relief and decided this was a good moment to the message he had gotten earlier.


('Whew, it was tough but worth it') From start to finish Ron gained 3,500 wish points and used a total of 600 points so far in summon time and supplies which netted him 2,900 points. He will probably use more points as long as Goblin Slayer was here.

Goblin Slayer finished bandaging Ron's wound and helped him up. Ron looked at the remains of his spear and was a little sad that it already broke. He had just bought that thing yesterday.

*Sigh* "Well there goes the spear," Ron said, a little sad.

"It doesn't really matter," Goblin Slayer stated. "Let's go and see what's in the houses". Not wanting to leave without checking every nook and cranny for a goblin. Ron already knew there were no goblins left but decided to just follow.

"What do you mean it doesn't really matter?" Ron asked. He couldn't really fight anymore for the time being but he was planning on buying a new spear once he was healed.

"The spear is easy to use but hard to truly master, you're currently a blank slate, use different weapons and get a feel for all of them, then specialise in the weapon that fits you the most". Goblin Slayer advised Ron.

Ron gave it some thought and it sounded plausible, he now had some experience with a spear. Maybe a different weapon will be easier to use for him personally. Everyone had different talents and now he could really explore them.

"Thanks for the tip I'll keep it in mind" Ron thanked Goblin Slayer as they neared the first house. Goblin Slayer just nodded and kept his sword close by him before kicking down the door. As expected it was empty. Ron looked around a bit before finding nothing interesting.

They continued to kick down doors in every small house leaving the big house for last. There was truly nothing in these houses, not even a letter or book about this place, like it just came into existence one day and housed goblins from the start.

When they got to the big house Goblin Slayer once more kicked it down. This house however brought some changes, first was that there was a bookshelf with a couple of books here. Ron decided to store them in the bag before reading them later. Second was a staircase, the rest of the house only had one floor.

There also was a map present. Ron took a quick look and saw that this town used to be called 'SILVER TOWN' Ron didn't study the map intently and also stored it for later. Goblin Slayer already walked up the stairs when he saw no goblins here. Ron quickly followed him and nearly threw up when he reached upstairs.

There were animal bones and it stunk like hell but that wasn't what nearly caused Ron to vomit. *cling* Two naked women chained to the ceiling, both were badly beaten. One of them had long red hair and the other had long blonde hair. Ron forced himself to calm down before his stomach really emptied out.

Suddenly the red haired women looked up at them. ('She was actually conscious!?') Ron was flabbergasted, he never thought she would be conscious with all those wounds.

"...leave…" The red haired women muttered weakly. Clearly even just talking was hard for her.

"Leave? You want to leave this place? That's perfect, we'll help you." Ron said to her. Understanding that she wants to leave this place.

"Leave…us…alone" The woman said, looking directly at Ron. Ron could see something in her eyes, was it anger?

"What do you mean? We only mean to help. We killed all the goblins, they are no threat anymore". Ron explained to the woman it was a little confusing. They were now saved from the goblins but didn't want to be saved?

"If you…come closer…we'll kill…ourselves". The woman said with a determined look in her eyes. Clearly there was something at play here.

"You don't trust us" Goblin Slayer spoke for the first time. It would explain why she didn't want them closer to her.

"No…we…do not" The woman stated weakly. Seems like trust was the issue here, but they needed help if they didn't get help. Who knows if they'll make it out. It couldn't be comfortable like that.

('They don't trust us?') Ron thought. It seemed weird to not trust the ones who saved them but maybe they've experienced something that caused them to think this way?

('How do I gain their trust?') Ron contemplated the issue. Trust was something that you couldn't really give on a whim, it was something that grew overtime. Did Goblin Slayer trust Ron? No not really, he only knew him for 2 hours and got his help because of his hatred for goblins.

('They won't trust us, but what if they trusted something else?') Ron began his train of thought. ('What if they trusted something that couldn't be broken?') Ron had an idea and voiced it.

"If you don't trust us will you trust something else?" Ron asked the woman.

"...Depends…" The woman answered vaguely. It seemed that not all hope was lost.

"Well I have an idea then" Ron said and opened the wish store and bought the item he needed for 200 points. What was worth 200 points? A blank piece of paper appeared before Ron.

"This is a special kind of paper that can record your thoughts, we'll make a contract and if one of us breaks it we die". "You can state the terms then we'll read it over and make it into a contract.

This was the idea Ron had gotten. Back in his first life trust was built upon such contracts, well not the literal death part that was more verbatim.

"...Fine…" The woman gave in, if it was a contract on her terms they could indeed trust that.

"Ah can you also decide for your friend" Ron suddenly asked looking at the other women who seemed to be unconscious.

"Yes" The blonde woman suddenly replied. Clearly she was just pretending to be unconscious as she listened to the entire conversation.

"Alright let's do it then" Ron said as he placed the paper on the ground and gave the red haired women the rights to write on it. The paper began filling with words as they all sat in silence.