
this existed back in the day

this existed back in the day

Yahazek · ファンタジー
95 Chs

Beating people is fun.

"Finally, he left. Of course, I'm not going to follow his orders." The whole story could just be made up. I was impressed by how much strength he has, and that was enough to make me think good of him.

"He probably just wanted me to come over to the princess on my own so that he doesn't have to waste his time getting me to her. Such a dumbass." While I called him dumb, I realized that I was the dumb one. Why did I believe everything he told me?

"Oh well, what's important is that after he left my mind cleared and now I know where not to go. Thanks Mr "dead hero"." I should be more careful from now on.

I nearly fell into his trap, and now my mood is ruined. Well, I have a whole month to get my mood back up, so I'm just gonna pretend like that conversation never happened in the first place.

What bothers me is that he serves the princess, so I have to be strong enough to beat him if I want to take out the whole kingdom. I've got a long way to go, so let's not waste anymore time.


Right now I'm in the adventurer's village, and their main raid group is gone missing.

"Hehe, I wonder why." I mean, it wasn't my fault they died. They were all frozen anyways, I just took their experience that would have disappeared.

Well, this just creates an extra opportunity for me. They are running low on food and other materials, so this is the perfect time to do a raid. I will be able to earn loads of cash, plus doing a solo raid will yield lots of experience.

I walked into the adventurer's guild and asked to sign up for a solo raid.

"I know that you may be attracted by the high rewards, but maybe you should reconsider. Even for a high level adventurer solo raiding is equivalent to suicide, never-mind a kid with no experience like yourself." The receptionist was a young lady with a pretty appealing look, but her attitude really pisses me off.

"I don't really care what you think. There are no rules that state that I'm not allowed to do a raid, so just hand me the permission card." After I said that, I heard someone heavy take a few steps towards me. By heavy I mean that the "someone has an unnecessary amount of muscle mass.

How could I tell that? Because if he was fat, his steps would have been slightly sloppy.

It's something I've learned to differentiate in my life back on earth, because when had two different physical education teacher, a fat one and an overly muscly one.

I'm honestly surprised that this kind of knowledge is coming in handy even in this world, but enough about that.

The point I was making is that he is an adventurer.

"Hey! You can't even lift a twig with that body of yours, yet you want to do a solo raid? Haa, kids nowadays are ready to do anything to get the attention of the public. Who are you trying to impress here, huh? If you want to pick up a girl, do it somewhere else." And here it goes, the classic scene. I could do with a punching bag to release some of my built up tension.

"Hey, are you even listening to me?" He said and grabbed my shoulder.

I gleamed at him with a wide smile.

"Thanks." I'm glad that he is the impatient type.

"What are you smiling at? Can't you tell what kind of situation you're in? And why did you thank me?" I guess my behavior looks very odd, considering that there's a pretty strong looking guy right in front of me.

"Thanks for being the one to assault me first. I'm allowed to beat the shit out of you now, as self defense. You know, I'm in a pretty bad mood today, so thanks for being my punching bag." My smile grew wider at the thought of beating someone up. It's basically like having a massive stress reliever toy, what could be better than that?

"Pfff.. Hahahah!! That a funny joke kid, but I don't want to be fooling around with you anymore. Leave or I will have to use violence." He presses his hand down on my shoulder with some force.

"It's too late for you to run now, old man."

"What are you taking abo—*crack* Agh!!" I grabbed his middle finger and twisted it in the teeing direction.

"Hahaha, the crack your finger made is golden, and coupled with the scream, it's like a perfect symphony~~." It's happens to me again.

The state during which I get overly violent.

I don't know if it's an ability I have or if that's just my character, but nonetheless I'm enjoying it.

"You will pay for that, bastard!" He shouted and swung his leg aiming for my knee, in reply to which I started twisting his whole wrist in the wrong direction.

He collapsed to his knees, which naturally happens when your wrist gets bent upwards to prevent it from breaking.

It does stop the wrist from breaking, however being in that position during a fight completely exposes the rest of your body.

"You should have let me break you wrist, moron. Now you get to pay for that mistake with your face. It already looks really ugly, I wonder how much worse it will get if I make your nose flat?" I said and trampled on his nose with my foot.

Another crunch, followed by an even louder scream of pain.

"And you call yourself an adventurer, when breaking a few bones makes you weep in pain? I'm gonna quote ya here - «Haa, adults nowadays are ready to do anything to get the attention of the public. Who are you trying to impress here, huh?». Role reversals are pretty fun, aren't they?" A few kicks on his knees and he can't get up anymore.


He didn't put up much of a fight, but I still enjoyed ever single bit of this.

"Lemme take down a note." I pulled out my book and wrote «beating annoying bastards up is a great way to relieve your stress».

It’s an unsurprising surprise. Somebody should make a word for that.

Hope you enjoyed this session of assbeating.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts