
Chapter 9; Don't you get it?! ❗Judy being as annoying as ever❗

I joined Emily and Theo, they were cleaning the windows. "Guys, she knows something. Meredith knows something." I whispered, Emily and Theo glanced at eachother and nodded. "We've been thinking about a plan that we have. I will go deliberately scrape my knee so she can help me bandage it. Theo will then go into the basement and find more stuff about the shadowy dude. You, Max, will go to Mrs.Beverley's office and picklock the lock, then find any information you can, you will also be given the mysterious riddle key. We have to make sure Judy and Houston dont see us or even hear us. Got it?" We nodded and began with our plan, Emily scraped her knee, "AGH- Ow! That hurt worse than anticipated." Meredith ran to Emily with her medical kit, "Emily what happened?"

Theo sneakily ran to the basement door but realized he didnt have the key, he glanced over and noticed the key was in Houstons pocket. He grabbed some string and a sock, he covered Houstons mouth, trying to bring him down. When he was down, Theo grabbed the sock and stuffed it in his mouth then he tied the string around Houston's hands and ankles. He shoved Houston in the janitors closet and shut the door. He unlocked the basement, went in, and shut the door. He looked around and stuffed as many photos and information he could get.

I started picklocking the office door until I saw Judy, then I picked up a rag and started cleaning the door's window. She walked passed me, "Tsk...freak." I glared at her, "At least I dont wear makeup to hide my face unlike you." She gasped, "Did you just- Hubby!" I looked at her confused, "Who?" She yelled more, "Hubby!!! HOUSTON!!!...where is he?!" "I hope dead." I snorted, she chuckled, "Your a pig you know that?" "At least my IQ isnt the size of an ant, were you born this stupid or did you take lessons from your 'hubby'?" I said slapping with the rag. "I think that slap made a little improvement on your face." I said, she stomped away to where she couldnt be seen. I unlocked the door and went inside, I saw loads of weird stuff and collected it. I stuffed my pockets till they were filled with information.

Meredith got done with patching up Emily's scrape, "Well, try to be more careful where your going okay?" Emily nodded and Meredith got up, "I'm gonna go to the office to get something. Keep up the good work." Emily tried to think of something really quickly, "...CAWCAW CAWCAW CAW CAW CAW!!!...RIBBIT RIBBIT RIBBIT...RAWRRRRRRRR!!!" Meredith looked confused as I heard the call from inside the office and quickly hid under the desk. Meredith walked in as Theo ran out of the basement to Emily. "Oh no." Emily said, Theo looked confused but realized, "Wait!- Is Max still in there?!" Emily nodded and they watched.

Meredith went into her office and unlocked a drawer and got out a ripped, half peice of paper. I could've swore she looked dead at me but then she left with the drawer unlocked and I sighed relief, then of course grabbed everything i could out of the drawer for information and snuck back out noticing Meredith went outside. Me, Emily and Theo went back into my dorm and locked the door.

((Hey readers Im sorry that I've been gone for so long. I have been focusing on personal things that i have been doing this summer. But this is chapter 9 i know its short but its the best i can do for right now and I may be on haitus on some chapters and not because the publishing schedule is wonky right now.

Iz ya author Maxiboi done with Chapter 9. See ya😜✌