
Chapter 80: Gradually Getting Back on Track_1

Han Li was a woman in her thirties, wearing floral-rimmed glasses that made her look very capable.

Di Fengyi was a young man in his twenties, still full of the vigor of that age.

Burton was a middle-aged uncle, sporting a beard, and appearing very wise.

Jiang Yu sat opposite them, "Ladies and gentlemen, I know you belong to the group of clear-headed people.

"I won't beat around the bush, I need everyone to believe that 'humanity's future is hopeful,' not in a personal belief in me."

He picked up the three individuals' papers, "Your answers combined are exactly what I want."

Originally, Han Li and the other two were somewhat excited to see Jiang Yu, but they calmed down immediately after hearing his words.

Jiang Yu continued, "Right now, your belief in me is, to put it more accurately, a way of seeking psychological comfort, concocting a lie for yourselves that there's a savior.

"That way, they can cast their uncertainties onto me and live a bit more comfortably.

"I want to tell you three clearly, I am not a savior, and there are no saviors in this world.

"Only humanity can save itself, not Jiang Yu.

"So I need your assistance to help me organize the supporters through a corporate structure, and let us make an effort to save humanity."

At first, Han Li and the others were silent for a few seconds. Although they were calm enough, they had also harbored unrealistic expectations towards Jiang Yu.

After the collapse of their expectations, Jiang Yu gave them a new hope.

They immediately realized that this was an opportunity in their lives to change their fate and scrambled to express their willingness to comply with Jiang Yu's arrangements.

Jiang Yu nodded in satisfaction and asked Han Li to manage human resources, quickly building up the company's staffing system.

Using a structure of companies and branches to manage the gatherings of supporters everywhere, spreading Jiang Yu's new ideas and thoughts, and so on.

Jiang Yu then put Burton in charge of administration, dealing with the company's daily operations.

Lastly, he put Di Fengyi in charge of finance and as his assistant, working by his side.

Jiang Yu also assigned deputies and assistants to Han Li and Burton, all of whom were acquired from Chief Ji.

Only Di Fengyi's department was intended by Jiang Yu to recruit personally; he had earned a substantial appearance fee at recent events, and he planned to establish this company with his own money, naturally requiring absolute control over the finances.

The three individuals reported directly to Jiang Yu, and their subordinates and teams were recruited from among the others who had come to take the exam.

Jiang Yu also gave an unprecedented speech in the school's theater to everyone who had come to take the exam.

He stated that he had always been advocating for the restoration of order but now the gatherings of supporters were severely disturbing the order, which was the greatest disrespect to him.

He also emphasized the issue of burning incense and paper offerings, kneeling in worship, urging everyone to quickly abolish such superstitious practices; he, Jiang Yu, was not a demon god.

In short, his speech was not as transparent as when he spoke to Han Li and the other two.

Jiang Yu understood that even if he spoke too plainly at this time, no one would believe him.

With the establishment of Jiang Yu's cultural company, the gatherings everywhere were quickly brought under control, not continuing to develop in a superstitious direction.

After the bustling Spring Festival "baptism," the domestic economic and political order had essentially been restored.

Meanwhile, the social chaos in Europe and America continued; when Jiang Yu visited Chief Ji for the New Year, Chief Ji criticized Western governments' approaches to maintaining order as completely misguided!

Half a year had passed, and the emotional turmoil among the populace had yet to be calmed.

After Chinese New Year, Jiang Yu began attacking websites that spread extremist ideas and overinterpreted his statements in his name.

With the power of the internet and media, Jiang Yu lived up to expectations and completed the task assigned by Chief Ji within the first lunar month, effectively guiding the thoughts of his supporters and making a significant contribution to restoring order.

Having restored order before anyone else, China also took the lead in preparing for planetary defense.

This marked the beginning of intensive meetings, and Jiang Yu was one of the key participants.

Before the meeting started, Jiang Yu could already sense the changes in the Star Defense Department's organizational structure from the seating arrangements of the attendees.

Chief Ji naturally took the seat of honor, with Chang Weisi and Jiang Yu to his left and right, signifying that Jiang Yu now held speaking rights second only to Chief Ji and Chang Weisi.

Then came the leaders of the various departments of the Star Defense Department, as well as some scholars and advisors.

The representatives of the major powers, who previously had the most speaking and decision-making power, were now sitting at the edge, clearly having lost their former influence.

The first item on the agenda was the stance toward ETO.

Chief Ji set the tone right away, "A legitimate government does not tolerate such illegal organizations!"

The representatives from various countries, still seeing themselves as important, immediately raised objections, claiming that keeping ETO would allow them to gather intelligence about the Trisolarans.

Jiang Yu countered, "The Trisolarans have their ways of letting us know whatever intelligence they want us to know.

"And the intelligence they don't want us to know, no matter how hard you try, it's useless!

"Don't disguise your appeasement policies as intelligence gathering!"

The representatives from various countries were just about to get down to business, ready to argue with Jiang Yu as they had in previous meetings.

Chang Weisi suddenly remarked, "Please be aware, this is a meeting of China's Planetary Defense Department, not a PDC summit."

The implication of this statement was clear, we are here to notify you, not to consult with you, and you are now only serving the role of a messenger.

In previous operations center meetings, Chang Weisi, due to insufficient authority, had suffered quite a bit at the hands of these representatives.

Now that he had the opportunity, he was naturally eager to put these representatives in their place.

The meeting swiftly passed a resolution designating ETO's activities as crimes against humanity.

Other countries can do as they please, but from now on, in China, capturing a member of ETO will immediately lead to criminal prosecution, with a minimum sentence of six years in prison and the death penalty as the maximum punishment.

Taking advantage of the situation, Chief Ji announced that most of the captured Redemptionists would serve their sentences in China before being sent back.

The meeting also briefly discussed the construction of the space defense system, but due to a lack of sufficient reference, it was decided to first organize a team to conduct preliminary research.

When the meeting ended and most of the attendees, including the international representatives, had left, Chief Ji joked, "Today's resolutions have given them another chance to sling mud at us."

Chang Weisi laughed along, "Their basin of water is already riddled with holes."

Jiang Yu then said, "Inept at everything but mouth cannon, they hold first place."

The three of them laughed heartily and left the meeting room one after another.

On the way back to his office, Jiang Yu saw the American representative, Colonel Stanton, waiting for him at the door of his office.

Jiang Yu invited Colonel Stanton in and asked Di Fengyi to make tea.

Colonel Stanton said, "The actions of China are currently affecting the hard-earned grand unity of the entire world."