
Timeline of Zero

Follow a story to the past that doesn't exist any more. Memories of long past that is true but faults cover it up. A story of a dragon that goes through. Challenges and learns that to keep. Something appointment give it your all. So story start at world called xstderits.

Mystery3 · 歴史
5 Chs

The red rose

Some years pass me trying learning human tongue. Hard but not impossible when I with the kind girl and brave. To teach me the human tongue. She says she has no name because she been left by ones that put her in the world. That she loves the knights ideals and the show of great well. And dance of blades I told her I be a knight. She laugh says no way I be able hold a blade. As she a rose near lake that she likes because the animals are around it.

But when I say I be a knight I was serious I learn the craft of forgery. So I can craft my own blade and practice with it day and night. Around this time Author accomplish his dreams now king of the land. Slowly people are getting used to me after I used my knighty skills defend the land of burglars.

She very surprise by this then I the became the first Dragon Knight. She very kind so I show her the Arkcane or what humans called it magic. She becomes first human to use it. She use it heal the injured and help out the animals near the lake some call her the Lady of the lake. But she more of a rose to me because she dance in the bed of roses and hair the color of red.