
Tokyo ghoul: One Eyed Prince

Reincarnation, no cheat, no system ........... Yorimitsu has a chance to live a second life which should be a good thing...an ass! Reborn in Tokyo Gould which 90% of characters are lunatics is as tired as hell, especially when he is a son of the one-eyed king in the 24th ward. By the way, should he consider running away from home? Because his old man will become a dragon and destroy the 24th ward soon.

Wana_Wongsatain · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

7. Debut 1

Yorimitsu went to inform the instructor about his desire to drop out, which was naturally opposed by the instructor.

"Miyamoto-Kun, your grade is at the top in both physical and knowledge. If you continue learning you will definitely become an excellent investigator after graduating. Why did you suddenly want to quit?" The instructor was a middle-aged man with a gentle temperament. He did not lash out but spoke slowly in doubt. "If you have any problem you can inform me and I will try to help you."

"It's not something like that." Yorimitsu shook his head. "I heard the story about the ghoul name One-Eyed Owl, although the CCG went all out they cannot kill that ghoul but suffered a heavy loss. I am afraid that I will die like that in the future, I just want to live a normal life."

Of course, all he spoke was nonsense. The real reason was that he wanted to go out of this dangerous place and lived freely as a ghoul, developing his power for future action. One-Eyed Owl was just a convenient pretext.

Yorimitsu told the biggest lie of the year but the instructor actually believe it because it was an understandable reason. He knew that this boy was different from the other kids here. He did not have any deep hatred for ghouls so he did not have any motivation to fight them.

The instructor was also an investigator so he knew that you could not force people to risk their lives if they did not willing. It would have only defective results.

"Did you think about it carefully? Why not wait until you are old enough before deciding?" He still asked, unwilling to let a genius like Yorimitsu go.

"I'm old enough for my standard, and I want to experience what a normal people's life is like." The boy smiled and refused. "If I change my mind, I can still join as a normal trainee at that time, isn't I?"

"If you say so..." the instructor sighed, knowing that the boy had already decided. "I will tell the above about this, you can wait and see the result."

His resignation was soon approved by the people who manage the training center. As saying before, the CCG's orphanage wasn't the main power that support CCG, it was Vashuu's children from the sun lit garden. And Yorimitsu did not show any monstrous potential like Juuzou or other geniuses, at most he will stop at First Class rank. There was no reason to kept him here without his consent.

Then, there was a far well party held in the academy for his departure. It wasn't because he was a very popular student, it's just there weren't any entertainment event in the academy for a long time.

Being the protagonist of this party, many students came to talk to the boy, some said he was a coward, some just wished him for a good fortune. Seeing many face expressed their good will toward him made Yorimitsu felt a little funny, if these guys knew what he would do in the future, would they still have these attitudes towards him?

"It felt like I'm a prisoner whose just left the prison." Yorimitsu said. His hand holding a traveling bag which contained his personal files and certificates, three set of clothes, and a small amount of money from the academy.

The first thing he did after he became free was to looking for a residence. The 1st, 2nd, and 23rd wards couldn't be a choice because the power of CCG, the 20th ward was a good choice but the presence of Kuzen might be a hassle. At last, he decided to live in the 7th ward that didn't have anything special.

After spending an entire day finding a house and settled down in the cheapest apartment that had only a living room and a bathroom, he started to think about the second most important topic, how to made money.

To be honest, his situation was quite rough for a twelve years old kid. There weren't many place that willling to let the kid at his age worked, stealing wasn't an option either because it would be a problem if someone found out.

He estimated the money he had now can supported him for only month, after that, he can only lived on the street. Luckily, he already thinked about this. The way to make money for urban Chinese protagonist, plagiarism.

In this world, Jump and other entertainment media studios were flourishing, although it was a little lower than the real world because of ghoul's problems. It'd be very easy to make money through writing a manuscript and story of original world.

Moreover, it wasn't just about money. His goal was to change Tokyo and let ghouls live under the sun. He had to change ghoul's image in people heart to achieve that or else it wouldn't change anything. There would be second or third CCG even he could annihilated V organization.

From his experience and what Eto did in original work, people won't buy the obvious propaganda but easily consumed the hidden propaganda that came with the entertainment media. Not to mention he couldn't organized that scale of events.

Yorimitsu did not expect civilians to sided with ghouls, just let them had an awareness that ghoul wasn't a man-eaten beast and have emotions like human was enough.

With the goal to became a famous writer, apart from finding school to attended and managing his personal life, he had too worked against time to created his work.

All of this occupied huge chunk of his personal time that he couldn't even went out to hunt for food.

Thinking back, he was really grateful that he decided to write a novel instead of drawing Manga, if he chose the latter then he wouldn't be able to even go to school.

Luckily, this kind of tight life lasted only two weeks till he finished his manuscript. If his work became a big hit then he could take his time to slowly wrote the next story while enjoying a steady stream of income.

"Finally! Finally, it's finished!" After writing the last letter onto the paper, the boy exhaled loudly and twisting his body which making sounds of his bones. The novel he write this time contained almost four hundred pages and written by hand. The amount of work was so heavy that he almost collapsed even he had ghoul's strong physical.

"But this work should be good enough to get published, isn't it?" He looked at the story's name on the first page which read as "Full metal alchemist".

That's right, the story he choose to write was Fullmetal Alchemist, one of the most famous manga in his previous life. Although the quality might be dropped a little because the lack of visual fight he believed that this story should be enough to get published and made him a famous writer.

The boy took the newly script to the publishing house in the next day. Although the public relations officer looked at him strangely because of his age there was no rules restricted the children so she still arranged him to met with one of the editor.

Yorimitsu drank green tea leisurely while rereading his plagiarized novel, after waiting for a while, a nervous-looking young editor with short black hair and rounded face arrived and sitting next to him.

"My name is Shiono Shunji, an editor of Shoeisha, I heard you wish to present us a manuscript?" He spoke. "By the name, what's your name?"

"Oh…ah, my name is Yorimitsu, Minamoto Yorimitsu." He spoke.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows. "Did you somehow have a brother name Yorinobu?"

"No, it's just a similar name." He spoke stuttering, wasn't because of shyness but shock because he happened to know this guy.

Shunji was Eto's editor in the original story. They work together for almost ten years and Shunji should be one of very few people who had a close relationship with her. She even spared his life when he knew her identity.

However, despite his feat such as 'being One-Eyed Owl's editor', his ending was a little bloodied. V killed him after Eto's last work getting published and being cooked into a food by Furuta before giving it to Eto as a present.

Well, that was so fucked up.

"But if my script is approved, does that mean this guy will become my editor too? Being the editor of two one-eyed ghouls is quite a feat." He though, his heart had a wired feeling when looking at this Shunji guy.

"Shall we starts to review your script, Minamoto-kun?" Shunji asked with a strange voice after being glaring by Yorimitsu.

"Yes, please! Mr. Shiono." The boy regain his composure and handed over his story.

"Fullmetal Alchemist," Shunji asked while flipping the stack of paper in his hand. "How many pages does this novel have?"

"Around four hundred pages." He said. Fullmetal Alchemist had many subplots and storylines, it was still a long story even he cut off som of them.

"Four hundred, huh." Shunji flipped the papers and continued to talked to him. "How old are you this year?"

"Twelve." Yorimitsu spoke.

Hearing the boy's age, Shunji face revealed boring expression. He had read the story for a couple of page, the language in the novel did not look like it was written by a twelve years old child it was just so so compared to other novelists, and he did not think that a child could write something interesting so he almost judged this book as failed although he didn't read all of them.

Shinno did not directly reject his work but told Yorimitsu about the lack of his literacy level, gave him encouraging words such as 'you will become a great writer if you keep writing' then giving the boy his business card before told him that he would contact him later.

"You aren't going to read them, are you?" Yorimitsu twitched his face. Shunji's words were polite way of refusal. The thing that made him a little helpless was that this guy should rejected him because of his age, which was the same reason with Eto, but he wouldn't give up easily like Eto.

"Emm, well…" The young editor looked embarrassed after being poked at his black spot before quickly defending himself. "Not at all! How could it be like that. I'll really busy and did not have time right now, I will definitely read it!"

"Why don't you read it now, we still have ten minutes left. At least read the first chapter." He spoke with a smile. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you. I was student at junior investigator school so although I was dropped out I can still poke a hole on your body with a pen if I'm angry…I'm not trying to scare you, alright?"

You are! You definitely trying to scare me!

Shunji screamed in his heart, did not expect that this kid would have such identity. He didn't think that Yorimiitsu would really do as he said but he did not want to gamble and honestly started reading the manuscript.

Fullmetal Alchemist was worthy of its name. Shunji's expression soon changed from reluctant to serious and become excited at the end of the meeting.

"Interesting, really interesting. Your setting and the protagonists are well-written. Even I wants to continue readings. I will bring this back and present it to the director. It should be able to get published after polish the language. I will contact you back, what's your phone number?"

The completely different attitude compared to before made Yorimitsu smiled. He knew that his first step was successfully.

"The debt of my career is completed, next, I should think about my debut as a ghoul too."