

Stirring awake upon the exceedingly large bed that rested within the strange room Astria owned would be a very confused Derric. Finding himself unable to move for several moments as his body felt weak, sore, and all-around exhausted. Most curious was the raw feeling in his throat, a cross between strep and a gentle burning that took his attention rather quickly. As time passed and he regained his motor functions Derric would reach to his neck and begin trying to assess the sensation he was feeling.

"ugh... why does that hurt... I don't remember what happened... oh"

The sensation would make more sense as his mind finished coming back online, faint fuzzy memories of the night before would flood into his mind. The sensations he felt and the ravenous appetite that had roused within him started to bubble up in his psyche, the satisfaction, and euphoria he felt whilst partaking in those actions. All of it shook him deeply to his core as Derric didn't know he possessed such an aspect. Getting to his feet and taking a few deep breaths, finding the first few steps to be difficult to seize. Derric began walking about the room he was confined in, heading to the large steel door only to find no sign of any mechanisms to open it. A frustration brimmed within him as he had a faint hope there was a chance to run for it. His intentions being futile he began to consider other options.

'do I try the other door? maybe it leads outside... or maybe it leads deeper.'

Turning back and descending the stairs he had climbed in the vain attempt to escape, looking at the door across the room with both contempt and fear. Whatever stood in for bravery, perhaps desperation told him to try the door. Derric's heart began to beat faster, ascending to fill his ears as he took deafening footfalls towards that carved ebony wood door. placing his hand upon the marble knob and twisting it, pushing the door inward and closing his eyes. The silence on the other side was promising, the wave of warm wet air and gentle steam was not. Opening his eyes Derric would behold a long hallway with two doors on either side, both closed. His relaxation was short-lived, however, as further down the hall was an open room with a thick layer of steam filling the air. The room seemed to be made of red cedar across every surface, in the center was a circle of marble and stone rocks. The circle seemed to be a reservoir filled and bubbling with water that gave off all the steam. On the far end of this reservoir was the outline of a figure with their arms resting on the edges of the tank. It didn't take much effort at all to realize who it was.

"oh, awake already? I had figured you would be out for another few hours considering how fast you crashed sweetie. Have you come to check on momma already? what a sweet boy you are."

It was very obvious Astria took great satisfaction in saying that, as the smile on her face was able to be felt faster than Derric could make it out through the steam. Lifting one of her hands and motioning for Derric to join her in the toasty liquid

"join me in my not-so-natural hot spring cutie, I spent a pretty penny to get this up and running. It would be a crying shame to not share it with my lovely boy. take it easy going in, as I wouldn't want you to make too big of a splash"

Derric felt like he was staring at the hole of a noose but knew it would be unwise to refuse. So he took the steps towards this hot spring and dipped his toe in the water.

'I hate to admit it but that is rather inviting, I never got the chance to do something like this before.'

Speaking his words internally he'd take a deep breath before getting down onto his rear and beginning to slip in. Before he got past his ankle he'd be interrupted.

"Oh precious boy remove the clothes first, wouldn't want to get them wet... well at least while they are stained with my seed that is. Though no clothes are preferred for this type of activity"

The blush of embarrassment was luckily clouded by the steam in the air, though Derric didn't have ample reasons to hold onto his dignity around this woman. Removing his clothes and carefully slipping into the warm water Derric found it hard to resist the allure of such an activity

"see it's nice isn't it darling, perhaps you can spend some time here as a reward if you are a good boy. Oh, and I hope you don't mind that I have taken a liking to the momma thing. You were the one to say it after all"

*Being able to faintly make out those burning violet eyes glowing strangely across the steamy waters Derric felt them drawing him in, making him want to speak truthfully at all times. It was like she compelled his very soul*

"N-no not at all... momma. I just feel terror at all times whilst I'm here like I'm some prisoner trapped in a cage. Fearful that my time in the gallows is nearing ever closer, that I'm only living cause I might please you in some way, that if you were to ever get bored of me I'd be tossed into some pit and torn apart by hungry serpents"

*Astria's eyes would suddenly dim and cease the gentle glow. With the shaking of the waters, Astria would push across from her side and pin Derric to the side of the hot spring. Her impressive bosom holding his head in place as she used her size to keep him still. The same burning violet eyes matching with her damp hair peered down at him, her arms resting on the edge behind Derric.

"Little macabre. but Listen my precious boy I'm going to be keeping you for as long as you live, last night's experience with that cute mouth of yours taught me a very valuable lesson. I absolutely love adorable cock sucking boys like you. If it wasn't for the meeting I have within the hour I'd be trying out that fat bubble butt of yours, as I'm eager to feel it squeeze around my thick momma cock as I think you'll come to love it as. Face it cutie, I'm going to enjoy every second with you... you might as well enjoy it."

Her piercing Gaze and confident voice had Derric frozen in an estranged mix of fear and arousal. His emotions perhaps being easy to read as Astria would smile and give him a quick peck of a kiss across his lips.

"Y-yes momma."

Derric could only weakly choke out the words, as the intimidating yet alluring woman smiled down at him

"Good boy... I'll let you rest here for a little while, relax those muscles. I should be getting ready for that meeting. Stay still"

Astria would begin lifting herself out of the hot spring, the entire way she dragged her powerful form across his face. Which would end in her girthy cock and heavy balls to be the last thing to touch him. Derric would be left stunned by the exchange; both impart to the act of dragging one's body including genitalia across his face, and the sight of said genitalia. Left soaking in the hot spring Derric would take a bit of time to clean himself, rather annoyed at his members willingness to get stiff just at the thought of the woman. Moreover his fixation on the way she smelled and the sensation of his throat being stretched like that, that was far more concerning.

"I-I... I don't know what to do now... what I could have possibly done for this to happen. she's terrifying and I don't feel safe..."

Derric would slam his fists down on the sides of the hot spring, a bubbling heat rising within his chest. His effeminate face shifting to one of anger, but just as quickly as the emotion rised it shifted into a sinking cold pit. A few tears streaking down his face as he was overwhelmed by the circumstance.

"but at the same damn time I can't help but feel drawn to her... my very being telling me to kneel before her... my body aching for her warmth"

Derric would continue to soak, the waters continuing warmth and the steam hanging heavy in the air.
