
The Return

Manell grab him and take him down to the dungeons. Yes my Alpha, come with me big brother, I'm going to take you to your favorite cell. Oh goody just what I wanted.

I was pushed towards the keeps large oak doors just at the side of the building a warrior pushed them open and Manell pushed me forwards. Down the steps we heard someone shouting THE... THERE'S NO WAY! YOU, you can't have that last name, it's impossible we can't be cousin's!?

I knew then that they had Kyala down here. We got closer to the yelling and stopped, one of the guards that was at the cell doors took Manell's place. Zarin what's going on, why are you shouting? This female says that she's a Crystal, but she can't be, you wouldn't do something like that to mother would you? SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! Yes father, sorry father. Hum so, that's got to be my little nephew Manell is talking to. I got a little closer to look through the bars of the cell and there she was chained to the bed, Kyala I whispered and she turned her head. DAD! Oh my god, I never thought I'd be so happy to see you! Nope, come on you're going down here. Kyala it's okay just trust me okay sweetie! Dad! That can't be, we are cousin's? Zarin shut up and finish your report! Yes father!

Which cell do you want Finyal in beta Manell? Just hold I'll be right there. Alright brother let's go to cell 74 your favorite silver cell, hehe, hahaha! Manell laughs medically in my face. Walking to the Silver cell's and the most potent one too, I sigh, if that's what you want little brother. Manell walks me into cell 74 puts me in the middle and places a silver collar with double chains on either side. Then the wall cuffs one for each wrist and ankle, plus in this cell there's a waste band cuff that attaches to either wall. This is to insure the maximum amount of punishment to any individual, mostly we use it for rouges the indecant ones or crazed.

Well big brother I hope you enjoy yourself now, getting to relearn why you loved being in here. Another maniacal laughing fit from Many is heard. Come along son I don't think you'll get much else from the girl. Yes father, coming. Soon the father and son pair left the dungeons leaving the father and daughter alone.

Dad do you know what wolfing is? Kya asked after some time. Why do you ask sweetie? Well the healer told me that I was going through late stage wolfing, and I wanted you to tell me why that's so important, and what does that make me? Sweetie, oh my I had a feeling this would happen if you came to the past. To be absolutely honest with you Kyala, your mother and I are both werewolves and that makes you one too. In the future were's like us always have late stage wolfing, but here it normally happens around ten or thirteen years of age. Your wolfing is relatively early from the future standpoint. Can you tell me when it started? It started during the chase with those thugs, maybe a block or two before the forest. So it started before you went through the gate, that's interesting so your head was throbbing were you also light sensitive? I don't know maybe, because it seemed like everything was shimmering or had light reflecting from it. Okay and how long do you think it took to get over it? Dad!!? I'm not kidding Kya. Fine, 3 days max because there's the day I got here yesterday and today. Good that's perfectly normal, now have you heard a strange voice in your head, were you thought it maybe your inerconsciousness? No why am I supposed to? Well hang on when did you wake up from your wolfing? Um, I'll give a guess of half an hour ago, why is that important? Yes, it well take a little longer but no worries just tell me when she starts talking to you, oh when she does ask her, her name okay. Okay! Hey dad? Yes sweetie. How do you know so much and that other guy is he really my uncle?

Yeah his really your uncle sweetie, and truthfully it's because this is the time I was born in. With that said your mother and I brought the greatest miracle that the gods ever allowed to be born.
