Although Rei and Nide are sisters and brothers, they lived separately because of a divorce. Now, an interesting coincidence made them realised that they should come back together and teach their parents a lesson. With their friends, they travel to Paris for a magic show in the holidays, only to find that the mysterious organization is after Kaito Kid. As the superheroes of Paris lends a hand to the fight, will they succeed in defeating this organization? I do not own Magic Kaito nor Miraculous.
Snapshot back a day...
Hiro Rei/ Cyn Tia Ches's POV
"We are moving to Ekoda."
Why, Father? Why are we moving again? Why have you been so upset and grumpy since the divorcement between my mother? Things have gotten so confused and complicated since that time. I wish I could reunite with my brother once, just once would be fine. My life wouldn't be the same again.
Hiro Rosu/ Nide Tia Ches's POV
"You know what, Nide-kun, we are moving to Edoka! I have already got a high school for you, so now we can live there as we are."
Right, 'as we are', mother, 'as we are'. This will never be the same, ever since you left father and sister behind. I hope sis is doing well.
Things have been hard for Rei. She has been separated from her brother for five years and has already forgotten how her mom looks. Never once had she mention her brother's or her mother's name because the consequences from her dad would be hard to endure. Every time she thinks of the last time she sees her brother, she wanted to cry, and so the days go on, meaningless. It's just another school, another day of moving, another day of boredom, loneliness and sadness. She is used to that atmosphere in her room. She had grown mature out of these emotions. She walks into her classroom.
"Hiro Rei-kun, please introduce yourself." The teacher says. "My name is Hiro Rei, nice to meet you all." "Yo! Rei-kun!" A boy with messy hair stands up. "What the hell, Kaito!" Another girl sitting next to the messy-haired boy named Kaito says aggressively. "Wow. Aoko, we have to greet this new girl with fun! Stop being aggressive!" Kaito says it with a joker-smile. "Baka (Idiot) Kaito!" "Um... Stop arguing over how to greet me..." Rei says softly, "Please don't do that. Also I'm a girl." "Oh, okay..." Kaito says. "My name's Kuroba Kaito, nice to meet you, Rei-chan." The voice sounds like flirting. "Stop it Kaito! My name is Aoko, Nakamori Aoko, nice to meet you!" Aoko exclaims.
After that racket finally comes to the end of the day. Kaito finds that Rei is following him on the way home. "Why are you following, Rei-chan?" "No, I'm not following, I live in this area."
"Well, where do you live? I might come and visit you someday."
"It's best not to visit."
"Well, my dad is kinda an aggressive gentleman."
"Well, that's fine, I don't think that he can get me anyway."
"Not get you, he'll be coming for... Me..."
"What? You have been abused?"
"Several times..."
Before she knew it, she said it. The truth behind why she is desperate to leave this place, why she hates her family, hates conflicts, and why she has been moving homes and schools all across this place.
Kaito has been thinking, thinking how to help Rei. She is a cold, matured girl, and doesn't have a tiny bit of childish aspect and also love. Hakuba said that it might be because she has been growing up that way. "Don't worry, I'll work something out!" Kaito comforts Rei. "Thanks." Is what he got back. It is not a thankful thank you, but a thank you that has a cold, unwanted and neglectful feeling attached to it. "Oi, Rei-chan! I am serious. I promise!" "Thanks." He looks at Rei and sees what could be tears, trickling down her cheeks.
"It is unusual to get a call from you, Kid."
"I told you, I am not Kid."
"Anyways, why are you calling me for?"
"Oh, it's about Rei-chan. Turns out you're right. Her father has been abusing Rei-chan, and that is not okay."
"Then do your usual thing. Do your magic."
"That is the idea, but I don't have, like, something to work with it."
"Well, I can tell that she is a push-people-back-before-they-understand-her person, and probably really sensitive. So you kinda need to be careful. If her father is a violent person, back out. I don't want injuries for both people."
"Fine. I'll think of something. Just suggesting, you want to go to Paris to watch a magic show? Since it is near the summer holiday."
"I'm surprised you'd actually ask. I can go there. So, you're thinking of making a magic show for Rei-san in Paris? Great job, Kid."
"Sorta. And I am not Kid. I have told you a million times."
"Well, guess that's bye."
"Sure, goodbye."
Kaito closes his phone. His mom says that he can take Aoko, him, Hakuba, Akako and two other people. That is settled. One is ticked off from the list.
"Well, I'll just have to add another person. Things will go well."
Meanwhile: Secondary School, Paris
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Chloe walks up to Marinette and says her name with a disgusting tone, "You are such a clumsy little girl. I can't imagine that Adre-ken would ever love you, idiot." Sabrina and Chloe walk off with taunting laughter. "Ugh, you guys should just shut up," Marinette mutters to herself. Every time, they have been bullying her for ages, and it never grows old. But it's almost over. Summer holiday's up, and she will be free. At last, freedom.
Please forgive my lateness.