
Chapter 3: Poison Apple Project (Please Bookmark, Vote for Recommendation)_1

Shi Qiang simply parked the car by the roadside and asked Jiang Yu, "How did you know all this?"

"Because I am a member of that organization." Jiang Yu responded indifferently, "However, I don't agree with their ideas, so I want to provide some intelligence about them to the police."

Shi Qiang stretched his hand out the car window and flicked his cigarette ash: "I see, first tell me the details of your organization, the more detailed, the better."

Jiang Yu, however, shook his head: "Da Shi, sorry, may I call you that?"

"You may."

"Da Shi, since this is our first contact, I can't possibly tell you everything, especially since the information I provide will require you to pay a fee."

"Name your price."

Jiang Yu smiled and shook his head: "You're probably not the one to make decisions. I need to be assured that after I've exposed myself, both I and my family would receive sufficient protection, and that I, once protected, can live a worry-free life for the rest of my days."

The expression on Shi Qiang's face grew more serious, as he sensed the smell of danger.

"All right then, our time is limited; let's stop here for our first contact," Jiang Yu said:

"When you go back, you might want to pay more attention to Pan Han's 'Zhonghua Pastoral'. I've heard he's going to make a new move soon. Look into it deeply, and you might start believing what I've said."

As Jiang Yu was about to get out of the car, Shi Qiang hurriedly asked, "Why are you willing to pay such a high price to betray your own organization?"

If the organization Jiang Yu worked for was really that powerful, then Jiang Yu's betrayal was fraught with tremendous risk, and his life would be like a prison for the remainder of his days.

Jiang Yu sat back down in the passenger seat: "Da Shi, what, would you say, is a person's most basic responsibility in this world?"

Shi Qiang was taken aback by Jiang Yu's question.

Jiang Yu answered his own question: "I am not a selfless person, but the education I received since childhood gave me a basic sense of right and wrong. The continuation of our race is a responsibility inherent to each of us at birth; it can be evaded, but not ignored."

Shi Qiang looked into Jiang Yu's determined eyes and felt somewhat spellbound. Although he didn't quite understand the meaning behind Jiang Yu's words, he sensed Jiang Yu's resolve!

Jiang Yu continued: "If Officer Shi wants to know more, let's meet at Beihai Cafe at two o'clock on Sunday afternoon. Keep it confidential; I am only willing to meet with you alone for now." With that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

Shi Qiang smoked two cigarettes one after another, watching Jiang Yu walk away before he suddenly turned the car around and headed back to the police station, asking the duty officer to help him pull up Jiang Yu's file and the documents on "Zhonghua Pastoral".

Jiang Yu's file was just an ordinary college student's record, but the information on "Zhonghua Pastoral" caught Shi Qiang's eye.

"Zhonghua Pastoral" is an experimental society created by Pan Han. The group does not own a cent of property; all daily necessities, including food, come from the city's garbage.

The fixed membership of "Zhonghua Pastoral" had reached three thousand, and the number of those who came irregularly to experience life there was countless.

Shi Qiang smoked and muttered: "Freaking idle people, so many are still starving, and these so-called elites are actually keen on picking up trash!"

In Shi Qiang's opinion, these people's adherence to environmental protection was too radical and constituted an unstable factor.

Based on his own experience, Shi Qiang judged that there was an eighty or ninety percent chance that "Zhonghua Pastoral" was problematic. He planned to investigate further and, if it turned out as Jiang Yu said, that there was a mastermind behind all the recent events, it would be truly terrifying.

Thinking this, Shi Qiang took another look at Jiang Yu's file: "What exactly is his motive?"


It took Jiang Yu walking two more streets before he finally hailed a taxi. He couldn't go back to the dorm; instead, he made do with a night in a small hotel outside the school.

Looking at the few bills left in his wallet, Jiang Yu pondered whether he should ask Shi Qiang for reimbursement for the taxi and accommodation expenses?

He silently kept the receipts, deciding to first gain enough attention through Da Shi before mentioning it.

Right after returning to the classroom, a classmate informed Jiang Yu that Dean Kong was looking for him.

Since joining ETO, Jiang Yu had been voicing some radical opinions in front of Kong Xiang, and he could feel that Kong Xiang was increasingly appreciating him.

However, the fact that Kong Xiang was seeking him out just after he had connected with Da Shi made Jiang Yu somewhat anxious.

After thanking the classmate who had relayed the message, Jiang Yu made his way to Kong Xiang's office with familiarity.

Kong Xiang was the dean of the Humanities and Social Sciences Academy at Yanjing University, in his forties, and somewhat portly.

As Jiang Yu entered the room, Kong Xiang was seated at his desk writing something. In the spacious office, only the teacher and student were present. Kong Xiang gave Jiang Yu a slight smile, "Take a seat, I'll be done shortly."

Jiang Yu nodded and sat opposite Kong Xiang, seemingly casting an inadvertent glance at what Kong Xiang was writing.

He roughly understood that it was something about the societal impact of genetic technologies.

Since Kong Xiang wasn't hiding it, it meant that it wasn't classified information, so Jiang Yu didn't make much of it.

After about fifteen minutes, Kong Xiang finally finished writing. He smiled and said, "Your analysis of humanity's inherent flaws at the organization's internal meeting was truly brilliant. No one would believe that it came from a freshman."

Studying humanities and social sciences was different from other disciplines, requiring substantial social experience to achieve any significant success in this field.

And as a student, Jiang Yu's profound views had made an impression on the people at ETO.

An idea crossed Jiang Yu's mind: Deception Points from Teacher Kong +1.

It seemed Dean Kong truly believed that he was as radical as the opinions he had expressed.

He smiled and said, "It's all thanks to Teacher Kong's excellent instruction."

Kong Xiang was pleased to accept the compliment, "Indeed, only those of us who study society realize that humanity is beyond salvation."

Then he changed the topic, "Humanity has monopolized such a beautiful planet and remains bloody, selfish, and greedy. It's a sin."

Jiang Yu agreed, "Yes, I really hope we can end the current situation soon."

Deception Points from Teacher Kong +1.

Hmm? Jiang Yu smiled bitterly to himself. Was Dean Kong too trusting of him? He believed whatever he said!

"Humanity is not far from extinction!" Kong Xiang said with an excited laugh.

Jiang Yu was startled, "But there's no sign of the human world falling apart yet!"

Kong Xiang lowered his voice, "Let me tell you some good news. The 'Poison Apple Project' has already been initiated. The goal of this project is to completely dismantle human society, causing humanity to exhaust most of its strength in self-destruction, leading to total obliteration from the inside out!"

Jiang Yu was shocked, "The Poison Apple Project"? He didn't remember such a thing from the original story!

Kong Xiang continued, "The Lord has given us some critical technologies, making the first step of the project very smooth. We are now clandestinely starting to influence the elite class; no one can resist this deadly temptation."

Jiang Yu quickly collected his thoughts, "What are the specific details of this project?"