
To Be A Villian, One should Behave Like one

Strong Mature Contents !!!! Warning 18 + ............................................................................. Cheng Juan, an 18-year-old boy, finds himself reborn in another world as he opens his eyes from sleep. And when he opens his eyes, he notices that he has been reborn as a villain, in the body of a child. To his horror, he realizes that he doesn't have a system with him, but something even more terrifying. It was the full control of time and space. Think for a second, what can be more terrifying than controlling time and space? Come with me and follow Cheng Juan journey in this Cultivation world filled with cultivators .................. Again warning Strong Mature Contents start from Chapter 3...

Isjan_Kak · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chang Yunjie The Vixen of the Fox race

Chang Yuan, mid-conversation with his parents, was suddenly interrupted when he noticed his uncle,Chang Xuan's younger brother entering through the door, accompanied by his son, daughter and wife. 

Chang Yuan quickly stood up, welcoming his uncle with a respectful bow. "Uncle, it's an unexpected pleasure to have you here. How may we assist you today?"

Chang Wei his uncle or Chang Xuan younger brother was also a renowned cultivator of the Chang Family but was not as mighty as Chang Yuan's dad

But he was also called the genius of his era and for his cultivation level Chang Yuan doesn't knew about that

He also don't know the cultivation level of his mother and father

But he knows about the cultivation level of his sister in the family

Chang Yuan's uncle, a seasoned figure with a calm demeanor, reciprocated the greeting. "Chang Yuan, we were in the neighborhood and thought we'd pay a visit. No need for formalities, we're just here to catch up and enjoy some family time before going towards the sect."

Chang Ji ,Chang Yuan cousin came forward for a handshake with Chang Yuan and said"Brat Yuan you seems to have grown up a little bit from the other time we have come"

Chang Yuan accepting the handshake said" You also have grown up in a strong man"

The other girl beside Chang Ji was blushing seeing Chang Yuan and it was Chang Yuan other cousin Chang Feiyan 

Chang Yuan can't understand her as she always blushes in front of him it is not like that he can't understand that he is handsome but she blushes since she first met him at that was when he was 5 and she was 3 which deeply left a truma inside him

But recalling but Creation will said he couldn't help but think as before leaving he said that,

[ You have Infinite Dao of Time and Space so whichever creature will saw you they saw you like you are the most beautiful creature of their kind and it's ability will not only affect young woman,or middle aged woman but also a old aged woman and every female creatures atleast have 2 star favouribility towards you and you can see the favouribility panel in your status interface ]

Chang Yuan, unfazed by Chang Feiyan's playful behavior, was about to extend his hand for a friendly shake. However, just as he began the motion, there was a sudden interruption

Chang Yujie, his aunt, stepped forward, embracing him in a warm hug. With a playful twinkle in her eyes, she remarked, "Oh my Yuan'er, it seems you've gracefully transitioned from the stage of cuteness to the stage of handsome. Am I not right, my little heartthrob?"

She said that and playfully pinched Chang Yuan's nose, eliciting an adorable protest from the youngest member of the family. Chang Yi couldn't help but giggle at the playful antics, adding, "See, even his nose is as cute as can be! Our Yuan'er is truly the heart of our joy." The room filled with laughter, creating a cherished moment in their lively family dynamic.

Chang Yi approached with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling as she chuckled. "Sister Yunjie, please refrain from teasing Yuan'er too much. After all, he's still the adorable little one in our family," she said, playfully emphasizing the affection they all shared for the youngest member.

Yunjie joined in the banter, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "But Chang Yi, teasing him is the best part! It's how we show our love, isn't it?"

Chang Yi laughed, her voice echoing through the room. "True, true. Yet, let's ensure he doesn't blush too much. We wouldn't want our little cutie to turn into a bashful rose now, would we?" They continued their light-hearted conversation, weaving a tapestry of familial warmth and playful camaraderie.

Yet again, as laughter echoed through the room, Yujie couldn't resist showering Chang Yuan with another deep, affectionate hug. Holding him at arm's length, she teased, "My dear Yuan'er, why so silent? Have you forgotten how to chat with your favorite aunt?" Her eyes sparkled with playful mischief, prompting a chorus of chuckles from the gathered family members.

Chang Yuan, caught in the embrace of familial warmth, grinned and replied, "Of course not, Aunt Yujie! How could I forget the expert in teasing and wisdom? and haven't you came 2 months ago"

Chang Feiyan seeing Chang Yuan mouth being touched by her mother breasts now blushed in a whole different level

And Chang Xian was now very much angered and mumburing" This Vixen of the Fox race sure wants to eat my Chang Yuan"

"But don't think my dear aunt that Chang Yuan is attracted to that Vixen body of yours"