
Chapter 33 - Prowess

Jessie stood frozen in her place as she watched Amara single-handedly defeat four rogues that were twice her size. Surprise did not begin to describe how she felt at that moment.

The second she heard the soft melody that came from her mouth, she felt her mind begin to numb and become fuzzy, but it wasn't just her who felt like this, but the other warriors as well. It seemed like the only people who were immune to this were Lucy and Mikael.

Everyone could sense that the atmosphere surrounding Amara had changed. Her eyes were cold and sharp as she exuded a queenly aura that made people unconsciously bow their heads in reverence. Her penetrating gaze made it look as if everyone was beneath her.

Jessie opened her mouth in an attempt to speak but found that no words would come out. Her feet felt as if they were pasted to the ground and she could do nothing but helplessly watch as Amara walked towards the rogues.

She gritted her teeth, desperately wanting to stop her from getting any closer to them.

Amara's song quietly turned into a soft hum, but the power beneath it did not distinguish. Though her song wasn't being directed towards them, it still did not stop the influence it had over them.

The warriors had long succumbed to her prowess and could only stand on the side, dazed, but still faintly aware of what was happening.

Lucy held her son tightly. Though she was still afraid, she couldn't help but be in awe as she watched Amara bring men twice her size, to their knees. She didn't know that the sirens were so powerful that they could paralyse people with just their voice.

She watched as Amara gently placed her hand on the rogue closest to her, her eyes shook as deep down she knew what was going to happen to them.

Amara licked her lips before bringing her face to his neck and smelled him, she looked at him like she would a delicious meal.

The rogue shivered as fear crept into his heart. For some reason, he had a feeling that the beautiful woman in front of him wasn't as harmless as she looked and would possibly be the one to end their lives. Before he knew what he was doing a soft plea came out of his mouth.


Amara remained cold. Her eyes round eyes changed into slits; her nails and teeth began to elongate, her appearance resembled one of a predator, but because she had her back tot hem, the only one who noticed these changes was the rogue in front of her.


The rogue shivered in fear, the aura that Amara had been emitting was enough for him to know who the real monster was, but just as she was about to bite down on his neck, she remembered that Jessie and the others were still present which caused her to still. A feeling of reluctance welled up within her and before she knew it, her previous appetite disappeared. She no longer had the desire to eat, which was strange seeing as she had not eaten for a while. She narrowed her eyes in displeasure at her conflicting feelings.

In frustration, she dragged the tip of her finger across his neck, his wound drew blood before closing up again. She looked at her finger that was covered in red liquid before bringing it to her mouth and gently licking it. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth, her eyes closed as she savoured the taste.

She wanted more.

Once again, she dragged her nails across his neck when she heard a small gasp behind her. Amara had immediately guessed who this was and she froze. The rogue used this chance to flee from her grasp, but Amara caught on quick, tightening her hold on his neck. Her sharp claws further dug into his skin, creating several puncture holes.

The smell of blood lingered under her nose. Why was she hesitating?

She internally laughed, it was only a moment ago that she told Lucy that siren were predators, that they were monsters, that eating humans was just how they are and yet here she was, hesitating.

Amara flung his body across the room.

Everyone's eye widened in surprise at her overwhelming strength and looked at the rogue lay limp on the ground, unsure whether or not he was dead.

Her eyes moved to the remaining two. The two rogues now knew that escaping was impossible, so they decided that if they were going down, then they would drag this woman with them.

They dashed towards her with their knives and daggers at hand and attempted to slash her multiple times but were found to be unsuccessful. Amara gracefully dodged each of their strikes, but she moved with such elegance and poise that they wondered if she was dancing instead of fighting.

As if finally getting bored, she caught the arm that swung towards her and applied force to her grip, the man grunted in pain before dropping his knife. Amara held his arm until a loud crack was heard, the man fell to her feet while clutching his arm in pain.

Amara picked up the knife and carefully inspected it. Her mind then did a quick simulation of how he handled it. She analysed every move, swing, and angle he did while using the knife, she swung it a couple of times to get the feel of it and it wasn't long until she got the hang of it.

For a while, she had been on the defence, but it was now her turn to attack. She darted towards the last remaining rogue catching him off guard.

The rogue's eyes widened in surprise, but it wasn't long until he gained his composure and got ready for her attack.

The woman was vicious, every move was made with an intent to kill and so, he placed his full focus on his battle with her, he knew that he couldn't be careless because one wrong move and he'd be dead.

For a while, the two exchange blows, neither showing any weakness. Amara was mostly the one attacking while the other man was forced to defend. Amara's eyes held no sense panic and were as calm as a lake with no ripples.

Soon, she was finally able to see an opening and mercilessly sliced his throat. Blood splattered on her, creating a big contrast to her porcelain skin. Amara didn't seem to pay it any mind as she indifferently walked away from the corpse that was turning colder by the second.

