

<p>On a desolate world, , over 30 feet below ground, a man stood, in his circular laboratory,typing frantically into his computer. A glass pane in front of him. <br/> <br/> Behind the glass pane was a capsule containing a dark red, nearly black viscous substance that seemed to be pulled into the middle of the capsule but not emptying or getting less enough for whatever absorbing it to be seen. The capsule was connected to various wires that seemed to be connected to ports in the wall. The wires were clear, so the substance could be seen flowing through them into the capsule.<br/> <br/> The man that was typing was distraught and his face could be seen, full of tear stains. "It's almost here. I have to hurry up before it hits and he dies." If anyone had seen him they would likely think that he was insane. <br/> <br/> On the surface of this planet, the ground, the actual earth began to smoke and sizzle as a energy seemed to cake the world itself until it became a thick red cloud of vapor. Slowly but surely the world seemed to be gettin hotter and hotter and becoming vapor. <br/> <br/> Back below the surface, the man stopped typing and looked at the capsule with longing, regret and a lot of fear in his eyes. He pressed a button on his computer and the capsule disappeared in a blue light. The wires connected to the capsule were empty, so nothing came out. The man turned his head to the ceiling and waited. Moments later, the lab and the man himself turned into a vapor. Then the world itself turned into vapor.</p>

If you think it is short don’t worry I will try and make it long as it goes by but just give me back feedback please. Thanks

Jamesshintocreators' thoughts