
Three Kingdoms: God-Level Choice System

Traveling back to the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Han Yu became the eldest son of Jizhou's Governor Han Fu. At this moment, the Warlords of the Eighteenth Route attacked Dong Zhuo. At the same time, the God-Level Choice Selection System is activated! * Please understand that my English is not excellent, I'm still learning and English is not my first language. * You can correct me if you see any mistakes * Any support and positive feedback would be appreciated and will encourage me to work harder. * Thank you for reading!

WonderingDeicide · 書籍·文学
101 Chs

Chapter 80

The Heishan Army.

At the main camp.

Wearing a yellow scarf, black beard, and black face was the leader of the Heishan army, Zhang Yan, who was currently discussing with the other Commanders.

The Twenty Commanders who were sitting beside him also wrapped their heads in yellow scarves.

Now that the war in Hebei is continuing, and people are struggling for life, Zhang Yan took the opportunity to gather the hungry people with the rest of the Yellow Turban army, which reached more than 200,000 people.

Zhang Yan looked at the Commanders and his brows could not be hidden from concern about the current situation of the battle.

Zhang Yan said: "Right now our Heishan troops have less than three days' worth of food, and these are still needed by our troops. If we can't defeat the enemy within three days, our troops will be in danger!"

"What do you say, gentlemen."

What kind of insight do you have, at this time we are forced to leave Liangshan, we can't get food in Zhending, and our Heishan troops have to drink the northwestern wind.

Commander Yi said: "I heard that Han Yu has defeated the two Commanders Yu Du and Bo Rao, and this time we must avenge the two Commanders."

At this time, Han Yu's deeds had spread throughout Hebei, and all the Heishan Army had heard about it.

Several commanders of various armies were preparing for their battle, and their combat strength was not as good as Yu Du and Bo Rao, but for them, they could not say otherwise.

"Report, Zhending County has dispatched troops out to attack."

When Zhang Yan heard this, his face showed excitement.

Zhang Yan was afraid that Han Yu would rely on the defense of Zhending to defend the city while he was fighting.

Even if he heard about Han Yu's deeds, he was not afraid.

Because he has a lot of people.

Zhang Yan has some confidence because of this!

That is right, the Heishan Army had 30,000 elite troops, and the other infantry there were 100,000 soldiers, several times more than the Han Yu army.

These Heishan soldiers have been harassing Hebei all year round.

Zhending County has military rations brought by Han Yu from the province, which is Heishan's hope. The Heishan army is like a wolf seeing a lamb.

This man also knew this truth.

Hearing that Han Yu was sending troops to battle, they were all invited to battle.

Therefore, Zhang Yan selected the two powerful Commanders Li Damu and Guo Daxian with two elite troops belonging to them 5,000 to fight, and he led the core elite cavalry on the sidelines.


With Han Yu.

At the top of the Zhending City Tower. Yu Jin, Zhao Yun, and Zhang He were already fighting.

"Fengxiao, Gongyu, look at how Zhang Yan's Heishan Army is doing."

Han Yu asked his two core advisers with a smile and was slightly surprised to see that the Heishan Army could quickly set up camp in the distance.

Although Guo Jia is a strategist, he is also familiar with military books, and his understanding of marching and fighting is also very high.

In the distance, the Heishan barracks could be seen faintly, and the military appearance was orderly.

"Although the Heishan Army is a bandit, Zhang Yan is a talented person who can integrate the remnants of the Yellow Turbans and form a powerful fighting force. In the land of Hebei, they have been free and unfettered for so long."

Ju Shou also looked at Han Yu and asked, "Does the Young Lord intend to recruit Zhang Yan?"

Han Yu nodded with a smile.

Han Yu did have this idea. Since ancient times, there have been many righteous people in the Yan and Zhao regions.

Although the combat effectiveness of the regular troops in these Heishan centrifuges is far behind, they are also quite talented.

Outside the city, Yu Jin's troops have been fighting with Li Damu and Guo Daxian of the Heishan army.

Yu Jin didn't really care about the Heishan Army, because he was a person of named General.

However, Han Yu was able to send himself to war, and his troops were obviously weaker than the Heishan Army, so Yu Jin should be able to attach great importance to this battle.

At this time, Li Damu of the Heishan Army also rushed forward.

Seeing that the leading generals on the opposite side were not the famous Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, and Han Yu who fought against Lu Bu in the Three Great Wars, he was very happy.

Inevitably underestimate the enemy.

Both sides fought together.

As the warhorses galloped, Yu Jin raised his weapon and fought Li Damu for three rounds.

Yu Jin is very stable. He does not know the opponent's situation. This is the first time he has fought. Yu Jin does not want any accidents.

Seeing that the opponent's strength was obviously weaker, he had a plan in mind.

In another round of the fight, Yu Jin made a mistake on purpose.

Li Damu was overjoyed and raised the ax in his hand to chop at Yu Jin.

Little did he know that this was Yu Jin's plan and he had managed to lure the enemy in.

Yu Jin counterattacked, and the long spear pierced Li Damu's chest.

Li Damu was killed on the spot.

Currently, soldiers from both sides were fighting together.

Even though the Heishan army fought without rules, they were after all an elite troop.

Attack powerfully.

Both sides suffered casualties.

Seeing that the opposing generals in less than five rounds decapitated army commander Li Damu, they immediately panicked and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, Yu Jin succeeded in killing Li Damu, his self-confidence increased, and he used a long spear to kill several soldiers in Heishan.

Immediately, he saw another Heishan commander, Guo Daxian, who led the cavalry to attack.

Yu Jin smiled confidently, took off the iron bow on his back, stretched out the bow and arrows, and flowed like a cloud.


Commander Guo fell in response.

Dare to act carelessly.

In less than a cup of tea time, Yu Jin had defeated the two enemy Commanders.

The rest of the Heishan army saw that their two commanders had died, throwing the army into chaos.

Yu Jin was in high spirits, raised his spear, and his subordinates obeyed the order to cover and kill the frightened Heishan soldiers.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun and Zhang He, who were in charge of the ambush, naturally didn't fall behind like this and immediately took the lead in rushing over to the two wings.

The Heishan army was in disarray and retreated into Zhang Yan's formation in panic.

There are so many victims, don't know how many.

Han Yu looked at the battle with a smile.

"Fengxiao, Gongyu. Wenze in this battle, what do the two of you think?"

Guo Jia pondered and said:

"I thought Sir Yu would underestimate the enemy, but I didn't expect that he could kill two generals so quickly and defeat Zhang Yan's army. He is really a strong general!"

Ju Shou looked at the Heishan troops who had retreated to the main formation, and agreed:

"These Heishan soldiers are indeed worthy of being recruited. In a battle like this, if placed on another Yellow Turban, they would have already dispersed and fled like birds and beasts before long…"

Ju Shou did not continue, Han Yu also understood what Ju Shou meant.

The two armies that Yu Du and Bo Rao led before after the two commanders died in battle, the other armies quickly surrendered.

Nevertheless, at this time, right after Yu Jin killed the two commanders, even though his army suffered a heavy defeat in the pursuit.

However, it can be seen that Zhang Yan quickly put together the defeated soldiers, and the whole line was considered tidy.

It could be seen that Zhang Yan was indeed talented.

Han Yu also really intended to subdue Zhang Yan.

Seeing that Yu Jin, Zhao Yun, and Zhang He had accomplished so much, and they had faced Zhang Yan's headquarters, they had entered a state of stalemate war.

Han Yu understands that with the ability of these three people, it is very likely that Zhang Yan's headquarters will be seriously damaged and still can be won, but it will only be a tragic victory.

Their soldiers were not as brave as the three generals were.

In addition, Han Yu thought, after recruiting these Heishans, these Heishans would become my subordinates in the future, and they would become his base for dominating the world.

If the damage is severe, it's no different from cutting your own flesh.

Immediately signaled for the three generals to step down.

Seeing Han Yu's behavior, Guo Jia's heart moved, and he understood Han Yu's thoughts.

"Master, Jia thought it would be very easy to crush Zhang Yan." Guo Jia said.

Han Yu agreed.

The Heishan Army has been active in the Taihang Mountains for a long time, and can only survive.

They came rushing with no siege equipment at all.

Even if a small town were completely inhabited, it would not be something Zhang Yan could conquer.

Ju Shou also smiled and said:

"Young Master can send another letter to Lord Governor, asking Governor to send troops to help Changshan, Zhang Yan will definitely be impatient, and then will make a lot of mistakes, and our army can take advantage of this to win."

"Haha! You two really do understand."

Han Yu did not expect his two advisers to think the same way as him, and was very pleased.

Guo Jia and Ju Shou did not mention whether Zhang Yan would return to Mount Taihang.

For the two advisers, Han Yu's talent was not beneath theirs, so they would naturally understand this tacit understanding.

Zhang Yan came out this time, all because of a lack of food. The Taihang Mountains were poor and the people were scarce, and they could not support nearly 200,000 people.

Most of the surrounding Commandery and Counties were plundered and unable to get supplies, and Zhang Yan's leadership prestige was about to disappear.

Han Yu then returned to the county office and wrote a letter to Jizhou Governor Han Fu, telling him his plans.


The next day.

Han Yu arranged for Xia Houlan, the magistrate of Zhending County, to arrange for the people of the county to strengthen the city's defenses together with the soldiers.

After all, the Heishan army was still able to summon formations. Nevertheless, they stayed behind closed doors, and only defended and did not attack.

Thank you for reading!

Hebei: The Qin dynasty unified China in 221 BC. The Han dynasty (206 BC–220 AD) ruled the area under two provinces, You Prefecture (Youzhou) in the north and Ji Province (Jizhou) in the south. At the end of the Han dynasty, most of Hebei was under the control of warlords Gongsun Zan in the north and Yuan Shao further south. Yuan Shao emerged as the victor of the two, but he was defeated by Cao Cao in the Battle of Guandu in 200. Hebei came under the rule of the Kingdom of Wei, established by the descendants of Cao Cao.

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