
Chapter 93 The Serious Da Shi_1


The silver sphere struck Pan Han and rolled a couple of times on the ground without exploding as she had feared; it wasn't a nuclear bomb she'd taken as a weapon.

The slim figure of the female escort dashed toward the Three-Body model like lightning, and at the moment of touch, realized it was not the right weight, nor a nuclear bomb.

Then, the one the man was cradling must definitely be the real nuclear bomb.

Though a normal impact would only set off the conventional explosives on the periphery and would not aptly compress the fissile material at the core to initiate a nuclear explosion, if the heavy element fissile materials were released, they would emit lethal radiation. Even if it wouldn't kill everyone on the spot like a nuclear blast would, it could cause severe radiation sickness.

If he slipped up, everyone in the hall would be exposed to serious radiation. It was intended for emergencies, just in case; it would be quite the joke if it ended up taking out their own people first.

Of course, the female escort didn't find the situation amusing at all. She looked at Ding Yi, beads of sweat glistened on her forehead, yet she remained calm, "Comrade, please hand over the silver sphere in your hand to me. It's a Three-Body Motion model and very important to our organization."

"Sorry, I was just trying to protect the Commander and didn't mean to damage the Three-Body model."

Ding Yi smiled and made a gesture as if intending to hand over the sphere. The female escort sighed with relief and moved forward to take it back.

However, the moment the girl came close, he caught her off guard and made a decisive move.

Ding Yi's enhanced body had surpassed that of a Mortal; with one hand he held the nuclear bomb and with the other, he subdued the female escort, going up and down, swiftly taking out a remote control and slipped it into his own pocket.

All of this happened so quickly that the others hadn't even managed to react.

Wang Miao started to harbor doubts, wondering if Ding Yi, who on the surface was a scientist, was actually a military super-spy?

Ye Wenjie also noticed Ding Yi, and seeing her fiancé in this place, her eyes flickered with surprise, showing indescribable complex emotions.

"What are you doing?!"

The other informed Trisolaran Warriors saw things were going south and rushed to take the sphere from Ding Yi's hands, but before they could get close, they were kicked away by him.

One by one, they were sent flying backward, landing on the ground, curling up like shrimps, emitting pained groans.

At this point, everyone's attention was focused on Ding Yi.

Suddenly, several loud bangs! The two large doors of the dining room burst open simultaneously and a group of soldiers wearing gas masks and carrying submachine guns stormed in.

With the threat of the nuclear bomb gone, the chaos was quickly subdued; about a dozen Trisolaran Warriors were killed, and the rest, more than two hundred people including Ye Wenjie, were captured.

Outside the factory, next to a military vehicle, Ding Yi, holding a ten-kilogram silver sphere, passed it to Da Shi.

Da Shi, thinking it was light, casually took it and, unprepared, almost didn't catch it properly.

He weighed the silver sphere in his hand, "Damn, what the hell is this thing, and why is it so heavy!"

"It's a nuclear bomb, handle it carefully."

Da Shi was shocked, struggling to put on a smile, "Doctor Ding, you're not pulling my leg, are you?"

Ding Yi didn't respond, his gaze fixed on Ye Wenjie being led away by soldiers.

At that moment, he truly didn't know how to face Yang Dong, nor did he know whether it would be right to tell her about this incident.

Seeing that he wasn't responding, Da Shi scratched his head and called over a bomb expert. After a quick examination, they confirmed it was indeed a nuclear bomb, albeit with a small yield of only 1500 tons of TNT, incomparable to bombs in the millions or tens of millions ton range, but enough to blow the factory sky-high.

The bomb expert carefully secured the nuclear bomb and glanced at Ding Yi, who remained motionless.

"What's wrong with him?"

"The woman who was just taken away, Ye Wenjie, is his mother-in-law."


Da Shi pulled out a cigarette, puffing and blowing smoke.

"Ah, this is absurd, isn't it?" the bomb expert clicked his tongue in disbelief.

"Heh, whatever absurd thing happens now, it doesn't surprise me anymore."

"Aliens are pretty absurd, right? And yet it happened!"

After that, Da Shi took a fierce drag, then threw the remaining half-smoked cigarette onto the ground, stomping on it twice in frustration: "Damn it, we actually got involved with aliens!"

Even if someone told him now that not only aliens but also immortals existed in the world, he wouldn't be surprised; nothing could surprise him anymore.



"Ye Wenjie"


In the operations center, facing the official's interrogation, Ye Wenjie was very cooperative. She revealed everything, including how she killed her husband and leader in that era, how she met Evans, the important information intercepted by the Adventists that he represented, and how the recent turmoil in the scientific community was due to human basic science being locked by two protons.

Unlike Ye Wenjie, Pan Han still wanted to resist, but faced with professional interrogation methods, he surrendered in less than half a day and also spilled a secret message: the Adventists were about to start poisoning globally.

Having eavesdropped on the conversation above, Wang Miao and Ding Yi thought of leaving the operations center as midnight approached, but were stopped by Da Shi, who brought them into a room.

Da Shi was unusually serious instead of his normally frivolous demeanor, which made both of them feel a bit uneasy.

Seeing that he was delayed in speaking, Wang Miao couldn't help but break the silence.

"Do you think what Ye Wenjie said was true?"

"I'm not sure about that, but what Pan Han said is true."

Da Shi's response made Wang Miao's face look very upset, and he anxiously asked, "Have the hospital's test results come out?"

"They're out. Everyone at that gathering was infected with the prion virus, including you."

"Is there a cure?"

"It's difficult. There's no medicine available for this disease at the moment, at least for now."

Wang Miao's face turned pale, and he slumped into a chair, his whole being deflated—not so much because he was afraid to die, but because he thought of his parents, his wife, and his son who had just turned eight. If he were gone, what would happen to them?

After a while, he mustered up the courage to ask:

"Is it contagious?"

"No, at least not through direct contact or respiratory transmission." Da Shi shook his head and added, "Its infectiousness is similar to the HIV virus. The hospital has confirmed this. Otherwise, the people in the operations center wouldn't have let you in."

"This disease isn't that fast-acting. According to Pan Han's confession, operations centers around the world have been conducting extensive overnight searches for members of the Adventist group who are involved in the poisoning. But as far as we know so far, the treatment drug is only available on that ship. The operations center is still discussing operational plans, and we will contact you as soon as there's a breakthrough."

Wang Miao sighed and said, "I hope you'll be successful."

"Trust us, we will succeed."

Da Shi wanted to offer a few more words of comfort but was interrupted by Ding Yi, who had been silent until now suddenly saying, "That, I think I might have a way to treat the prion virus."


Both turned to look at him.