1 Chapter 1: Time to Start

I need to get away!

This is what I am thinking as I run from my greatest fear. Before I get carried away with this story I want to know if I can trust you. There are things that I am not supposed to tell anyone, but holding this in is just too much. I have to tell someone. Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Terry Matthews. I am a secret agent for the CIA. I have been for the past 7 years. One thing you should know before I begin is that the world is nothing like we expected. Even in my 7 years of working to capture crazed criminals and determined terrorist, I have not experienced anything so horrific. And I almost didn't survive. Now where was I ? Oh yeah, I was running from my greatest fear. I am hiding behind a barrel of liquid fuel. I know, a dumb idea. But I'm not thinking straight. No one thinks straight in front of their greatest fears. I am out of breath and wishing that I would wake up as soon as possible. But wishes are like finding a hundred dollar bill just lying around. It doesn't happen that often, and if it does then you must be one very lucky person. So im just wishing my nightmare would end. And just as I was about to die, It did.

My alarm clock is screaming at me to wake up. Which I gladly do. The sun is shining bright. Actually now that i think about it, too bright. I look over at my alarm clock and bolt upright. It is 8:25 a.m, which means that I am late for work. I run into the shower and take the quickest shower in history. As I am drying my hair, my cell phone rings. I am rushing, but I answer anyway. Who knows, it might be my boss. "Hello." I answer. I wait to hear my boss's voice. When i hear a voice, I am relieved. It is not my boss (thank god), it is my partner and one of the only people that I know who doesn't take her job seriously. Yeah, you heard right. I said her. One of the few females in the CIA, Sofia Wright can do a job well and not have to try. That's why I am glad she's my partner. "Terry, you better get here within 10 minutes. I just saved your ass, I checked you in and told the boss that you're picking up donuts for him. Hurry up and get here. See you later. Bye." Bleeeep! That was the sound of Sofia hanging up. Before you say anything, I know. Harsh, but straight to the point. Well now I have another issue to deal with. I have to pick up donuts and get to work, all in under an hour. Just a normal start to my day.

Please read and comment. To make the story better, I will not write the next chapter until the first chapter has 5 views and 2 comments. Thank you.
