
Chronicle's of the Nameless Shadow

Looks like Truck-kun has claimed another victim. After being forcefully transferred into a novel he was reading, our main character, Noel, decides to ignore the main plot and focus on finding a way to escape that world. "I mean, think about it. The main character will handle everything anyway. I can just stay in the background without attracting any attention." Defeating an Ancient Order of Demon Worshippers? Hell nah, I don't wanna risk dying. Author Q&A 1. Is there any system? No, there is no system in place to help the main character whatsoever. 2. How overpowered is the MC? This series is not for those looking for an overpowered MC. Currently, the MC's strength is as average as a common soldier. 3. How will the story progress? The MC will remain a background character and will always try to avoid attention. However, he will help those in trouble if he can, without anyone knowing (except for his allies, who also operate in the shadows). 4. Will there be any harem? There will be romance, but no harem. The depth of the romance aspect is uncertain, as the focus will be on the MC's goal of finding a way to escape the novel world. 5. Is the MC an edgelord? No, he's just a kid who was thrown into this situation forcefully. Thank you for giving this series a chance!

Anonymous01_ · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Shadow Machinery (1)

"Ahh, there's so many people here... Mom, table number 7's food hasn't come yet!!" Isla cried out to her mother for help.

The Rosemount festival, celebrating the city's birthday, had crowded the inn.

"Excuse me, I want to order!"

"Yes, coming up!" Isla responded hurriedly. "Where is Dad, anyway? Isn't Robin has been caught? He could at least help the inn a little!"

Even though she wanted to visit the festival like other teenagers her age, it looked like the night would be busy for Isla.


"Captain, it's currently a festival. Aren't you spending time with your family?"

"It's because it's a festival that I went on patrol. You'd be surprised how many pickpockets there are now," Gerrard said to Cedric while walking around the district.

"We can handle the patrol. You've been away from your inn since the Robin case. Now that it's solved, I think it's fine to take it easy."

'Swift Finger Robin, huh?'

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. A thief so elusive, she'd managed to evade capture for five years, only to be delivered unconscious in front of their quarters? It didn't add up.

"You're worrying about that again, Captain? It must've been some hero who captured her behind the scenes or something."

It would be nice if that was all there was to it.

Still, the fact that Robin was captured was the truth. Perhaps he was overthinking it?

How much he hoped it was just someone playing a hero who didn't want recognition.

"The Viscountess is taking Robin to the Baron tonight," Cedric continued. "It seems like whatever item she stole pissed the Baron off quite a bit."

"Sent to the Baron? I hadn't heard of this."

"So is the rumor said."

If what Cedric said was true, then he might actually be overthinking it.

Once the thief was gone from Rosemount, all the cases related to her would be over.

"Perhaps I will help out at the inn, after all."

"Is that so? Then—"


"Oi, you! I dare you to repeat what you said!!"

"What? Is it not true that a garbage like you should just die??"

A fight broke out in a tavern next to them, two men with glasses of beer in their hands and drunken eyes.

"You!! I'll kill you!!"

"Fucking bring it on!!"

The moment punches were thrown, the people around them scattered, chairs and tables toppling over.

"... I will handle this matter, Captain."

"Haha, then I will leave it to you." there are always people like that when too many folks are gathering in one place.

Cedric smiled and nodded as he approached the fighting men.

"Oi, you two! Stop right now or it'll get messy!"

"Huh? Who the fuck are ya? Just because you're a hic guard, doesn't mean— hic"

Gerrard saw the situation and sighed, knowing Cedric could handle it. He turned and walked away, hoping to find a quieter path home. But the streets were teeming with people, the festival drawing in visitors from all over.

Stalls lined the streets, vendors shouted to attract customers. Children ran about, their faces painted with bright colors, while performers entertained small crowds with tricks and dances.

"Excuse me, ugh—"

As expected, the deeper he went into the busier district, the more crowded it became. Gerrard tried to weave through the crowd of people, but it was slow going.

"Ahhh!! T-thief, someone help!!"

Gerrard's attention snapped to a nearby stall where a woman pointed frantically, he spotted someone in a black hood sprinting away from the scene.


"Tch, can one man be off the job for one night?" Gerrard complained but still gave chase.

The thief moved quickly, definitely a mage who knew buff magic, but he could keep up.

In a few more seconds, he should be able to catch up.


Just as the thief was within reach and Gerrard lunged, the thief shoved a group of festival-goers into Gerrard's path, causing him to stumble. He cursed under his breath, regaining his balance quickly.

'Kgh-, this is why I hate festivals!'

The thief used the chaos to gain some distance, now he had to start the chase all over again.

Gerrard looked around but failed to notice any guards nearby. They were probably all busy with other disturbances, given the festival's high spirits.

'Looks like the inn will have to wait.'


"Ahhh!! What's that?"


Just as he thought that the thief began thrashing the vendor's stalls, knocking over displays and scattering merchandise as he went further.

'Tch, now you've done it. It's no longer just pickpocketing but actual battery.'

Now he actually cannot give up.


'Fuck, I didn't mean to destroy that stall!'

This was the first time I had pickpocketed someone, so I panicked and thrashed everything around me!

Unknown stall owners, please forgive me for ruining your night!

Still, it slows Gerrard for a little bit, kinda?

'So maybe it's not so bad...'

I check the situation behind, and Gerrard is just about in some inches of reach to jump the shit out of me.

'Scary!! Please make it in time!!'

If I got caught, I'd definitely be dead! I knew this was a terrible idea!!

Just a little more, the forest near the Viscountess Mansion can be seen.

Benjamin will strike right after Lucia's home when everyone is asleep.

There's no way he will sneak in through the front gate where a dozen guards are standing, and so this is where the "secret tunnel" comes into play.

A small tunnel that immediately reaches the Rosemount family hunting ground. Deer, Rabbit, and some hunting game animals were released here for sports.

Since the Viscountess was always busy, and her daughter also had no interest in hunting, the forest was barely guarded.

Benjamin will be able to sneak in with ease from behind the mansion in an instant.

And there will be no witnesses of him even going close to the Viscountess mansion since he uses the underground route.

All those hours searching for the tunnel entrance were for this moment-

'Kgh-, is it just me or Gerrard is getting faster?'

I have to step up the speed!

Meanwhile, Gerrard cannot help but think something is off.

The person he was chasing... he's deciding a route too quickly.

Usually, it's not uncommon for a thief to already planned their escape route, using multiple alleyway turns, hiding in the dark, and slipping in the last moment.

He has patrolled the streets for years so he has seen a lot of those tricks, but...

This time is different.

The route he took was planned, but the thief always made sure Gerrard did not lose sight of him.

It's as if, the thief telling Gerrard to follow him.

'Is he luring me to a specific spot?'

Now he's going to a less crowded area, something a thief shouldn't do when being chased, for his location is exposed, and yet...

'This seems dangerous... should I stop now?' Gerrard thought.

Still, in streets where there are no people, giving chase would be far easier.

Gerrard knows his speed is faster than the thief.

Just a little more.

'Isn't that area... the Viscountess hunting forest? Why?' Whatever it is, he doesn't like it.

At the same time,

'I-I reach it, now just have to throw this damn purse to... it's dark!!!'

Right, without the streetlight, there's barely any light reaching the forest. How could I forget that!?

I should've brought a lantern here!

'W-where is it? Where's the entrance? Hopefully, I didn't miss it in this darkness.'

'Hmm... he's slowing down.'

Is he trying to tell him to get closer?

'An ambush?'

Gerrard couldn't wrap his mind on the thief's intention.

'Perhaps the thief is just not used to moving without light... No, that idea was too absurd.'

So be it, if he is given the chance to close the distance he will take it gladly.

'It's dark!! I feel like I'm gonna stumble on the ground the moment I lose focus!!'


But then, if I slowed down more than this, Gerrard would be-

'Agghhh-, since when he has gotten this close?!'


Wait, that's it!

That's the entrance point!

'Now I just need to throw this damn gold pouch!'

The pouch went flying through the air, and Noel never stopped a single step on his run.

He's getting out of there.

'...!? He threw something.'

The gold pouch, he's giving it up now?

Gerrard's eyes went wide open the moment the pouch was phasing through the tree it should hit.


It disappears inside the tree and falls to the dirt... or more like passing through the dirt.

Gerrard stopped as his brain tried to process what he had seen.

'Illusion magic?'

The moment Gerrard was stunned, the thief was already out of sight.

'Is this what he trying to show me?'

He unsheathes his blade and walks cautiously.

Normal illusion magic shouldn't last longer than five minutes, fifteen for the advanced level.

So if someone wants to hide something using illusion, what they need is a Magic Item.

A very expensive one where the magic lasts weeks or even months.

Even nobility would consider spending such funds.

'Then who...'

Dug a tunnel very close to the Viscountess mansion?

A small tunnel made for one person, reaching further away to who knows where hidden below an illusion of a huge tree.

'Could it be the Viscountess emergency escape tunnel?'

But then, why would the thief bother to show him these?

'At the very least, I should check a bit further in.'

Tonight will be a long one for Gerrard.


"You will watch the fireworks tonight, right m'lady?" Margarret asked with her mouth filled with skewers.

"Of course." Lucia wasn't sure how Margarret could still eat after all that, but she managed a worried smile.

'She just ate a few slices of cake in the mansion, she'll be fine... right?'

"Hm, why are you looking at me like that, m'lady? Is there something on my face?"

Despite Margarret's chipmunk cheeks, everything seemed fine.

"I'm just thinking about the fireworks," Lucia replied softly.

"Is that so? Ah, Blueberry Pie!"

And off she went again.

Lucia's gaze drifted momentarily to the vibrant night sky above. The moonlight cast gentle shadows over the bustling festival grounds, where vendors and revelers mingled under the glow of lanterns and the distant twinkling of stars.

Feeling the cool breeze on her face, her thoughts wandered to the changes in her life and the responsibilities she would have to shoulder.

She won't be here starting next month.

"Are you tired, m'lady? You don't have to force yourself." Mistaking her sigh for tiredness, a nearby guard spoke softly.

"I'm fine, please don't worry."

She was a bit sleepy, yes, but she wanted to watch the midnight fireworks with Margarret before leaving.

Tonight would end on a good note, she could feel it.

"Ahhhh, it's you!!"

'What made Margarret shout like that?'

Turning her head to the voice, she sees Margarret is in conversation with a stunning young man.


His clothing tells he's not a noble or merchant son, but his face definitely passes.

Lucia watched from a distance until Margarret called her over.

"M'lady!!" Margarret waved excitedly, pulling Lucia's hand.

Thud thud

Her steps echoed on the cobblestones as she quickly brought Lucia over.

"Come here, let me introduce you both!"

"W-wait, Margarret-"

"M'lady, this is Noel, the person I was talking about earlier. Noel, this is m'lady Lucia Rosemount."

Ignoring Lucia's protests, Margarret beamed as she introduced them.

Lucia gives an awkward smile to the boy. As Lucia notices he does the same, almost apologetic.

'I'm sorry my servant was so brash...'

Well, if someone just dragged the city noble's daughter to be introduced to them, anyone would feel nervous.

"No, no, I'm sorry for not knowing the lady she talks about is the Viscountess's daughter herself."

She was a bit worried when Margarret said she met a pervert who thanked her when she got struck but looks like it was a misunderstanding.

The boy in front of her was exceedingly polite.

After the introduction, the two exchanged a bit of small talk until the topic faded away.

"Well, I don't want to take more of your time here. It was nice talking to you, Noel."

"The pleasure is all mine. Then, I will excuse myself here."

He bowed slightly and offered one last smile before blending back into the festival crowd.

"See? I knew m'lady would hit it off with him, he's a really nice person!" Margarret beamed, clearly satisfied seeing her lady make a new friend.


"Yes, m'lady?"

"It's impolite to forcibly drag someone's arm to introduce them to a stranger," Lucia gently admonished.

"Also, you shouldn't impose on others too much, especially when you're not close with them. Can you see how uncomfortable Noel was?"

"A-alright, I'm sorry! So please stop smiling so innocently while showing murderous intent toward me!!"

Margaret begged profusely for forgiveness, the dark aura that had engulfed Lucia finally dissipating.

With tears welling in Margaret's eyes, it was a terrifying experience for the young girl.

"Noel, huh?" The guard who had stood beside Lucia throughout finally spoke up.

"Is there a matter, Erwyn?"

"That hand of his, used to wielding a blade, he's pretty strong."

"Hmm..., it's rare for you to compliment others like this."

Noel had mentioned his aspiration to apply for the Arcane Academy.

"If he does gain your approval, looks like we'll meet again soon."

"...Strong doesn't necessarily mean skilled, m'lady. Even I can only assess so much."

The competition for a spot in the Academy was notorious for its rigor, a fact not lost on Erwyn.

He had once been hailed as "talented" during his youth, but encountering true "genius" had tempered his self-assessment to one of humble realism.

The boy, Noel, didn't bear the attire of a prominent family. Without the structured upbringing and resources from a young age, gaining acceptance into the Academy seemed nearly insurmountable.

"But, I do hope the best for him," Erwyn murmured quietly to himself.

He glanced at his rough palm, calloused from years of training and service.

If there's anyone who understood the value of effort, it was Erwyn.

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