
Torus Thrio: The Strongest God

In this wonderful world people are born with a seed, this seed can sprout in an infinite number of different ways; however, once sprouted, it can never return to its previous state. This seed is the seed to Godhood, the seed that forms the basis of ones divinity. And in this world there is one young man's seed that blooms into something unimaginably unique, this young man is Roy Thrio, read along as Roy explores his unique powers on his crazy journey to godhood.

Stealth_Panda · ファンタジー
37 Chs

Intimate Experience with Master


~R-18 Start~

Taking a deep inhale, nearly letting out a guttural growl as he felt the ministrations of Sofia, Torus' eyes sharpened as he knew there was only one way to deal with this - retaliation! And so, with that thought in mind, Torus struck, one of his hands that was mauling her plump yet muscular ass slowly slid inward. 

Eventually, it came to rest in-between her legs, where one of his fingers seemed to flick out experimentally. "Oh!" Sofia moaned out as she felt a sudden jolt of pleasure coarse through her directly from her lower region, causing Torus to gain a rather wolfish expression. 

Noticing that this seemed to be a winning move, Torus excitedly continued his ministrations, slipping one finger between her legs completely as he began to experimentally play with her lower lips.

However, Torus wasn't just mindlessly bumbling about, he was actually paying attention to the reactions released by Sofia, making note of which regions seemed to get the strongest reactions out of her. This scene continued to play out for around five minutes, Torus' hand constantly moving about with no repercussion before Sofia finally managed to get ahold of herself, realizing she had been on the losing side for much too long of their little game. 

Eyes sharpening, Sofia took the next step in their little spat, her hand that was rubbing against his crotch through the front of his pants seemed to flash and a large tearing sound rang out. Torus, who up until this point was completely distracted by his ministrations, had his eyes fly wide open as he felt nothing but cold air begin to assault him from the waist down, his eyes flickering downward with an accusatory look toward the seductress currently before him.

However, as his eyes met hers, the only thing he got in response to his accusatory stare was a cheeky grin. Still staring directly into his eyes, Sofia reached downward before resting her hand on his already engorged member, slowly stroking her hand from the base all the way up to the tip, sending a jolt of pleasure through Torus as his large figure shuddered at the feeling.

Her eyes widened as she realized exactly how large it seemed to be; however, rather than being intimidated, her grin widened as her other hand seemed to slip down, joining the first. 

Soon, she seemed to have found the most effective strategy against him, one of her hands slowly stroking from the base to the head while the other rested directly on his head, slowly moving back and forth across his glans. Groaning in intense pleasure, Torus' head shot up as his eyes slightly rolled back, this being a completely new experience for him.

This only lasted a moment though, before he seemed to once more gain that light of challenge in his eyes. As a result, the ministrations he was currently performing on Sofia seemed to undergo a slight shift. Sofia let out a long drawn-out moan as she realized something, her attention shifting from her own actions for just a moment as a new wave of pleasure wracked her. 

No longer did Torus feel as if he were just bumbling about, his hand now seemed to slip into a rhythm, whereas it was previously moving wherever it pleased, it now seemed to concentrate on the regions that brought her the most pleasure, something he had learned directly through experience.

However, even this was only the beginning of his retaliation, as soon Torus' other hand moved into action, slipping around her body before slowly sliding downward, attacking her from the front. Rather than just attacking her vagina as the other hand was however, this one seemed to come to rest on a specific spot, something that caused Sophia's eyes to widen as she looked up into Torus' eyes with her own soulful, pleading gaze.

Looking into these eyes, Torus' movements paused for but a moment. Mercilessly, Torus' gaze shifted seemingly ignoring her look, his hand coming directly down onto her clit, beginning to do small circles around its engorged form. Soon however, this seemed to become not enough for the ever hungry Torus, his hand now flicking out at specific intervals, gently flicking at her clit in unison with when he knew his other hand would bring the most pleasure to her. 

As she experienced this pleasure, Sofia wished he would just continue his attack rather than forcing her to endure through bouts of denial whenever his hands would come to a stop, her hips soon bucking out in an attempt to feel more of the pleasure he was bringing her. Watching this, the wolfish grin soon returned to Torus' face, realizing that he had definitely won this little game of theirs by now. 

Still, Torus continued his ministrations, and the longer this seemed to go on, the more Sofia's face seemed to sink in frustration, her hips now bucking wildly in an attempt to reach Torus' hands.

Letting out ragged breaths, Sofia glanced up at Torus nearly having tears in the corners of her eyes. Pleadingly, she began to beg, "Why won't you let me cum?" She desperately asked. As he listened to these words and stared deeply into her beautiful orbs that now seemed to be bloodshot from the constant pleasure with no release, Torus' self control nearly snapped.

However, something seemed to reach out to him from deep in his mind, an idea seeming to pop into his head unbidden. An almost sinister grin seemed to slowly encompass Torus' face as he leaned down toward Sofia's beautiful face, his mouth coming to rest directly next to her ear. As his lips came to rest next to her ear, Torus' lips slowly moved as he seemed to whisper something to her, something that seemed to cause her eyes to widen with shock.

Soon, this shock turned to a look of outrage, clear unwillingness apparent on her face as her mouth remained tightly clamped shut, a look of defiance evident in her gaze. However, this look seemed to slowly waver as Torus' fingers continued playing with Sofia's body in a way she never could, her mind slowly being filled with nothing but the feeling of his fingers movement as they deftly flicked about. Soon, this look of outrage on her face faltered, slowly being replaced by a reluctance that eventually fell into acceptance. 

Taking a deep breath, Sofia prepared herself for what she was about to do, her body using the tree behind her as support as she slowly stood on tip-toes, her head now coming to rest on Torus' shoulder. 

With her head next to his ear, Sofia finally gave in to Torus' demands, "Please Torus, your Master is begging you, please allow me to come! I can't take it anymore! Your constant teasing it like a slow form of torture!!" Sofia begged Torus for release, her voice slowly becoming more anticipatory as she spoke. 

What started as a reluctant begging soon became one filled with exhilaration, the embarrassment that was currently encapsulating her seemed to be replaced by something else as Sophia discovered something about herself.

She didn't know if it was because of exactly who it was she said the words to, or if it was simply something she hadn't noticed about herself before, but Sofia realized that she actually felt a wave of pleasure wash over her as the humiliating words rang out from her. On the other hand, Torus' breathing grew ragged and heavy as the words left Sofia's mouth, a feeling of domination overtaking him that nearly deprived Torus of all his self-control.

Still, with reluctant difficulty, Torus managed to slowly reign in these emotions as he started to oblige his Master's pleas. His hand that had been flicking her clit began to pick up speed, the feeling slowly overwhelming Sophia's mind. At the same time, his other hand doubled its previous ministrations, the combined pleasure being enough to send her clear over the edge. 

"Ohhhhhhh!!" Sophia moaned out, her hips rapidly bucking into Torus' hand as a gush of liquid seemed to spray out from her lower lips, covering Torus' hand in a somewhat sticky fluid. Her bucking seemed to slow down as her energy was slowly sapped from her afterwards, this orgasm of hers too strong for her to immediately recover from. 

Slowly raising his now sticky hands to his mouth, Torus sniffed at the liquid coating it, the smell an intoxicatingly sweet aroma. With clear desire in his eyes, Torus raised his hand the rest of the way to his face, allowing his tongue to extend out and lap up some of the clear fluid. As the liquid rested on his taste buds, only a single word came to Torus' mind, "Delicious!" he exclaimed, a new light seeming to shine within his eyes.

As he looked down at the slightly worn out frame of his Master, all Torus could feel was an intense desire beginning to overwhelm him. That was why, with a haste to him, Torus picked his master up in a bridal carry before taking off in a blistering pace toward the village.

The reason for this was simple - he didn't think it appropriate for his first time with the woman he loved to be in the middle of a forest.

Instead, Torus would much rather take this elsewhere, somewhere where he and Sofia could enjoy some alone time together without the risk of being mauled by Ferocious Beasts. 



A/N: Mwahahahahaha, I invoke the dreaded cliffhanger-kun. Now, you must wait to see the next chapter!
