
Chapter 1

Leaving this world, was not part of my plan.

Until fate decided, that no, you need to die today.

It was the day before my birthday. I was in the hospital, tending to the wounded. There was a car crash that happened 38 hours ago. It was very sudden, the car didn't see the bus running and they collided with each other. Many people were injured, and some, well, they didn't make it.

I was one of the doctors in charge of the wounded. I and the others have been trying to fix the damage to the people nonstop. I can feel my muscles aching from all the work, tending and going on surgeries.

I sat at a bench near the operating room. Leaning forward, elbows at my thighs, my head hung forward. Then I sighed, my breath heavy and full of weight. Smelling the iron stench of blood, I looked at my gloved hands, trembling, all bloodied from the surgery 5 minutes ago. I quickly pulled it out and threw it at the trash bin. I sat upright and rolled my shoulders to ease the pain as my body screams, demanding rest.

Doing this straight for 35 hours is not great. Not great at all.

I stood up, break time's over. Time to get back on track. I stood in front of the door, taking a deep shaky breath, I opened it.

"Doc! Another patient came in. Diagnosed with a Head-"

"Right. Kristy, go-"

Suddenly, my ears started ringing, my vision became a blur. My body felt so heavy I couldn't keep myself upright any longer. I can feel my body kiss the floor, tumbling a few times until it came to a stop. Seeing a blurred vision of the hospital ceiling, the lights, fading.

"Hey! Doc! A patient nee- Em! Hey, hey you okay? Liam help me here!" said Brandon. The urgency and nervousness clear as his voice trembles. I can feel his arms lift me up, supporting me, encasing me on a tight shell. His hand clasped in my shoulder, while the other at my face, shaking for the fear of what may come.

I can feel my eyelids starting to close. Voices shouting, crying, slowly fading like a final note on a musical piece.

'Is this it then?' I wondered. Dying at a young age of 35, with a job, but no husband. Not even a kid. I haven't even had a boyfriend. No first kiss, or date. I mean, I haven't experienced 'that' yet. Go to work, go home, and then sleep. Just tending to my lawn, with my dog, blimey, barking in the background, ever so playful.

It was always a normal day, no good, nor bad. It was a good life, not THAT good, but still, good. Nonetheless, I can feel the emptiness, and regret eating me up. I could've agreed on going to that reunion. I could've gone to my brother's wedding, I could've taken the chance to say I love you to my mom, dad, my brother, and especially, Brandon. I could've gone on that date, I could've had. But I didn't.

Its Friday now isn't it? Well, happy birthday to me then.

Then, I saw black.

And that's how I died. Quite tragic I might say, dying on my birthday.

Oh, that rhymed.

Anyway, I pretty much regretted everything that I didn't do. I died young, and I didn't like it one bit. I mean, yes it was partially my fault that I died of, I don't know, overwork. But it was too sudden.

My life was short lived.

[*Power On. System rebooting.*]

Wait what?

[75%. 100%. System rebooting complete. The program will launch in 10...9...]

Suddenly, black turned to grey. Hearing a click, lights suddenly appeared. My eyes closed abruptly due to the sudden blare of the light. Slowly, I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the brightness, at the center, a bright blue metallic orb illuminated the room.

I could see a projectile on the top. A number slowly counting down as I hear the sound of ticking in the background. What the heck?

[2...1. Program will launch now.]

I closed my eyes yet again, my arms raised up to at least defend myself from any misgivings, as a bright blue light burst from the orb.

[Hi trainee#021400, I am your assigned companion in a program called "Captivating Beauty Achieved!". Due to certain circumstances and miscalculations, you were nominated by the higher elks(gods)-]


[-in participating in this program for a second chance in life. The program's objective is for the trainee to save the male lead using your abilities and raise your points in order to be a full-fledged beauty. The program will provide as follows: information about each and every story plot, and a gift shop, containing various items that could enhance your success rate.]

[The number of products and/or equipment you may buy vary depending on your charisma points, and not on your level. In each game you face, a certain condition must be met for the game to be successful. This condition varies depending on the circumstances of the lead characters and the world itself.]

[Note that I, your companion, will only be able to entertain you once again after you finish each game. The game will only finish once you complete the condition or task given.]

[Once you die without meeting the latter, you will proceed to the next storyline, although prepare for some consequences. A reward will be given for every completion of the game. Once you successfully finish every challenge, we will grant you a wish. Now, any questions?]

I just stood there. Trying to process what conditions, task, whatever, that was said by the voice, apparently-my companion.

This situation is very similar to those light novels I've read for the past months. Well, when I was alive. Being reincarnated to a foreign world came into mind as I think on the situation. Holy mother of! I feel the hairs on my body tingling. Excitement, confusion, mixed with fear, radiating in waves as I come to realize that my supposed dying complaint was noticed and suddenly given retribution.

Thinking about the possibility that I might be reincarnated as an oh so, beautiful but neglected miss of a rich family made me nervous. I wasn't sure whether I could handle the situation calmy just like those reincarnators that I read in novels.

How am I gonna do this?

I was just a normal citizen, who graduated with a medical degree, and due to my parents' demands, became a doctor, had a dog, yadda yadda. I can't manipulate people or deceive that easily. It just wasn't in my job description. But it made me want to hug myself for actually taking the path of a doctor-say yes to medical skills!

First of all, a healer is always in demand for every country. There might be a possibility that I might reincarnate to a world that lacks medical knowledge. I could use my knowledge in certain situations. Hoho~ I love where this is going.

Second of all, well, - that's it. That's the only advantage. But without the proper equipment and medicine, I guess it has some drawbacks.

But even if I have an ace up my sleeve, it's still scary. I mean, what if the female lead tries to kill me? Or what if I do something wrong then the male lead, which is usually the strongest in the fu**ing game, hangs me or tortures me? How the hell am I gonna be able to pull this off?

The pros and cons-the situation-what are the chances-

my brain works in overdrive, trying to form a plan- or maybe a countermeasure for this whole mess.

[what do you want most in life?]


[what is your wish?]

My wish, what is my wish?

'A good life.'

I blurted out absentmindedly. Recalling my past life, doing things over and over again.


'I want to have a good long life. After all, this, let me have a good life. With a loving husband, and maybe kids. To have a family of my own. I want to do all the things I haven't done in my past life. I just- I want a home. A real home. Where I feel at peace, contented. I want to grow old with someone I love. I want to be happy. To be free of all this mess. You get it? Oh, and money. I want 1 million dollars for every challenge that I complete. Alright? Capiche?'

[Why do you even need that much money?]

'...Why do you think I became a doctor?'

[...I'm sorry but that amounts to 5 wishes, and we can only give you one wi-]

'You did not even ask for my consent in this matter. I was not even informed or debriefed regarding this shit of a program and now you're telling me that I need to abide by the rules that your f**ing deer god made?!'

[...The Elks(gods) granted you another chance in life for-]

'yeah, bullshit, I did not even sign up for this.-'

Yes, I know, but a complaint is different.

'Now accept before I get angry.'

I was met with silence for a few minutes. Then the voice spoke.

[I'm sorry for the delay. I have spoken to the higher-ups, and for all your conditions. Only 2 will be met. First is the wish for a good life. And the second will be the 1 million dollars that will be considered as your reward for every completion of the game. Now that that's over, I will transport you to your first destination.]

'Hey! That's not fai-'

[Goodluck, Ema.]

Then, it was all black again.

Hi! It's author-nim. Welcome to TBAB!

EmeraldStrawberrycreators' thoughts