
1. Before Transmigration Part 1

I am only an ordinary girl. I tried to continue my life by working as a secretary for a devil CEO. My boss is strict and always has cold temperament.

My boss has a handsome face, and his height is 1.8 meters tall. My boss is evil in disguise, and he won't let any single bug in his company run away from his eyes. Even though everyone is scared of him and he still has so many women who pursue him nonstop.

No woman wants to leave a handsome man alone, but my boss never likes one of his pursuers. He even looked at them with disgusting eyes, and no one even dared to confess bravely in front of the cold face of his.

I am also one of his admirers, but I never hoped much in this unrequited love. Because I knew that I wouldn't have any hope, our status is too much in the beginning. He is a pedigree son, and I only come from an impoverished family.

Even though I have the same status as him, he wouldn't have fallen in love with me because I am not as beautiful as his dear cousin. Yes, you are right that he falls in love with his cousin.

His cousin is the most beautiful girl in Apple city. She has a composed manner, elegant, and the film Empress. Everyone loves her, and my boss also has the same feelings towards the goddess, but the goddess likes someone else.

This someone else is not a stranger to my boss because that man is my boss's older brother. The older brother is the most handsome man in Apple city and a capable man for making more profit for his family business.

My boss's name is Hugo. Hugo's elder brother is a competent man and everyone praises Hugo because Hugo could stand alone without his family's help.

Hugo decided to resign from the struggle for the power of his family. Hugo didn't want to be involved in something troublesome, but everyone believes that Hugo is more capable than his older brother.

Because of that, Hugo's relationship with his older brother deteriorated even more than before. But Hugo hates his older brother more because his older brother got close to the girl Hugo likes the most in his life.

Hugo's older brother was deliberate, getting close to that girl to make Hugo jealous. When Hugo is more capable than him, and then he can snatch away the girl Hugo likes the most.

Hugo hated his older brother more after he found out his malicious intent towards the girl he likes. After his older brother and Hugo's cousin got married to each other, Hugo became sad and depressed.

My boss, who was as cold as an iceberg, became a man in sorrow. His older brother always mocked him because Hugo couldn't get the woman he wants in his life. Hugo couldn't bear it and asked me to become his shadow girlfriend.

A shadow girlfriend is only in the shadow, acting like a real girlfriend, but in reality, it is only a job that I have to fulfill.

My boss even paid me if I acted like the girlfriend he wanted. He even paid me so much money when I could behave the best in front of other people.

I always behaved as cute as I could to become Hugo's perfect girlfriend in front of everyone. Hugo even asked me to go to a beauty salon every day. He treated me like a queen, and everyone envied me, but no one knew that all of this didn't make me happy at all.

I am a queen, but I am walking on a path full of thorns. Hugo never knew that I would fall in love with him. Hugo dressed me up as beautifully as possible to beat his cousin, and he didn't think of me as human anymore.

I am only Hugo's marionette that Hugo can use to make everyone envy him. I am more like a painting that he brings everywhere to show me off. I'm nothing more than a doll to dress up and give big money in return.

I'm nothing more than a marionette to dress up and give big money in return. Being his girlfriend is not something exclusive to me anymore, and being his girlfriend is only a job for me now.

Hugo never knew that each time passed, my heart turned empty, and nothing could fill it anymore. Hugo's parents never liked our relationship because I am only an ordinary family, but his family couldn't restrain him because Hugo built his own company and his family couldn't control him anymore.

I went to his house once. Every corner of his house is full of his memories with his cousin.

Hugo cherished the girl so much, but that girl didn't like him at all. That girl only thought of him as an older brother when Hugo wanted more from the girl.

My heart broke into pieces when Hugo touched me, but he thought of me as his cousin instead. My love for him shattered when that accident happened.

Hugo circled his arm around my waist and looked at me with affectionate eyes. I knew that this was only acting, but my heart skipped a beat. Hugo's smile made my day, but I knew it was not a sincere smile at all.

Hugo whispered in my ear, and it made my heart colder.

"Do your job as usual," Hugo gave a peck on my right cheek.

I only nodded my head lightly and smiled sweetly as usual. Maybe I am more appropriate to becoming an actress rather than a secretary. Hugo's words only hurt me more, and it also made me remember my status is not more than a SHADOW GIRLFRIEND.

Hugo greeted his friend as usual, and Hugo's eyes followed a beautiful girl that came with his older brother. In front of everyone, I tried hard to hide my sorrowful expression because I knew that in Hugo's eyes, there is only that girl.

My existence couldn't make him fall in love with me. I tried hard to act like I didn't have any feelings towards Hugo. After all, Hugo hated someone like me, who falls in love with him because Hugo's heart belongs to his cousin.

Hugo even let me go when he met his cousin because he didn't want me to bother their time together. I knew that everyone mocked me behind me.

"Look at that. It is too pitiful."

"Who is she? It is not a secret anymore that Leanna is only a shadow girlfriend of our Hugo."

"I envied her at first, but when I found out that Hugo never treated her as his girlfriend, I felt it was ridiculous to get jealous over a poor girl like Leanna."

"I wonder how much Hugo pays her to become his shadow girlfriend?"

"Leanna is after Hugo's money, so I don't feel any pity at her."

"Yeah, you are right. For a poor girl, money is more precious than anything."

"I even heard Hugo bought her everything, but of course, as a kept girl, she is unworthy for our Hugo."


"Who does she think she is? Does she assume that if she dates our Hugo, then she can enter a wealthy family?"

"Of course, it is only on her sweetest dream."

"Because no one will accept a girl like her in a wealthy family."


"Such a poor lady."

"She is not a poor lady at all because she is Hugo's hidden girlfriend."

"Good for showing off as a painting but not good for a marriage."


"How come she-bear Hugo's attitude towards her?"

"I can't be like her for even one day."

"Hahaha, don't think about such an insignificant pest like her."

"Yes, you are right."

"It wastes our precious time."

"Yes, let's talk about the recent bag in the market."

I clenched my fist. I couldn't get angry at the noblewomen because I knew that not all of their words were wrong. Hugo really paid me for being his shadow girlfriend, but I am never dating him because he is a rich man.

Even though I said to them that I love him, no one would believe me. It is no use to refute their words because it will only backfire on me. I walked towards the terrace, and I didn't know how much time passed when I stood here.

The star was beautiful, but my heart was as dark as the night sky. My tears escaped from my eyes. I hope that Hugo can realize my love, and if not, please let me go far away from him.

I couldn't spend my life in Apple city anymore because Hugo threatened me if I stopped being his shadow girlfriend, then he wouldn't let me get another job in this city.

Hugo is a successful businessman, with only his words, I won't get another job in this city anymore.
