
This Sword Cultivator is Somewhat Dependable

Lu Qingshan, a renowned player ranked in the top ten of the Sword Cultivators' leaderboard in "Nine Heavens," had been reincarnated into the very game world for which he had always strived. Sword Cultivator, a class in "Nine Heavens," known for dealing the highest damage but also having the least amount of health, leading to their nickname "Brute." In this life, Lu Qingshan had still chosen the path of the Sword Cultivator. However, this Sword Cultivator seemed a bit too stable???

Runaway BBQ Pork Bun · ゲーム
92 Chs

Escape from the Corpse Refining Cave

With the addition of these 60 Experience Points, Lu Qingshan had already accumulated 120 Experience Points.

Lu Qingshan invested 100 Experience Points into the Qi Refinement Technique.

At this time, any increase in strength was good!

"[Qi Refinement Technique]has been upgraded to lv2, gaining 1 Free Attribute Point!"

In the Qi Refinement stage, one gains 1 Attribute Point for every two levels of advancement.

Lu Qingshan did not hesitate and immediately allocated the Attribute Points to Strength.

Sword Cultivators always fully invest in their Strength.

Hurried footsteps sounded.

They were coming!

Lu Qingshan held his breath.

This was the last monster. As long as he dealt with this Qi Refinement Fourth Grade creature, he would have cleared the [Corpse Refining Cave]dungeon.

A somewhat lean shadow appeared within Lu Qingshan's line of sight.

That physique, if it got close, wouldn't I knock them down one punch at a time?

Lu Qingshan was determined. He took out a Swift Movement Talisman from his hand, gave himself a Swift Movement buff, and prepared to charge.

He wanted to play it safe, but the turn of events forced him to rush in recklessly.

Before charging, Lu Qingshan first cast Heavenly Eye Technique.


Wu Yi (Human Race)

Occupation: Dharma Cultivator (Main)

Cultivation Technique: [Qi Refinement Technique]Lv4 (335/400)

Rank: Qi Refinement

Attributes: Strength 1, Agility 1, Mana 3, Divine Soul 1, Charm 1, Stamina 1

Health Points: 11/11

Spiritual Power Value: 40/40

Skills: Qi Concealing Technique lv1, ???, …

Talents: None


"Brother Si?" An uncertain voice sounded beside him, and to Lu Qingshan's surprise, it seemed to be a woman's voice?

In such a creepy, eerie place, full of corpses and only frequented by men, could there really be a female cultivator?!

Jie Shi had not specifically mentioned when introducing the Corpse Refining Cave to Lu Qingshan that among the five disciples taken by the True Blood Corpse, there was a woman.

Si Xuesong had died and naturally couldn't respond to this Wu Yi.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi's eyes flickered for a moment, and after hesitating briefly on the spot, she decisively turned around and fled, a faint cyan light glinting on her body.

[Wind Control Skill]!

This woman?! Lu Qingshan was flabbergasted.

"Lucky I reacted quickly," Wu Yi thought to herself as she fled, "otherwise I might have died here today."

The Mist Formation is a Second Grade Illusion Array. Anyone who can break through the illusory effects of the Mist Formation and enter the Corpse Refining Cave must not have low Cultivation.

Not to mention she had immediately rushed here upon hearing the noises. Yet, in just such a brief moment, the Second Brother—who was at the Sixth Grade of Qi Refinement—was already lying beside, alive or dead unknown.

It was terrifying, truly terrifying!

Wu Yi was both shocked and scared, and didn't dare look back to see if her imagined formidable enemy was chasing her. Instead, relying on her familiarity with the terrain, she darted left and right through the complex network of caves and quickly disappeared.

The cunning rabbit has three burrows. The True Blood Corpse also knew the consequences if his actions were discovered and feared being besieged one day, so he had quietly arranged several secret escape passages within the Corpse Refining Cave.

Of course, aside from Wu Yi, the other disciples of the True Blood Corpse did not know about these escape routes.

As for how Wu Yi knew, cough cough, female disciple.avi, you know what I mean.

Well, the boss was out, the elite monsters were not present, and now even the minions had slipped away, the guardianship awareness of the monsters in this dungeon was not up to par.

Looking at the now empty, eerily silent Corpse Refining Cave, Lu Qingshan could not help but sigh inwardly.

Lu Qingshan also did not dare to relax. He quickly gathered Si Xuesong's storage bag, searched Si Xuesong's body for a moment, and after finding Si Xuesong's Defensive Artifact, he also quickly headed for the cave entrance.

The Mist Formation, a Formation specifically set up to protect dens, differed from those formations specially designed to kill enemies.

It was shielded against external intrusion but offered no resistance to those inside who wished to leave, making it difficult for outsiders to penetrate the formation and enter, while those inside could exit without obstruction.

Lu Qingshan walked straight through the Mist Formation and into a clearing.

He made it out.

Lu Qingshan let out a breath, his nerves had been taut since the moment he entered, and now, he could finally relax a bit.

Inside the Corpse Refining Cave, three rounds of confrontation and scheming seemed smooth, but the peril involved was known only to him. A slight oversight or an unexpected event could have easily cost him his life in the cave.

If he crossed over and ended up typing "gg" without even seeing the sun of this world, he would surely be kicked from the group chat by the group admin.

At this thought, Lu Qingshan looked up at the sky.

What the hell?

Where is my sun?

The deep blue sky was exceptionally clear, with stars scattered densely across, like shattered gold.

It turned out to be deep into the night.

Looking back at the Corpse Refining Cave that seemed so close yet had disappeared from view (effect of the Mist Formation), Lu Qingshan felt a myriad of emotions.

How does that saying go?

Right, this is the beginning of a legend.


The location of the Corpse Refining Cave was in a desolate mountain deep in the wilderness.

Lu Qingshan looked around and saw nothing but trees, unable to discern his location.

Lu Qingshan understood that escaping the Corpse Refining Cave didn't mean he was safe.

Who knows if that escaped woman had gathered reinforcements for a sudden counterattack to trouble him.

It was imperative to leave this place. Lu Qingshan randomly chose a direction and, taking advantage of the remaining effect of the Swift Movement Talisman, quickly vanished into the forest.


Wu Yi, looking at the entrance now concealed by dense vines, patted her still-heaving chest, let out a breath, looked at the stars above, found the North Star, and started walking rapidly in its direction, also quickly disappearing into the quiet mountain.

A few dozen miles to the north was Yuanshan City, where her senior brother and master were located. First, she would go there, tell them what had happened, and see what her master would say.

Wu Yi bit her lip, making this plan in her heart.


The sky gradually turned white.

Lu Qingshan had been on the run all night.


Lu Qingshan was breathing heavily.

To think a Sword Cultivator would be fleeing not by flying with his sword but running on his own two feet.

Lu Qingshan's eyes welled up with tears.

This feeling of running on feet, perhaps I should avoid reliving it.


The faint sound of water could be heard not far away.

Lu Qingshan's heart stirred, and he hurried his steps toward the direction of the noise.

Sure enough, a river appeared in front of Lu Qingshan after a short while.

A look of joy appeared on Lu Qingshan's face. He went to the riverbank, scooped up some water, first washed his face, and invigorated his spirit which was slightly languid from traveling all night.

By following the river, he presumed he would soon come across a village or town, where he could then ascertain exactly where he was.

Moreover, the Blood Corpse Real Man had never seen his face, nor could he possibly guess that the one who killed his three treasured disciples came from a corpse in the Corpse Pool. As long as Lu Qingshan blended into the crowd, they would meet but not recognize each other.

But speaking of which, not only did the Blood Corpse Real Man not know, Lu Qingshan himself didn't know what his currently face looked like either.

With this thought, Lu Qingshan could not help but also feel a bit of curiosity. He leaned over the riverbank.

The unpolluted and clear-as-a-mirror water surface crisply reflected his face back at him.

Well-defined eyebrows, attractive eyes, a straight and prominent nose, and lips of moderate thickness, his facial contours were sharp and clear.

Lu Qingshan couldn't help but touch his own face, nodding in satisfaction.

Hot damn, quite handsome?

As expected of me!